Volume 17, Issue 86 (2019)
Articles - original research papers
Structural Changes and Technological Progress as Factors of Labour Market Developments in the V4 Countries in 2004–2018
Tomasz Białowąs, Paweł Pasierbiak, and Monika Wojtas
Typical and Atypical (Flexible) Forms of Employment. Between Security and Flexibility
Andrzej Patulski
Antecedents of Workplace Deviance: Role of Job Insecurity, Work Stress, and Ethical Work Climate
Shuaib Ahmed Soomro, Yasir Mansoor Kundi, and Muhammad Kamran
The Legal Rules of Employees’ Remuneration and Their Implementation in Polish Enterprises
Krzysztof Walczak
Factors Related to the Intention of Starting a Business: A Study Among Students in Vietnam
Duong Công Doanh and Tomasz Bernat