Content Posted in 2024
100 days of Act on contractual advantage, Piotr Adamczewski
2007 Antitrust and Regulatory Developments in Legislation in Poland, Marek Stefaniuk
2007 EC Competition Law and Sector-specific Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland, Krzysztof Kuik
2008 and 2009 EU Competition Law and Sector-specific Regulatory Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland, Dagmara Kośka and Krzysztof Kuik
2008 Antitrust Law Developments in Poland, Marek Stefaniuk
2009 Amendments to the Polish Energy Law, Filip Elżanowski
2009 Legislative and Juridical Developments in Telecommunications, Kamil Kosmala
2010 Amendments to the Polish Energy Law, Filip Elżanowski
2010 and 2011 EU Competition Law and Sector-specific Regulatory Jurisprudence and Case Law Developments with a Nexus to Poland, Anna Mościbroda and Krzysztof Kuik
2010 Legislative Developments in Telecommunications, Kamil Kosmala
2014 Amendment of the Polish Competition and Consumers Protection Act 2007, Tadeusz Skoczny
2015 Amendments to the Aviation Law Act, Piotr Kasprzyk and Anna Konert
2016 Amendment of the Czech Significant Market Power Act of 2009, Petr Frischmann and Vaclav Šmejkal
4th Brazilian Institute for Competition and Innovation (IBCI) International Conference on Competition and Innovation 9–11 November 2021, Eduardo Molan Gaban and Vinicius Klein
6th Competition Law and Policy Conference in Memory of Dr. Vedran Šoljan – ‘Challenges to the Enforcement of Competition Rules in Central and Eastern Europe’ & ‘Competition Policy Enforcement in Digital Economy: Recent Developments’, University of Zagreb, 12–13 December 2019, Zagreb, Croatia, Vlatka Butorac Malnar and Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman
7th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition Law Białystok, 10 October 2017, Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
7 Years of Poland's presence in the European Union. Implications for the Masovian region, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Mariusz Szałański
8th Amendment of the German Act Against Restraints on Competition – an overview. More “European” Approach?, Ilona Szwedziak-Bork
8th Competition Law and Policy Conference in Memory of Prof. Vedran Šoljan “Goals of Competition Law and the Changing World”, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25–27 May 2023, Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman
8th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition Law Białystok, 10 October 2018, Radosław Niwiński
9th Amendment to the Czech Competition Act, Robert Neruda, Lenka Gachová, and Roman Světnický
Abandoning the Siemaszko Model: What Will be the Future of Health Care? Russia, Ukraine and Latvia - Case Studies, Ewa Rogoś and Zofia Skrzypczak
A behavioural perspective on the consumer decision-making process in the electricity market, Aleksandra Aziewicz
About consumer protection on the market a few words (from the volume editors), Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska
About relations between humanities and management: mésalliance or happy relationship?, Katarzyna Barańska
About the law on bonds and its amendments (from the volume editors), Angelina Stokłosa and Szymon Syp
About the need of transition of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection into a collegiate competition authority, Paweł Podrecki, Mateusz Mroczek, and Katarzyna Menszig-Wiese
About the need to increase the participation of the third subjects in anti--monopoly proceedings, Rafał Stankiewicz
Abuse of a dominant position by local district heating companies on local markets, Ilona Szwedziak-Bork
Abuse of Dominance in the Case-law of the Hungarian Competition Authority – a Historical Overview, Ákos Réger and András M. Horváth
Abuse of dominance in the electronic communications markets: overview of Croatian efforts with a report on recent developments, Mislav Bradvica and Kristina Rudec
A Business Framework of Architecture for a Retail Information System, Kateryna Czerniachowska, Marcin Hernes, and Sergey Subbotin
Abusive provisions of model agreements concluded with consumers – changing trends in Polish jurisprudence, Anna Oponowicz
Academic Education in Shaping the Perception of Entrepreneurship and Developing Entrepreneurial Intention, Aleksandra Gaweł and Maciej Pietrzykowski
Acceptable forms of State Aid to Airlines During the COVID-19 Pandemic (part I), Jadwiga Urban-Kozłowska
