Volume 7, Issue 1 (2018)
Editorial Foreword
The Postal market in the changing word
Mateusz Chołodecki
Regulatory instruments on the postal market
Mateusz Chołodecki and Bożena Popowska
A universal service and a designated universal service provider – two (in)dispensable pillars of postal law
Piotr Lissoń
Premises of the appointment of the designated operator
Magdalena Sławińska
Proceeds from fi nes regulated in the Act of 23 November 2012 Postal Law – financial and legal analysis of issues
Wojciech Bożek
E-administration or the digitalization of public services in Europe and Poland – new role of postal operators?
Anna Romejko-Borkowska
Between a relative and an objective advantage. Case T-143/12 Deutsche Post and its consequences
Łukasz Grzejdziak
The postal services market in 2012–2017
Anna Stolarczyk and Marek Sylwestrzak
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Tables of judgments of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw in postal cases from 2015–2017
Mateusz Chołodecki
Book Reviews
Zofia Snażyk, Provision of the universal postal service after market liberalization, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2015, ss. 280
Bartłomiej Nowak
Main Polish publications concerning the postal sector 2014–2017
Mateusz Chołodecki
Conference Reports
Report from the conference ‘I National Postal Conference The Postal market in a changing word’ – Warszawa, CARS, 28 September 2017
Mateusz Chołodecki