Volume 5, Issue 16 (2007)
Articles - original research papers
Marketing Strategy Effectiveness Measurement - Key Issues
Grzegorz Karasiewicz
Marketing Performance Measurement Indicators
Robert Kozielski
Funding Marketing Measures in Polish Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Research
Lechosław Garbarski and Adam Czarnecki
Marketing Budget - the Key to Effectiveness
Jacek Kotarbiński
Problems of Customer Lifetime Value Measurement
Małgorzata Grzegorczyk
Customers' Loyalty toward Competitive Brands - How to Evaluate the Internet Users' Behaviour Giving Consideration to the Double "Jeopardy Phenomenon"?
Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor and Paweł Kossecki
Efficiency of Direct Marketing
Mariusz Trojanowski
Product Placement Efficiency and Effectiveness Tests
Artur Choliński
Review of the book by M. Dziekoński and R. Kozielski "Jak szybko napisać profesjonalny plan marketingowy"
Agnieszka Wilczak