Accessibility of Health Care and Recent Changes in Health System of the Republic of Belarus, Viktor A. Snezhitskiy and Marina Yu. Surmach
Accession to the EU’s Competition Law Regime: A Law and Governance Approach, Katalin J. Cseres
Access to Credit as a Growth Constraint, Matjaž Volk and Polona Trefalt
Access to Documents in Antitrust Litigation – EU and Croatian Perspective, Vlatka Butorac Malnar
Access to Leniency Documents: Should Cartel Leniency Applicants pay the price for Damages?, Kasturi Moodaliyar
Access to rolling stock as the key barrier for market development of rail passenger services in Poland, Michał Zajfert
Access to the air transport market as part of international regulations, Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo
Access to the Railway Infrastructure in Poland. Principles and Practice, Tomasz Banaszczyk and Marcin Król
Accounting as informative system: model aspects, Jan Turyna
A Chicago-School Island in the Ordo-liberal Sea? The Hungarian Competition Office’s Relaxed Treatment of Abuse of Dominance Cases, Csongor István Nagy
A city reframed: Managing Warsaw in the 1990s, Barbara Czarniawska
A comparative analysis of financial results and indebtedness of local government subsector in Poland compared to other Member States of the European Union, Ewelina Piekarska
A Comparative Analysis of the Collective Dominance Definition in Ukrainian and European Law – the Electricity Market Case, Kseniia Smyrnova
A Comparative Social Enterprise Analysis: Motives, Processes and Barriers, Fatih Öztürk
A conceptual model for driving green purchase among indian consumers, Prashant Trivedi
A Conceptual Study of an Intrapreneurship Ecosystem at South African Universities, Wise Sambo
A contribution to the theory of inter-organizational management, Zbigniew Olesiński
Acquiring a new customer by an energy seller, Paweł K. Domagała
A critical vision of organizational culture, Łukasz Sułkowski
Active and passive sales in online marketing services, Bartosz Targański
Active Role of the State in the Agribusiness Area as Illustrated by the Regulations Governing the Possession of and Trading in Agricultural Properties, Katarzyna Czerwińska-Koral
Activities of Children’s Universities in Poland, Łukasz Brzezicki
Act on Consumer Rights and the electricity market, Piotr Suski
Acts regulating the structure of metropolitan unions and public collective transport - comparative article, Adrian Misiejko
Adaptation determinants of artificial intelligence in small and medium enterprises, Sylwia Bąk, Piotr Jedynak, and Przemysław Kaczmaryk
Adaptive Agent Systems in Contemporary e-Commerce Environment, Mieczysław Lech Owoc and Łukasz Piasny
Addressing Anticompetitive Data Aggregation: a Comment to Bundeskartellamt Decision B6-22/16, Laura Skopowska
Addressing the Challenges of Industrial Transition Processes – the Case of Photovoltaics Industry, Marta Najda-Janoszka and Jacek Gancarczyk
A Definition of Digital Markets by the Slovak Antimonopoly Office – Has the Boat to Digitalisation Already Sailed?, Hana Kováčiková
Administrative Barriers for SMEs in the Field of Tax Compliance and Financial and Accounting Reporting: Evidence from Slovenia, Dejan Ravšelj and Aleksander Aristovnik
Advertising of dietary supplements and advertising of drugs – similarieties and differences, Joanna Chlebiej
Advisory role of State Owned Companies’ supervisory boards, Igor Postuła
Aesthetic Reflection in Managerial Theory and Practice, Adam Dzidowski
A few comments on the Draft Amendment to the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection, Aleksander Maziarz
A few comments on the legal framework of the EU financial market, Dorota Wojtczak-Samoraj
A few critical remarks on the ‘Explanatory note for entrepreneurs – searches’, issued by the President of Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection on 9 December 2019, Anna Mlostoń-Olszewska
A few remarks about limitation periods of fines in the Energy Law Act, Michalina Szpyrka
A few remarks on selected institutions proposed in the Draft Amendments to the Polish Competition Act, Dominik Wolski
A few remarks on the draft assumptions for an Act amending the Act on competition and consumer protection, Anna Piszcz
Affective Automatic Processes as Determinants of Managers’ Decision-making, Marzena Jankowska-Mihułowicz
Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka, Tadeusz Skoczny, Wspólne reguły konkurencji Unii Europejskiej [Common European Union Competition Rules], 1st ed., Instytut Wydawniczy EuroPrawo, Warszawa 2010, 431 p., Anna Mokrysz-Olszyńska
Agency in the light of Article 101 TFEU. How to chase a rabbit without actually catching it ?, Małgorzata Kozak
Aging of medical personnel – a challenge for the Polish healthcare system, Zofia Skrzypczak
Aging Poland: Can the Doomsday Scenario Be Avoided?, Grzegorz Jędrzejczak
A global perspective on inflation and propagation channels, Luca Gattini, Huw Pill, and Ludger Schuknecht
Agreements by object or effect – current trends in EU case law, Antoni Bolecki
Agri-Food Industry as Priority in Smart Specialization Strategies in EU Member States, Marcin Kardas
Ahtii Sarenpää and Karolina Sztobryn (eds), Lawyers in the Media Society. The Legal Challenges of the Media Society, Rovaniemi 2016, 231 p., Mateusz Balcerzak
Air traffic management and air navigation services in European Union law – selected issues, Telesfor Marek Markiewicz
Aktualne podejście Komisji do ograniczeń wertykalnych w świetle rozporządzenia 2022/720 i towarzyszących mu wytycznych, Jarosław Łukawski
Alberto De Franceschi (ed.), European Contract Law and the Digital Single Market, Intersentia 2016, pp. 266 (review by Agnieszka Jabłonowska), Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Aleksander Maziarz, Porozumienia wertykalne w prawie konkurencji Unii Europejskiej [Vertical agreements in EU competition law], Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2013, Łukasz Grzejdziak
Alexandr Svetlicinii, Chinese State Owned Enterprises and EU Merger Control, Routledge 2021, Rafik Rabia
Alexandr Svetlicinii Competition Law in Moldova Kluwer Law International, 2018, 182 p., Marco Botta
Algorithms and Collusion - Background Note by the Secretariat, DAF/COMP(2017)4, OECD - Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs Competition Committee, 2017 (Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka), Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Almanach Świętokrzyski, tom III, Świętokrzyski obszar rynków finansowo-ubezpieczeniowych oraz jego rola inwestycyjno-ochronna w procesie uprzemysłowienia regionu, Alojzy Z. Nowak, Stanisław Nowak, and Jerzy Jagodziński
Almanach świętokrzyski, tom V. Świętokrzyska era żelaza. Dzieje i udział w procesach rewolucji przemysłowej na ziemiach polskich, Stanisław Nowak and Alojzy Z. Nowak
Alokacja władztwa korporacyjnego w spółkach kapitałowych, Ewa Pietrusińska
Alokacja władztwa korporacyjnego w spółkach kapitałowych, Ewa Pietrusińska
Alternative consumption trends in Polish urban households in the period of crisis, Tomasz Zalega
Alternative Securities Markets in Poland and the United Kingdom, Joanna Małecka
Altruizm danych w świetle aktu w sprawie zarządzania danymi – między teorią a praktyką, Adrianna Michałowicz
Amberg, Information and Communication Technologies in Health Care – Infringement of Privacy Issues, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska and Małgorzata Skórzewska-Amberg
American Exceptionalism and the American Dream, Stanley Buder
A Method to Incorporate Transition Risk Stress Testing Into Probability of Default (PD) Models for Retail Portfolios, Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska, Paweł Kopciuszewski, and Alvaro Fernandez Toledo
‘A More Human Approach’. Human Rights, Obligations of the State and Network Neutrality in Europe, Andrzej Nałęcz
A Multi-Dimensional Framework for the Development of Authentic Consumer Products, Per Kristav, Izabelle Bäckström, Axel Nordin, Anders Warell, and Olaf Diegel
Analiza ekonomiczna w ochronie zdrowia - ograniczenie kosztów czy zwiększenie opłacalności?, Joanna Lis
Analiza ekonomiczna w ochronie zdrowia - ograniczenie kosztów czy zwiększenie opłacalności?, Joanna Lis
Analiza finansowo–ekonomiczna jako narzędzie oceny kondycji przedsiębiorstwa, Nikodem Grzenkowicz, Jacek Kowalczyk, Aleksander Kusak, and Zygmunt Podgórski
Analiza prawnoporównawcza klastra energii i Bürgerenergiegemeinschaft, Bartłomiej Kupiec
Analiza sektora oświaty w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej i w Polsce, Ewa Krakowińska
Analiza SWOT inwestowania w kryptowaluty, Justyna Ziobrowska-Sztuczka
Analiza wydatków na ochronę zdrowia w Polsce i w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej, Ewa Krakowińska
Analyse of selected indicators of public health in view of sustainable development strategy in the EU countries, Mariola Zalewska
