Volume 15, Issue 65 (2017)
Articles - original research papers
Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness in the EU Member States, with Special Regard to the Visegrad Countries
Anita Pelle and Marcell Zoltán Végh
Capital – Opportunity and Danger for the Company
Marta Postuła
The Private Equity Market in Poland and in Central and Eastern Europe: Selected Aspects
Joanna Małecka and Teresa Łuczka
The Ethnic Entrepreneurship as a Multidimensional Process in the Context of System Approach
Leszek Kwieciński and Patrycja Matusz-Protasiewicz
Women Entrepreneurs: A Study of Indonesian Female Evidence and Perception for Becoming Entrepreneurs
Sandra Sunanto, Agus Gunawan, Theresia Gunawan, and Meine Pieter van Dijk
Entrepreneurship and Creation of New Business: Perceptions, Behaviours and Attitudes of Students of a Portuguese Higher Education Institution
Maria Isabel Barreiro Ribeiro, António José Gonçalves Fernandes, Paula Sofia Alves Cabo, and Alda Maria Vieira Matos
Images of Entrepreneurs – Research Results
Michał Chmielecki and Łukasz Sułkowski
Traditional Versus Rapid Internationalization of High-Tech firms. Results of Investigation
Nelly Daszkiewicz
Quality Management Standard for Learning Service Providers – Critical Analysis
Sławomir Wawak, Roman Batko, and Piotr Rogala
Differentiating Criteria and Segmentation of Polish Startup Companies
Katarzyna Rostek and Agnieszka Skala
Negotiation Competences of an Entrepreneur
Andrzej Kozina