Volume 19, Issue 94 (2021)
Articles - original research papers
Scientific Editor’s Note
Tomasz Zalega
Buying Behaviors of Polish Consumers During the Pandemic Lockdown – Research Results
Ewa Prymon-Ryś and Agnieszka Galarowicz
Young Consumers’ Concerns About Meeting Their Food Needs During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Irena Ozimek and Joanna Rakowska
Virtual Environment as a Space of Shopping Center Customer Engagement
Grzegorz Maciejewski and Piotr Krowicki
Factors Impacting Consumer Choices From the Perspective of Owners and Managers of Beauty Parlors Located in Kraków and the Neighborhood
Małgorzata Kryczka
Valuation of Livestock in Farms
Piotr Kica and Piotr Szczypa
Whistleblowing in Health Care Organizations: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Małgorzata Z. Wiśniewska
Social Responsibility of Healthcare Entities in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic – A Literature Review
Iwona Czerska
The Impact of External Factors on Stock Return Volatility in the European Banking Sector
Katarzyna Niewińska
Participation of Women and Men in Entrepreneurship in Various Countries
Iuliia Pinkovetskaia, Anton Lebedev, Natalya Rokunova, and Natalya Shamina