Volume 5, Issue 1 (2016)
Editorial Foreword
Changes, changes, changes…
Anna Piszcz
RPM agreements in the context of the book market
Jarosław Fidala
Non-competition law based review of mergers on audiovisual, real estate and pharmaceutical markets
Piotr Semeniuk
When will the creation of a new company not be classified as a joint venture? Practical considerations regarding joint ventures under Polish competition law
Joanna Lenart and Teresa Kaczyńska
Self-regulation of advertising in Poland – opportunities and threats to competition and consumer protection
Marcin Kolasiński
The Internet as a place of unfair competition practices – the issue of legal protection for a domain name
Anna Tworkowska-Baraniuk
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
New Polish technology transfer block exemption – which agreements meet its requirements?
Magdalena Knapp
The principle of proportionality in calculating fines for competition law violations. Analysis of the fine calculation method in the EU, Turkey and Poland
Aleksandra Kłoczko
Private enforcement in Germany – review of recent jurisprudence
Mariusz Motyka-Mojkowski
Legal standard regarding vertical pricing restraints consisting of resale fixed (or minimal) price maintenance under the Polish Act on Competition and Consumer Protection. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 November 2011, III SK 21/11
Agata Zawłocka-Turno and Bartosz Turno
Book Review
Conference Reports
Report on the First National Conference Changes in the Polish postal sector, Łódź, 9.12.2015
Marcin Kraśniewski