Volume 13, Issue 51 (2015)
Articles - original research papers
Why So Little Is Known about the Growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – Subjectivity in Research
Julita Wasilczuk
Milestone of Entrepreneurship Research Development? GEM and PSED – Comparison, Achievements, Aspiration and Future Perspectives
Przemysław Zbierowski
Academic Education in Shaping the Perception of Entrepreneurship and Developing Entrepreneurial Intention
Aleksandra Gaweł and Maciej Pietrzykowski
Stakeholders and Cooperation in Higher Education Institutions
Ana Paula Marques, Rita Moreira, and Sandra Ramos
Entrepreneurship without Borders: Do Borders Matter for International Entrepreneurship?
Krzysztof Wach
Global Mindset and Internationalization of Polish SMEs: Antecedents and Outcomes
Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič
The Supervisory Board in The Family Businesses in Poland – Ballast or Added Value? Review of Experiences and Expectations
Izabela Koładkiewicz
Industrial Chains (Supply Chain) and Innovative Activity
in The Mazovian Province Industrial System
Arkadiusz Świadek and Barbara Czerniachowicz
Negotiations Planning in Small & Medium-sized Consulting Enterprises. Methodological Concept & Research Results
Andrzej Kozina
An Evolutionary Approach to Understanding Adjustment of MNCs in A Complex Environment
Agnieszka Dziubińska
Affective Automatic Processes as Determinants of Managers’ Decision-making
Marzena Jankowska-Mihułowicz