Analysis of 2013 EUCJ jurisprudence concerning Directive 2005/29/EC on Unfair Commercial Practices, Dominika Ewa Harasimiuk
Analysis of Factors Affecting the Stability of Cooperative Banks in the Post-Crisis Period, Krzysztof Kil and Ewa Miklaszewska
Analysis of Factors Determining the Credit Rating of Banks from Western European Countries, Dorota Król
Analysis of narrative in micro and small organizations: theoretical approach, Bartłomiej J. Gabryś
Analysis of pollution emission of the energy-industrial sector with use the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and TOPSIS method, Dominika Siwiec and Andrzej Pacana
Analysis of Product Strategies of Dairy Trade Brands in Biedronka and Lidl Discounters, Hanna Górska-Warsewicz and Maksymilian Czeczotko
Analysis of public sector cooperation with external consultants in the implementation of projects in the concession model and in the form of public-private partnerships in Poland, Krzysztof Wąsowski
Analysis of the degree of total leverage, Jacek Kowalczyk
Analysis of the impact of MiFID II on the electricity market in Europe, Paweł Hawranek and Dariusz Michalski
Analysis of the Impact of the European Social Fund on the SME Sector in Poland, Przemysław Dubel
Analysis of the Medical Companies Operating in the Polish Capital Market, Edyta Mioduchowska-Jaroszewicz and Malwina Szczepkowska
Analyzing the market - mapping quality analysis of WIG20 by the Exchange Traded Fund, the first fun on the Polish market, Patrycja Chodnicka and Piotr Jaworski
An analysis of the challenges connected with management of the electronic space by contemporary business organizations, Janusz Wielki
An appraisal of the level of legal independence of the President of the Polish Office of Rail Transportation based on Fabrizio Gilardi's model, Wojciech Pawłuszko
An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Value Added Tax Collection in Poland Between January 2005 and April 2017, Tomasz Strąk
An Econometric Analysis for the Bid-Ask Spread in the Emerging Chilean Capital Market, David Cademartori-Rosso, Berta Silva-Palavecinos, Ricardo Campos-Espinoza, and Hanns de la Fuente-Mella
An efficient competitor test and hypothetical reasonably efficient competitor test in the assessment of margin squeeze in the telecommunication sector, Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk
An Empirical Investigation of Adopters’ Perceptions Toward M-Commerce: The Case of Bulgarian University Students, Nora Milanova and Vaggelis Saprikis
An Evolutionary Approach to Understanding Adjustment of MNCs in A Complex Environment, Agnieszka Dziubińska
A new method for job evaluation, Wiktor Adamus
A new profession: IT specialists, Lidia D. Czarkowska
An Exploratory Inquiry into the Role that Culture and Ethnicity Play in the Success of First-Generation Hispanic Entrepreneurs in the U.S., Maria Leta-Leroux
Animal Spirits and Risk in Financial Markets, Jukka Ilomäki
An interview with the entrepreneur as a tool for teaching entrepreneurship, Svetlana Gudkova
Anna Fornalczyk, Biznes a ochrona konkurencji [Business and the protection of competition], Oficyna a Wolters Kluwer business, Kraków 2007, 220 p., Krzysztof Obłój
Anna Piszcz (ed.), Implementation of the EU Damages Directive in Central and Eastern European Countries,University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press,Warsaw 2017, 307 pages, Raimundas Moisejevas
Announcement as an advertisement on the example of Hungarian Internet job offers, Agata Keller
Annuities in respect of bodily injuries – tendencies and challenges in third party liability insurance, Ilona Kwiecień and Anna Jędrzychowska
Anonymisation of data protected by telecommunications confidentiality, Stanisław Piątek and Paweł Piątek
A Note on 2015 Developments in Polish Competition Law: Is It Really a Drive Towards the European Model?, Anna Piszcz
An outline of Swiss competition law, Marta Michałek
Antecedents of Word-of-Mouth Communication and Purchase Intention on Facebook, Bogdan Anastasiei and Ana Raluca Chiosa
Antecedents of Workplace Deviance: Role of Job Insecurity, Work Stress, and Ethical Work Climate, Shuaib Ahmed Soomro, Yasir Mansoor Kundi, and Muhammad Kamran
Anthropology and the organisation theory. Yesterday and today, Barbara Czarniawska
Anthropology of the peripheral labour market. The role of culture in explaining the process of hiring employees in microenterprises, Bartosz Sławecki
