Volume 5, Issue 18 (2007)
Articles - original research papers
Knowledge and intellectual capital management in organization - essence and basic relations
Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Relations between companies' orientation to knowledge and their business performance
Jolanta Mazur, Małgorzata Rószkiewicz, and Marianna Strzyżewska
Impact of knowledge on the sources of financing on the dynamics of enterprise development
Anna Wójcik-Karpacz, Bogdan Nogalski, and Jarosław Karpacz
Opportunities for increasing innovation of small enterprises under the circumstances of global competition
Jerzy Bogdanienko
The role of knowledge and innovation in the development of small and medium enterprises
Robert Wolański
Creating innovation in partner networks. The case of NTT DoCoMo
Krzysztof Klincewicz
Functional conditions for the pharmaceutical sector in Poland
Katarzyna Nowicka
The potential of using Web 2.0 tools in the e-learning process
Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor