Volume 6, Issue 22 (2008)
Articles - original research papers
Modernized Managerial Functions
Maria Holstein-Beck
The Control Function in the Management Process and the Role of the Manager in Its Creation (on the Basis of the Organizational Examples in Małopolska)
Arkadiusz Potocki and Marek Makowiec
Key Management Teams and Company Strategy - the Study Design on Sample Polish Listed Companies
Aleksandra Wąsowska and Michał Zdziarski
Types of Managerial Functions
Hanna Fołtyn
The Managerial Functions on the Basis of the Nongovernmental Organizations Leaders' Example
Joanna Hernik
Competence-based Development of Managers - Advantages and Challenges
Agnieszka Polanowska
The managerial competences in the face of enterprise reorganization
Ryszard Walkowiak
Managerial Errors - Selected Sources and the Implications for the Enterprise Development
Jacek Pasieczny and Beata Glinka
Role of manager and range of managerial work in projects management
Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Virtual Worlds - New Challenges for Marketing Managers
Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor
The Selfassesment of Supervisiory Board
Ewa Pietrusińska and Robert Pietrusiński