Volume 7, Issue 8 (2018)
Editorial Foreword
New technologies, Big Data and the digital economy: current challenges for competition law (from the Volume Editor)
Grzegorz Materna
In memoriam of Professor Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka
Anna Fornalczyk, Stanisław Gronowski, Tadeusz Skoczny, and Stanisław Sołtysiński
Attention market. The concept and challenges in a merger assessment
Krzysztof Kanton, Jarosław Łukawski, and Szymon Murek
Favouring one’s own products or services by vertically integrated online platforms as a discriminatory abuse of a dominant position
Artur Szmigielski
Technological challenges for anthropocentric competition law: the case of algorithmic pricing in the e-commerce sector
Marcin Mleczko
Do Androids Dream of Price Fixing? Pricing algorithms, artificial intelligence, and competition law.
Michał Konrad Derdak
Reviews of Law and Jurisdiction
RPM in e-commerce – la nouvelle vague or nihil novi? Review of the decisional practice of competition authorities
Anna Laszczyk
Why would anyone need my data? An analysis of the Opinion of the French Competition Authority on the use of data in online advertising
Natalia Hartung
Violation of data protection law as an abuse of a dominant position? The Bundeskartellamt’s proceedings against Facebook
Iga Małobęcka-Szwast
Book Review
Maurice E. Stucke & Allen P. Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 368 (Marcin Mleczko)
Marcin Mleczko
Conference Reports
Report on the Seminar ‘Current challenges of the digital economy in the area of combating anticompetitive agreements’ Warszawa, 12.04.2018
Urszula Czarnomska-Bokowy and Paulina Komorowska
Report on the XIII Antitrust Conference ‘Antitrust between EU Law and National Law’, Treviso (Italy), 24–25.05.2018
Grzegorz Materna