Volume 7, Issue 5 (2018)
Editorial Foreword
Capacity market – new challenges for the energy sector (from the volume editors)
Marzena Czarnecka and Marcin Kraśniewski
Capacity market in Poland – purpose of implementation of the Act, EU and Polish conditions, key assumptions of the concept and the Act
Tomasz Dąbrowski
Capacity Market as a Tool Supporting the Construction of New Power Plants – Will it Work?
Igor Muszyński
Capacity mechanisms – definition, classification and future of a two-commodity market in the European Union
Grzegorz Pizoń
The essence and legal aspects of the functioning of a secondary market for the capacity market
Michał Bałdowski and Marcin Kraśniewski
Realization of a capacity obligation by power companies
Bartłomiej Pawlak and Marcin Ziarkowski
The protection of legitimate expectations and the adjustment of capacity mechanisms to the Regulation on the internal market for electricity
Jędrzej Maśnicki
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Book Review
Conference Reports
Report on the Conference „Bezpieczeństwo, regulacja i konkurencja na rynku energetycznym” [„Safety, regulation and competition on the energy market”], Łódź, 26.04.2018
Mateusz Czuba, Wojciech Modzelewski, and Michał Pytkowski