Content Posted in 2025
10 Jahre UGP-Richtlinie: Erfahrungen und Perspektiven, Berlin, 7–8 May 2015, Monika Namysłowska and Agnieszka Jabłonowska
15 years of a Regulatory Authority in Telecommunications, Stanisław Piątek
2nd International Conference: Harmonization of Private Antitrust Enforcement. A Central and Eastern European Perspective. Supraśl, 29–30 czerwca 2017 r., Magdalena Knapp and Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
4th International Consumer Conference ‘Consumer rights in theory and practice’, Katowice, February 23–24, 2017 r., Monika Michońska, Marta Pasieka, and Sylwia Zemła
6th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition Law, University of Białystok, 27 April 2017, Magdalena Knapp and Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
About selected current problems in the financial services market, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska
Activity report of the Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies in 2017, Tadeusz Skoczny
A few words on current problems and challenges of consumer protection in the financial services market, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska
Amendments and implementations, or competition law in the era of changes, Grzegorz Materna
Annual Conference on European State Aid Law, Trier, 24–25 November 2016, Emilia Wardęga
Antitrust Aviation Seminar, Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, 12 October 2016, Mateusz Osiecki
A voice concerting the rationalising of conditional clearance in concentration cases (about a possibility of change of conditional clearance deciosions), Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, Warszawa, 30 maja 2017 r., Jarosław Łukawski and Grzegorz Materna
Bezpieczeństwo i regulacja na rynku energetycznym [Safety and regulation on the energy market] Łódź, 24 maja 2017, Marcin Kraśniewski, Wojciech Modzelewski, and Mateusz Sokół
Bibliography of Energy Law, Anna Janosz
Bond tokenization – comments on the background of Art. 8 sec. 2 of the Act of January 15th, 2015 on bonds, Paweł Czaplicki
Capacity market – new challenges for the energy sector (from the volume editors), Marzena Czarnecka and Marcin Kraśniewski
CARS Activity Report 2014–2015, Nina Łazarczyk
CARS Activity Report 2016, Nina Łazarczyk
CARS award for the best publication in the field of competition law and protection in 2013-2015
CARS Honorary Award 2017. Big Owl for Professor Anna Fornalczyk
Changes, changes, changes…, Anna Piszcz
Competition and Regulation in Dinamically Growing Sector of Life Sciences, Marcin Kolasiński and Tadeusz Skoczny
Competition law in the European Union: new phenomena and tendencies in jurisprudence, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Competition law, judicature, case-law and administrative economic law, Kamil Dobosz
Conference on the Harmonization of Private Antitrust Enforcement: A Central and Eastern European Perspective, Supraśl, 2-4/07/2015, Tadeusz Skoczny and Anna Piszcz
Consumer Protection on the Market for Services, Katowice 10–11 March 2016, Klaudia Łyszczek
Consumers and competition law: still developing and often discussed, Konrad Kohutek
Consumer, web surfer, passenger, patient, Monika Namysłowska
Contractual and statutory solutions concerning ‘credit holidays’ during the COVID-19 pandemic. Law – practice – and the actual protection of the consumer as a borrower, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska and Artur Zwaliński
Current selected problems in the energy sector, Marzena Czarnecka and Marcin Kraśniewski
Decoding Sentiment in Online Communication: A Social Media Analysis of Fashion Companies, Karolina Mania, Monika Jedynak, Aneta Kuźniarska, and Karolina Woszczyna
Determinants of young customers’ decisions in the financial services market on the example of bank accounts, Iwona Dorota Czechowska and Weronika Kuśmierska
Digital Markets Act and Competition Law: Is There an Issue of ne bis in idem?, Michal Petr
Discretion in competition law: the perspective of Dr Cezary Banasiński (laudation by Professor Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka commemorating the granting of the CARS Award 2016), Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Disputes between payment service providers and users regarding payment transactions in the light of the latest Polish jurisprudence, Bartosz Wyżykowski
Editorial foreword, Małgorzata Kozak and Marta Sznajder
Editorial foreword, Alexandr Svetlicinii and Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman
Editorial foreword Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition, Raphael J. Heffron and Marcin Kraśniewski
Energy security, Marzena Czarnecka
European Management Studies 2024, vol. 22, no. 3
European origins of the Polish leniency programme, Marcin Kulesza
European soft law instruments for sustainability agreements – presentation of procedural issues, critical analysis and recommendations for the President of the OCCP, Agata Zawłocka-Turno
