Volume 16, Issue 75 (2018)
Articles - original research papers
Tomasz Zalega
The Market in Sustainable Development Policy
Andrzej Graczyk
Sustainable Development as Equilibrium Between Investments and Savings – An Attempt Towards a New Conception
Józefa Famielec
Social and Integrated Reports of Food Business as Tools of CSR and Sustainable Development
Agnieszka Bobola, Irena Ozimek, and Julita Szlachciuk
Collaborative Consumption as a Manifestation of Sustainable Consumption
Anna Dąbrowska and Mirosława Janoś-Kresło
Consumers’ Innovativeness and Responsible Consumption
Anna Olejniczuk-Merta, Dorota Szepieniec-Puchalska, and Anna Szymańska
The Idea of Car Sharing as a Manifestation of Sustainable Consumption
Agata Stolecka-Makowska and Robert Wolny