Volume 6, Issue 3 (2017)
Editorial Foreword
Consumer, web surfer, passenger, patient
Monika Namysłowska
Standard contract terms in consumer contracts concluded online from the perspective of EU Law and the case law of CJEU
Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul
Durable medium in consumer trade
Jan Marek Szczygieł
Consumer protection in the internet – the case of free services offered by internet platforms
Iga Małobęcka
On the choice of the way of seeking compensation by air passengers pursuant to Regulation No 261/2004
Dorota Ambrożuk
The rights of passengers to withdraw from the carriage contract and to one-sidedly modify such contract
Daniel Dąbrowski
Rights of bus and coach transport passengers as a condition of the development of transport in the EU
Agata Sobusiak
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
The patient as the consumer of healthcare services – chosen legal aspects
Małgorzata Ganczar and Marcin Szewczak
Rights of the prosumer in the electricity market
Monika Przybylska
Punishment policy in selected decisions of the President of UOKiK in the telecommunication services market
Katarzyna Morawska
Book Reviews
Alberto De Franceschi (ed.), European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market, Intersentia 2016, pp. 266 (review by Agnieszka Jabłonowska)
Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Contemporary challenges of consumer law, ed. Bogusława Gnela, Kinga Michałowska, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2015, pp. 317 (review by Iwona Miedzińska)
Iwona Miedzińska
Conference Reports
International Conference ‘Protection of consumers’ rights on the transport services market’, Toruń, December 16–17, 2016
Łukasz Maszewski
4th International Consumer Conference ‘Consumer rights in theory and practice’, Katowice, February 23–24, 2017 r.
Monika Michońska, Marta Pasieka, and Sylwia Zemła