Volume 4, Issue 12 (2006)
Articles - original research papers
Determinants of Regional Management of Public Health Care Sector
Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka
Pharmacotherapy Process Management
Maciej Paprocki
Efficient Management of Medicines within Pharmaceutical and Medical Care
Marcin Czech, Tomasz Olszewski, and Ewelina Ścibor
Abandoning the Siemaszko Model: What Will be the Future of Health Care? Russia, Ukraine and Latvia - Case Studies
Ewa Rogoś and Zofia Skrzypczak
State Interventionism and Accessibility of Health Care
Katarzyna Nowicka
Identyfing Relational Bonds In The Health Care Sector - The Application Of Lvpls Model
Iga Rudawska and Adam Sagan
Generic Drugs Industry - Globalization and Consolidation
Katarzyna Nędzi
The Biotechnological Industry - Global Tendencies and Strategic Perspectives for Polish Enterprises
Krzysztof Klincewicz
Marketing Strategies of Pharmaceutical Companies
Małgorzata Michalik and Henryk Mruk
Marketing Plan for Ethical Medicines - Structure and Specificity
Grzegorz Karasiewicz and Krzysztof Podstawka
Brand Positioning for Products on the Pharmaceutical Market
Monika Skorek and Agnieszka Wilczak
Medical Representatives on Pharmaceutical Market in Poland - Selected Fallacies and Facts
Krzysztof Cybulski and Maciej Misztak
Promotion of Medicinal Products - Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Barbara Możejko-Pastewka