Anti-Competitive Agreements according to Kosovo’s Law on the Protection of Competition – Case Study of the Insurance Market, Orhan Ceku and Mentor Q. Shaqiri
Anti-competitive or pro-competitive objective of consortium bidding in public procurement – analysis and opinion, Małgorzata Sieradzka
Anticompetitive Patent Settlements – Where Are We Ten Years After the European Commission’s Pharmaceutical Inquiry?, Anna Laszczyk
Anti-Crisis Management of Rural Areas Under Conditions of Decentralization (By the Example of Ukraine), Nataliia Antoniuk, Marlena Piekut, and Oksana Perkhach
Antitrust and Copyright Collectives – an Economic Analysis, Adrianna Zabłocka
Antitrust Damages Actions in Ukraine: Current Situation and Perspectives, Anzhelika Gerasymenko and Nataliia Mazaraki
Antitrust Private Enforcement – Case of Poland, Agata Jurkowska
Antropologia przedsiębiorczości. Nowe nurty w badaniach jakościowych, Małgorzata Ciesielska
Antymonopolowe déjà vu? Wolność słowa w analizie antymonopolowej, Jan Polański
Appearing of the trainee advocate in proceedings before tax and financial audit bodies, Rafał Bernat
Application for certifi cation of a capacity market entity for the main auction and additional auctions, Marcin Kraśniewski
Application of Chow, Cusum and Rolling Window in Testing Stability of Systematic Risk of Companies Listed in WIG-ESG in 2019–2022, Magdalena Mikołajek-Gocejna
Application of coaching to personnel development management in Poland: ideas vs. reality, Łukasz T. Marciniak
Application of Competing Risks Models to Credit Risk Assessment, Ewa Wycinka
Application of economic indicators in management of health tourism activity in spas and spa enterprises, Adam R. Szromek
Application of Logistic Regression to Detect the Fraudulent Financial Statements, Marek Sylwestrzak
Application of ONA in Change Management – Empirical Research in Energy Industry, Anna Szarek
Application of rough sets to identify the behavior rules of consumer for the purposes of multi-agent simulation model, Małgorzata Łatuszyńska, Agata Wawrzyniak, Barbara Wąsikowska, and Fatimah Furaji
Application of tariffs during a transitional period and the permissibility of the imposition of financial penalties for the application of tariffs contrary to the obligation to submit them first to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office (URE). Case Comment to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 13 January 2016, No. III SK 6/15, Anis Ben Amer and Tomasz Feliszewski
Application of the Beneish Model on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Marek Sylwestrzak
Application of the concepts of groups in the accounting regulations and their impact on the capital presented in financial statements, Radosław Ignatowski
Application of theories of firm to sharing economy platforms based on Uber example, Tomasz Meksuła
Application of the prohibition of anticompetitive agreements to agency agreements under block exemption regulation of 30 March 2011, Grzegorz Materna
Applications of bibliometrics in management science, Krzysztof Klincewicz
Applying Text Mining to Analyze the Performance of PBOs on the Basis of Their Obligatory Annual Activity Statements, Tomasz Dyczkowski
Applying the Human Capital Method and the concept of preference in the health care sector, Marcin Czech and Zofia Skrzypczak
Appropriate and Inappropriate Actions for Efficient Management of Territorial Self-Government Debt, Maria Jastrzębska
A provisional decision on consumer matters - a new instrument for responding to practices threatening the collective interests of consumers, Małgorzata Sieradzka
A Public Tribute Zakat in Muslim Countries as an Example of the Practical Problem of Accounting Standardization, Małgorzata Czerny and Bartłomiej Juras
Arbitration Agreements and Actions for Antitrust Damages After the CDC Hydrogen Peroxide Judgment, Katarzyna Sadrak
Arbitration and competition law – in response to Dr Tomasz Bagdziński, Szymon Syp
Arbitration and competition law – some input into the dispute (A polemic), Tomasz Bagdziński
Architektura systemu pośrednictwa finansowego, Marian Górski
Are the Highest Mutual Fund Fees Justified by Their Performance?, Alicja Fraś
Are the rights and obligations arising from a license transferable under Article 40 of the Privatization and Commercialization Act? Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of November 20, 2008 (Ref. No. III SK 13/08)., Ilona Bankiewicz and Urszula Antonowicz