Exploring Internal Challenges in Internationalisation: A Case of a Software as a Service (SaaS) Internationaliser, Karl Erik Õim and Tairi Leis
Exploring the Nexus between European Competition Law and Democratic Society: A Case of Political Microtargeting, Viktorija Morozovaite and Anna Gerbrandy
Filip Elżanowski – recipient of the CARS Regulatory Award 2017
Financial Literacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence. Towards Financial Inclusion. Opening Remarks, Łukasz Kurowski and Anna Szelągowska
Fiscal Rules in Poland, Anna Kawarska
Free Speech is Incomplete? Big Tech in a Distant Mirror, Jan Polański
From the Editor, Stanisław Piątek
From the Editor, Stanisław Piątek
From the Editorial Board, Jan Walulik
From the Editorial Board, Łukasz Gołąb and Jan Walulik
From the Editor (Maciej Bernatt), Maciej Bernatt
From the issue editors, Michał Będkowski-Kozioł and Łukasz Gołąb
From the Volume Editors, Michał Będkowski-Kozioł, Łukasz Gołąb, and Jan Walulik
Governance network and networks governance in the justice system – challenges, Przemysław Bansik and Sylwia Morawska
Government Subsidy in the U.S. Mortgage Market: A Structural Analysis with Bunching, Bowen Shi and Yunhui Zhao
Grażyna Szustak, Witold Gradoń and Łukasz Szewczyk, Protection of a non-professional financial market participant, EU Katowice Publishing House 2021, Iwona D. Czechowska
Guest Lecture by Professor Michael Jacobs, “The Durability of the Chicago School in Antitrust: What Accounts for it?”, Anna Tworkowska-Baraniuk
Harmonisation of Private Antitrust Enforcement: A Central and Eastern European Perspective, Supraśl, 2–4 July 2015, Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
III Nationwide Academic Conference: Consumer in the Passenger Railway Market, Łódź, 25 May 2016 r., Marcin Kraśniewski
Indirect Measure of Financial Constraints: Evidence From Unquoted Innovative SMEs, Katarzyna Prędkiewicz
Insurable interest of parties to a leasing contract towards a subject of the contract, Stefania Yerka
International Conference ‘Protection of consumers’ rights on the transport services market’, Toruń, December 16–17, 2016, Łukasz Maszewski
Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 2024, 2(22)
Krzysztof Waliszewski (ed.), Personal Finance, Polish Academy of Sciences Publishing House, Warsaw 2022, pp. 426, Iwona D. Czechowska
Legal professional privilege in proceedings before the Polish Competition Authority over the 20 years of Poland’s membership in the EU, Anna Gulińska and Paweł Fortuna
Liability for the execution of a payment transaction with the use of an incorrect unique identifier under the Payment Services Act, Bartosz Wyżykowski
Media Pluralism and Competition in the Media Sector: The Italian Experience, Valeria Caforio
New has arrived, newer is coming, Anna Piszcz
New media services in a changing regulatory framework, Stanisław Piątek
New, Newer, Newest, Monika Namysłowska
New Rules for Contracts in the Digital Single Market, Vienna 21-22 January 2016, Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Novelty after novelty, Anna Piszcz
On current selected financial market problems, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska
On selected current financial market problems, Iwona Dorota Czechowska and Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska
Or Brook, Non-Competition Interests in EU Antitrust Law. An Empirical Study of Article 101 TFEU, Cambridge University Press 2022, Maciej Bernatt
Piotr Łasak (ed.), Identity of banks in the face of financial technology development, Jagiellonian University Publishing House, Kraków 2021, pp. 146, Krzysztof Waliszewski
Plans to raise the level of consumer protection as retail investors in EU law, Piotr Gałązka
Polish-Portugese PhD Seminar, Białystok, 10 June 2016, Radosław Niwiński
Powerful, more powerful, Magdalena Knapp
Power, media pluralism, and democracy – Regulatory, legal, or extra-legal responses International Conference Warsaw, 16–17 November 2023 ‘Democracies die in silence’, Maciej Bernatt, Anna Gerbrandy, Małgorzata Kozak, and Pauline Phoa
Pre-contractual information obligations in the new Draft Consumer Credit Directive in the light of existing EU regulations, Piotr Gałązka
Pre-contractual information obligations of the lender towards the borrower in the Act on Reverse Mortgage, Michał R. Walczak
Press publishers’ right and competition law. Case comment on the French Competition Authority’s decisions against Google, Michalina Kowala and Miłosz Malaga
Preventive control of concentrations – a topic always current, Cezary Banasiński
Private Enforcement of Competition Law. Key Lessons from Recent International Developments, London, 5–6 March 2015, Emilia Wardęga
Private Rooms in Peer-to-Peer Accommodation: Employing Machine Learning to Determine Revenue Drivers, Ewa E. Kiczmachowska
Protection of an insolvent undertaking – comments against the background of Simplifi ed Restructuring Proceedings, Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk and Katarzyna Marak
Public Value and the Compatibility of State Aid to Public Service Broadcasters – the hot potato for the European Commission, Dionysios Pelekis and Małgorzata Kozak
