Volume 15, Issue 70 (2017)
Articles - original research papers
North–South: Poland and Brazil in Turmoil
Ladislau Dowbor
Religious Market and Its Entrepreneurs: Comparative Perspective on Brazil and Poland
Renata Siuda-Ambroziak and Ewa Stachowska
Comparing Legal Services Markets in Poland and Brazil – Managerial and Cultural Aspects
Marek Gnusowski and Ludmila Rodrigues Antunes
Bridging the Psychic Distance Through Diaspora Networks: The Case of Polish Firms in Brazil
Aleksandra Wąsowska
The Quality of Business Relationships in the Automotive Industry and the Company Performance: The Case of Polish and Brazilian Markets
Łukasz Małys, Justyna Światowiec-Szczepańska, and Michał Zdziarski
Economic Power, Development and Neoliberalism in Brazil
Rubens R. Sawaya
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Brazil: Recent Trends
Rogério Arthmar and Alexandre Ottoni Teatini Salles
Educative Effects of Bolsa Familia: Brazil in Latin American Context
Facundo Luis Crosta and Lucas Mariano Conti
The European Union’s Trade Relations with Brazil in 2004–2015
Monika Wojtas and Tomasz Białowąs
Political Economy of the Coup d’État in Brazil
Alexis Dantas and Elias Jabbour