A review of Ashok Jashapara's book entitled "Zarządzanie wiedzą. Zintegrowane podejście", Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
A review of Bruce King and Edward Minium's book Statistical Reasoning in Psychology and Education., Jerzy Wierzbiński
A Review of Customer Acceptance and Mobile Marketing, Thi Hong Ngoc Nguyen
A review of Hamish Pringle and William Gordon's book "Zarządzanie marką. Jak wypromować rozpoznawalną markę", Monika Skorek
A review of Jerzy Kisielnicki's book "Zarządzanie. Jak zarządzać i być zarządzanym", Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
A review of Mariusz Trojanowski's book "Marketing bezpośredni. Koncepcja - zarządzanie - instrumenty", Lechosław Garbarski
A review of the book by Anthony I. Ogus "Regulation: Legal Form and Economic Theory", Ewelina Dorota Sage
Article 108(2) TFEU as a Tool for the Commission to Bypass Article 258 TFEU Proceedings, Marek Rzotkiewicz
Artificial Intelligence and Human Talent in Decision Making in the Sphere of Marketing in an Enterprise, Magdalena Sobocińska
Artificial Intelligence as a Tool Supporting Organizational Entrepreneurship – Theoretical Problems and Case Analysis, Jerzy Kisielnicki, Jan Zadrożny, and Sebastian Fabisiak
Artificial intelligence in the fintech sector – legal and regulatory aspects, Marcin Rojszczak
Artist entrepreneurship – a necessity or a privilege?, Małgorzata Sternal
Artist manager – competencies, responsibilities, relations with artist, Anna Pluszyńska
ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter webinars series ‘Competition Law Enforcement and Covid-19: Developments in Central Europe’, June–July 2020, Maciej Bernatt and Laura Zoboli
ASCOLA Central Europe Chapter webinars series, ‘Competition Law Enforcement and Covid-19: Developments in Central Europe’, June-July 2020, Maciej Bernatt and Laura Zoboli
ASCOLA South East Europe Chapter webinars series September–December 2020, Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman and Alexandr Svetlicinii
Assessing Countries’ Financial Inclusion Standing – A New Composite Index, André Mialou, Goran Amidzic, and Alexander Massara
Assessing the Relevance of Cloud Computing for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Northern Region of India, Devesh Kumar, Harsh Vardhan Samalia, and Piyush Verma
Assessment of Implementation of the State’s Multiannual Financial Plans in Poland, Sławomir Franek
Assessment of the Attractiveness of Foreign Markets – A Case Study. Comparison of Armenia and Poland, Andranik Muradyan
Assessment of the dividend policy on the basis of cash flow statement - empirical research, Bogumiła Brycz and Marek Pauka
Assessment of the Financial Situation of the Elderly in Poland, with Particular Emphasis on Wealth and Debt, Beata Świecka
Asset choice in British central banking history, the myth of the safe asset, and bank regulation, William A. Allen
A steady price despite the fall in service quality as an unfair price under Article 9(2(1)) of the Competition Act, Konrad Kohutek
A study of power in organization. Methodological questions and issues, Przemysław Hensel and Maciej Ramus
A Study on the Amendment to the Antimonopoly Act of 2013. Procedural Fairness under the Japanese Antimonopoly Act, Shuya HAYASHI
Asymilacja technologii informatycznych w organizacjach, Aneta Biernikowicz
A taxonomy of Corporate Governance systems – an alternative approach, Anna Golec and Anna Zamojska
Atrakcyjność inwestowania w regionach słabo rozwiniętych, Mirosław Przygoda
Attempt of Certain EU Member States to Change EU Concentration Control Rules in Order to Facilitate the Creation of ‘EU Champions’, Tadeusz Skoczny
Attention market. The concept and challenges in a merger assessment, Krzysztof Kanton, Jarosław Łukawski, and Szymon Murek
Attitudes and behaviors of households in Zachodniopomorskie region to crisis – results of researches, Augustyna Burlita
Attitudes of the IT staff against employing organization as a challenge for the development of IT businesses, Jerzy Rosiński
Attitudes of Wroclaw university students towards enterprise, Renata Bajer-Marczak and Anna Marciszewska
Attitudes Towards Work in the Context of the Age of Employees, Wojciech Wychowaniec
Attributes of Entrepreneurial Teams as Elements of a Mental Model, Beata Krawczyk-Bryłka
Audiovisual archives of public television - from a ‘safe’ to creativity, Robert Kroplewski
