Volume 4, Issue 8 (2015)
Editorial Foreword
Limits of the powers of inspection of the European Commission in the light of the recent case law of the European Court of Justice
Marta Michałek-Gervais
‘Turnover-related-premium’, ‘rebate’ and ‘a charge other than commercial margin’. The principle expressed in resolution of Supreme Court of Poland of 18.11.2015 (III CZP 73/15) and its practical application
Joanna Affre and Piotr Skołubowicz
If you can’t beat them, join them lawfully – consortium bidding in the view of the Polish Competition Act
Małgorzata Salitra
Selected aspects of legal and ownership status of Polish transmission system operator on the example of Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A.
Mateusz Radziński
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Case comment to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 2 October 2014 in case Delta Pekárny a.s. v. the Czech Republic (application no. 97/11)
Bartosz Turno and Emilia Wardęga
Case comment to the judgement in case C-583/13 P Deutsche Bahn AG and others v. Commission
Katarzyna Manteuffel
Case comment to the judgement in cases C-399/10 P and C-401/10 P Bouygues i Bouygues Télécom v. Commission
Aleksandra Kłoczko
Book Review
Marta Michałek, Right to defence in EU Competition Law: the case of inspections, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW, Warsaw 2015, s. 431
Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk
Conference Reports
Private Enforcement of Competition Law. Key Lessons from Recent International Developments, London, 5–6 March 2015
Emilia Wardęga
10 Jahre UGP-Richtlinie: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, Berlin, 7–8 May 2015
Monika Namysłowska and Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Harmonisation of Private Antitrust Enforcement: A Central and Eastern European Perspective, Supraśl, 2–4 July 2015
Paulina Korycińska-Rządca