Volume 9, Issue 32 (2011)
Articles - original research papers
Anthropology and the organisation theory. Yesterday and today
Barbara Czarniawska
Ethnography as a diagnostic tool in the scientific advisory process
Aleksander Chrostowski and Monika Kostera
Visual anthropology of organizations
Adam Dzidowski
Mediator as an anthropologist - anthropological approach to labour dispute resolution
Leszek Cichobłaziński
Ethnography of a conflict within a city council
Martyna Kordulewska
Individualization and diffusion of networks. Reflections on the socio-cultural transformations in Poland
Joanna Średnicka
Image-building as an element of the IT specialist's social role
Agnieszka Postuła and Dominika Latusek-Jurczak
Anthropology of the peripheral labour market. The role of culture in explaining the process of hiring employees in microenterprises
Bartosz Sławecki
Direct selling distributors as transnational entrepreneurs - the case of Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics
Paweł Krzyworzeka
Social actors of the artistic-cultural organization in the market of experience. Ethnography of the organizational role in the circus
Ewa Kruk and Arkadiusz Kłos
Institutionalization of Wikipedia - almost like hippies
Mikołaj Rogiński