Volume 13, Issue 2 (2024)
Editorial Foreword
Challenges of competition and consumer protection law and regulation
Dominik Borek and Dominik Wolski
‘Intentionality’ as a feature of the subjective side of the tort of allowing a violation of the prohibition of agreements restricting competition
Marta Dobosz and Jarosław Szewczyk
Attempts to define the concept of ‘dark patterns’ in the doctrine and activities of authorities of EU Member States
Damian Kazimierski
Countering ‘dark patterns’ on the example of the activities of the President of the Offi ce of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) in Poland
Damian Kazimierski
Tender rejection under Article 393 of the Polish Public Procurement Law (PPL) – remarks de lege lata and de lege ferenda
Joanna Affre and Mateusz Restel
Selected aspects of the organization of tourism and recreation in natural areas with different status of legal protection
Marcin Pasek and Dominik Borek
Legal and practical aspects of sharing and entrusting personal data, taking into account tourism regulations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Stanislaw Hady-Głowiak and Dominik Borek
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Conference Reports
Report on the series of seminars on the mutual infl uence of competition law and labour law in the era of ‘platformization’, July 2022 – September 2023, Warsaw/Rzeszów – Porto
Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka and Sylwia K. Mazur
Entire Issue