Audit committee and audit quality, Michał Ambroziak and Adam Chmielewski
Audyt finansowy w jednostkach gospodarczych. Teoria i praktyka, Józef Marzec and Jan Śliwa
Australian competition law: selected issues, Konrad Kohutek
Authenticity in marketing: a response to consumer resistance?, Christine Marks and Melani Prinsloo
Authorisation of RPM in the decision of the Australian Antitrust Authority (Tooltechnic case from December 2014), Konrad Kohutek
Automatic renewal of contracts with consumers on the electricity market, Marzena Czarnecka
Auxiliary Budgetary Tools of Financial Stability System. Present Situation and Proposals of Changes, Sebastian Skuza
A vehicle blind spot - considerations on gun-jumping, Anna Laszczyk
Badanie relacji społecznych w organizacji z wykorzystaniem metod projekcyjnych, Anna Pawłowska
Badanie zaufania do organizacji: problemy metodologiczne, Jerzy Wierzbiński
Bank centralny i polityka pieniężna, Witold Rutkowski
Banki i parabanki na polskim rynku kredytu konsumenckiego (na tle pojęcia "instytucji kredytowej"), Włodzimierz Szpringer
Bank Lending Channel Effectiveness –Potential Lessons For Monetary Policy, Filip Świtała, Iwona Kowalska, and Karolina Malajkat
Bank levy – an anti-crisis solution or a fiscal instrument?, Justyna Łupińska
Bankowość elektroniczna w Polsce w opinii klientów indywidualnych w świetle wyników badania własnego, Weronika Mazurek
Bank prudential behaviour and bank stability – how far do they go, Gerti Shijaku
Bankruptcy open to an arrangement as a way of resolving company’s financial crisis, Katarzyna Dżegan
Banks’ Trust in the EU Macroprudential Regulation, Matias Huhtilainen
Barriers for innovation and technology transfer in Poland and methods of overcoming them, Filip Tużnik
Barriers of cooperative relation development, Dariusz Nowak
Barriers to entrepreneurship development financing from EU funds, Przemysław Dubel
Basic aspects of creating cognitive graphics systems, Olga Pilipczuk and Dima Shamroni
Bayes Belief Network as an Operational Risk Management Tool for Banks, Dominika Gadowska-dos Santos
Before a teenager starts to change the world. Adolescent entrepreneurship: a systematic literature review, Grzegorz Simborowski
Behavior of patients and health expenditure, Henryk Mruk
Behavioural Economics as a New Trend in Economics – An Overview, Tomasz Zalega
Belize’s 2016–17 Sovereign Debt Restructuring – Third Time Lucky?, Tamon Asonuma, Michael G. Papaioannou, Eriko Togo, and Bert van Selm
Benedetto Cotrugli – a precursor of science and didactics in accounting and his chosen successors. The double-entry bookkeeping system’s journey from the Italian land to Poland, Agnieszka Kozłowska
Betting on the Market: The Influence of Match-Day Odds on Price Reactions of European Football Clubs, Pascal Alterauge and Marc Mehlhorn
Between the Data Act and the GDPR: Attributing Responsibility for Data Sharing, Antoni Napieralski
Between the effectiveness of administration and legal certainty of traders – comments to the Law of 5 August 2015 Amending the Polish Act on Competition and Consumer Protection and other Laws, Cezary Banasiński and Monika Bychowska
Beyond the Digital Transformation in Omnichannel Transitions: A Scoping Review, Joanna Radomska, Monika Hajdas, Przemysław Wołczek, and Arkadiusz Kawa
Bibliografia prawa pocztowego w Polsce 2014–2017, Mateusz Chołodecki
Bid rigging – a practical review of risks. Judgment of the Court of Competition and Consumers Protection of 8 November 2018, ref. XVII AmA 26/16, Antonina Falandysz-Zięcik
Bid rigging or action allowed by law? The interplay between competition law and public procurement law, Agata Zawłocka-Turno
Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities in Financial Management, Olga Pilipczuk, Natalia Cosenco, and Olena Kosenko
Biomass of riparian meadows as an integrator of energy policy, spatial and water, Krzysztof Kud
Biznesplan, Jacek Kowalczyk
Blending Conflicting Logics by Social Entrepreneurs – The Role of Entrepreneurial Mindset, Agnieszka Żur and Christiane Naumann
Blueprint Silicon Valley? Explaining Idiosyncrasy of Startup Ecosystems, Thomas Baron and Jörg Freiling
Board Homophily, Board Diversity and Network Centrality, Michał Zdziarski and Dominika Czerniawska
Bogactwo różnorodności w pozaekonomicznych wartościach prawa konkurencji (od redaktora numeru), Kamil Dobosz
Bond issue agent, Tomasz Sójka and Adrian Rycerski
