Volume 13, Issue 22 (2020)
Judicial review in competition cases in Croatia: Winning and losing arguments before the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia
Dubravka Akšamović
Competition Enforcement Models in the Western Balkans Countries – The Rule of Law Still Terra Incognita?
Dijana Marković-Bajalović
Institutional Design, Efficiency and Due Process in Competition Enforcement: Lessons from Slovenia and Serbia
Veljko Smiljanić and Kevin Rihtar
Putting Dawn Raids under Control
Jorge G. Contreras Condezo, Annabel Kingma, and Miroslava Scholten
Particularities of Proving a Single and Continuous Infringement of EU Competition Rules
Mirna Romić Romić
State-Controlled Entities in the EU Merger Control: the Case of PKN Orlen and Lotos Group
Alexandr Svetlicinii
Gun Jumping in Selected SEE Countries – an Obvious Risk in M&A Transactions
Marija Zrno Prošić, Raško Radovanović, and Robert Kordić
Abuse of dominance in the electronic communications markets: overview of Croatian efforts with a report on recent developments
Mislav Bradvica and Kristina Rudec
Jurgita Malinauskaite, Harmonisation of EU Competition Law Enforcement, Springer, 2020, p. 285
Monika Woźniak
6th Competition Law and Policy Conference in Memory of Dr. Vedran Šoljan – ‘Challenges to the Enforcement of Competition Rules in Central and Eastern Europe’ & ‘Competition Policy Enforcement in Digital Economy: Recent Developments’, University of Zagreb, 12–13 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia
Vlatka Butorac Malnar and Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman
Editorial foreword
Jurgita Malinauskaite
The Implementation of the European Green Deal – Tensions Between a Market-based Approach and State Aid for Renewables
Aleksandra Granat and Małgorzata Kozak