Volume 14, Issue 58 (2016)
Articles - original research papers
Consumerism 3.0 Trends and Their Influence on the Shape of Virtual Br and Communities: The Case of Nutella
Monika Skorek and Michał Ambroziak
Experience in Brand Communities: The Case of Higher Education Institutions
Katarzyna Dziewanowska
European Organic Food Consumers: Motives, Actions and Implications
Dominika Średnicka-Tober, Renata Kazimierczak, and Ewelina Hallmann
Theories and typology of goal conflict in food consumption
Anna Wielicka-Regulska, Elżbieta Goryńska-Goldmann, and Michał Gazdecki
Traditional Marketing, Relationship Marketing and Experiential Marketing of Services and Product Brands: Communication with the Consumer on Facebook Portal
Dagmara Stangierska and Hanna Górska-Warsewicz