Avdylkader Mucaj: 0000-0002-9665-4492
Competition Law, Institutional Design, Enforcement, Challenges, Kosovo
The aim of this article is, on the one hand, to provide an overview of the competition law framework in Kosovo vis-á-vis the establishment of the Kosovo Competition Authority (hereinafter; the Authority), its institutional design as well as the criteria for becoming a member of the Commission within the Authority, which is the most important decision-making body in the field of competition law in Kosovo. On the other hand, it discusses some of the challenges the Authority as well as the courts are facing as regards the effective enforcement of competition law provisions in Kosovo, be it procedural or substantive. In addition, the only three cases decided by the Authority, since its establishment in 2008, are briefly discussed. Last but not least, it tries to contextualise the role of the EU concerning enacting as well as enforcing competition law in some of the South East Europe (hereinafter; SEE) countries, with the main focus placed on Kosovo. Without the European perspective, it is convincing to say that the picture that would result from a competitiveness viewpoint would change dramatically, although the EU’s efforts alone are not sufficient in the absence of serious efforts by the states themselves.
Recommended Citation
Mucaj, A. (2020). Competition Law Framework in Kosovo and the Role of the EU in Promoting Competition Policies in Other Countries and Regions Wishing to Join the Block. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, 13(22), 89-116. https://doi.org/10.7172/1689-9024.YARS.2020.13.22.4
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University of Warsaw