Volume 7, Issue 7 (2018)
Editorial Foreword
From the Volume Editors
Michał Będkowski-Kozioł, Łukasz Gołąb, and Jan Walulik
Time-barring of passenger claims under the contract of carriage of passengers by rail
Dorota Ambrożuk
Grounds for liability of a railway undertaking for bodily injury, disturbance of health or death of passengers
Daniel Dąbrowski
Civil liability (contractual and tort) of railway carriers in the light of the experiences of the Rail Passenger Rights Ombudsman
Marcin Radwański
Passenger tariffs in regional railway transportation in Poland: status quo, implications for passengers, proposals of changes
Przemysław Kowalik
Satisfaction of users of railway stations – research perspective
Mirosław Antonowicz, Monika Kicińska-Jezierska, and Patrycja Lejk
The legal instruments stimulating the development of electromobility and the infrastructure of alternative fuels
Arnold Rabiega
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
Recast of Regulation (EC) 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations – review of the most important proposed amendments
Ignacy Góra and Karol Kłosowski
The IVth railway package – new important implementing regulations of the European Commission
Michał Zięba
Drones – future of aviation and legislative challenge. Some remarks on new EU legislation concerning unmanned aircrafts
Mateusz Osiecki
Book Review
Conference Reports
Report from the conference The consumer on the market for rail passenger transport services, Łódź, 9 May 2018
Marcin Kraśniewski, Wojciech Modzelewski, and Michał Pytkowski