Regulation of energy and aviation law - current issues, Marzena Czarnecka
Report from the 3rd National Copyright Conference in honour of Professor Elżbieta Traple, Kraków, 20 September 2024, Paweł Podrecki
Report of National Consumer Conference, Katowice 2016, Anna Janosz
Report on the 1st Polish Congress of Competition Law, Dariusz Aziewicz, Agnieszka Jabłonowska, Teresa Kaczyńska, Aleksandra Kłoczko, Katarzyna Skowrońska, Ilona Szwedziak-Bork, and Bartosz Targański
Report on the 2nd Polish-Portuguese PhD Seminar, Teresa Kaczyńska
Report on the 5th meeting of the Directorate General for Information Technology and Communications on self- and co-regulation, Lidia Żebrowska
Report on the Conference ‘New prohibited practices of retail chains? The Act on counteracting the unfair use of bargaining power in the trade in agricultural and food products’. Warsaw, 30.11.2016, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Report on the Conference Ten Years of Decentralized EU Competition Law Enforcement: Success or Failure? Amsterdam, 14/11/2014, Dominik Wolski
Report on the Fifth Polish-Portuguese PhD Students Conference on Competition Law. Białystok, 14.10.2016, Magdalena Knapp and Radosław Niwiński
Report on the First National Conference Changes in the Polish postal sector, Łódź, 9.12.2015, Marcin Kraśniewski
Report on the National Conference “Biological medicinal products. Legal aspects”. Warsaw, 2 December 2016, Natalia Łojko
Report on the Offical Award Ceremony for the CARS REGULATORY AWARD for 2015, Warsaw, 16 July 2015, Ilona Szwedziak-Bork
Report on the Second National Conference The consumer in the rail passenger market, Łódź, 18/03/2015, Marcin Kraśniewski and Marcin Ziarkowski
Resilience in Crisis: A Longitudinal Study of Entrepreneurial Responses to COVID-19 pandemic, Yi Zhang and Xiaochen Bu
Review of anti-consumer market practices concerning financial services in light of the decisions of the President of UOKiK issued in 2022, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska and Artur Zwaliński
(R)evolution of the application of EU competition law to sport in the recent case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Wojciech Lewandowski
Speaking Power to the People: Serbian and Brazilian Media Systems in Populist Times, Ricardo Ribeiro Ferreira and Alexander Mesarovich
Specific solutions introduced in the ‘anti-crisis package’ on non-interest costs of consumer loans, Magdalena Paleczna
Strategy for the Polish media market for the years 2015–2020, Wojciech Dziomdziora
Studia i Materiały 1/2023 (38)
Studia i Materiały, 2/2022 (37)
SWOT analysis of investing in cryptocurrencies, Justyna Ziobrowska
Tables of judgments of the administrative courts in telecommunications cases for 2014, Andrzej Nałęcz
Tables of judgments of the Competition and Consumers Protection Court in energy matters 2015, Anna Janosz
Tables of judgments of the Court of Appeals in energy matters 2015, Anna Janosz
Tables of judgments of the Supreme Court in energy matters 2015, Anna Janosz
Tables of judgments of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals in Warsaw and the Competition and Consumers Court (SOKiK) in telecommunications cases for 2014, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska
The amendment to the provisions on consumer bankruptcy in the time of the crisis caused by COVID-19, Wanesa Choptiany
The DSA’s Crisis Response Mechanism and the Indispensability of Social Media Networks, Baskaran Balasingham and Sofia Minichová
The economy and the market in the application of competition law, Dominik Wolski
The impact of competition law on the Digital Markets Act – on the interrelationship between regulations and future prospects, Iga Małobęcka-Szwast
The impact of Poland’s membership in the European Union on the privilege of entrepreneurs against self-incrimination in proceedings concerning anticompetitive practices conducted by the Polish Competition Authority, Anna Mlostoń-Olszewska
The impact of the judgment in Case C-211/22 Super Bock on the assessment of vertical pricing agreements, Krzysztof Kanton
The importance of soft law issued by the European Banking Authority for establishing the normative consumer protection standard on the financial market, Magdalena Fedorowicz
The phenomenon of misselling on the Polish bond market – what did the GetBack S.A. case teach us?, Paweł Czaplicki
The Planned Reforms of the American and European Deposit Insurance Systems: Similarities and Differences, Konrad Szeląg
The Postal market in the changing word, Mateusz Chołodecki
Time for summaries, time for new challenges, Grzegorz Materna
Tourist services or RODO – what is more important?, Dominik Wolski
Toward Charity Engagement of Generation Z: Do Gender and Economic Standing of Household Matter?, Sylwia Badowska and Liwia Delińska
Waiting for changes (from the Volume Editor), Monika Namysłowska
When the violation of competition is legally discovered? The limits of inspections, Maciej Bernatt