Book review: Dragan Gajin, Tijana Kojovic Competition Law in Serbia, Kluwer Law International BV, Netherlands, 2017, 168 p., Dragan Gajin
Book review: Marian Gorynia, Przedsiębiorstwo w biznesie międzynarodowym. Aspekty ekonomiczne, finansowe i menedżerskie, Grzegorz Karasiewicz
Brak przesłanek do zawieszenia postępowania przez sąd cywilny rozstrzygający sprawę o naprawienie szkody wyrządzonej przez naruszenie prawa konkurencji do czasu rozstrzygnięcia postępowania antymonopolowego lub odwoławczego od decyzji Prezesa UOKiK w przedmiocie tego samego naruszenia – uwagi na tle art. 177 § 1 k.p.c., Elżbieta Buczkowska and Marcin Trepka
Brand and shareholder value during financial crises 2008-2009, Grzegorz Urbanek
Brand Love and Brand Forgiveness: An Empirical Study in Turkey, Merve Yanar Gürce, Petek Tosun, and Güzide Öncü Eroğlu Pektaş
Brand Positioning for Products on the Pharmaceutical Market, Monika Skorek and Agnieszka Wilczak
Breach of the obligation to provide passengers with information on train movements. Judgment of the Voivodship’s Administrative Court in Warsaw of 5 June 2014 r. in case VII SA/Wa 2609/13, Monika Floriańczyk-Kardas
Bridging the Psychic Distance Through Diaspora Networks: The Case of Polish Firms in Brazil, Aleksandra Wąsowska
Bringing Children into the Sociology of Consumption: A Symbolic Consumption Perspective, Belinda Senooane and Johannes Wiid
Broad rewarding by the EC and OCCP of undertakings’ cooperation within the proceedings concerning competition law infringements, Agata Zawłocka-Turno
Brokerage activities on the basis of the so-called single banking license: genesis and assumptions, Kinga Bryl
Brytyjskie prawo konkurencji - między dostosowaniem do prawa wspólnotowego a zachowaniem specyfiki narodowej, Tadeusz Skoczny
Brytyjskie prawo konkurencji - między dostosowaniem do prawa wspólnotowego a zachowaniem specyfiki narodowej, Tadeusz Skoczny
Budgeting as a Method of Cost Management Using a Residential Community as an Example, Bartłomiej Juras and Małgorzata Czerny
Budżet państwa i jego funkcje w polityce fiskalnej, Jerzy Żyżyński
Building a Robotic Capability Map of the Enterprise, Andrzej Sobczak
Building competitive advantage through social value creation – a comparative case study approach to social entrepreneurship, Agnieszka Żur
Business Leadership and its Ethics – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, James Hoopes
Business Model of a Creative Company and Design Management, Katarzyna Caban-Piaskowska
Business Processes Improvement by Using Consumers’ Knowledge, Ewa Ziemba and Monika Eisenbardt
Business Process Management in Higher Education. The Case of Students of Logistics, Łukasz Wiechetek, Marek Mędrek, and Jarosław Banaś
Business-to-Business Data Sharing within the EU Digital Market International Conference Warsaw, 14–15 September 2023, Monika Woźniak-Cichuta
Buying Behaviors of Polish Consumers During the Pandemic Lockdown – Research Results, Ewa Prymon-Ryś and Agnieszka Galarowicz
Calculating damages caused by bid rigging, Marta Stryszowska and Joanna Piechucka
Can an Ideal Court Model in Private Antitrust Enforcement Be Established?, Dominik Wolski
Cancellation of interest payments under AT1 bonds – regulatory framework, Aleksander Kowalski
Can Financialisation Counteract Banking Exclusion? A Study on the Example of the European Union Member States, Tomasz Florczak and Marika Ziemba
Can Telecommunications Use the Experiences of Railways When Discussing Functional Separation?, Marcin Król
Can the Right To Be Heard Be Respected without Access to Information about the Proceedings? Deficiencies of National Competition Procedure, Maciej Bernatt
Cape Town Convention and the Aircraft Protocol – selected issues, Mateusz Osiecki
Capital invested in the strategic management of the company. Cost and methods of obtaining, Ewa Maćkowiak
Capital – Opportunity and Danger for the Company, Marta Postuła
Capturing the Value of International Staff Mobility in Higher Education: A Customer-Dominant Logic Approach, Katarzyna Dziewanowska, Rose Quan, and Alison Pearce
CARS Activity Report 2007–2013, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
CARS Activity Report 2009, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
CARS Activity Report 2010, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
CARS Activity Report 2018, Magdalena Kiełkiewicz
CARS Climate and Energy Laboratory (the establishment of a new laboratory), Michał Krzykowski
Car Sharing in Poland – The Perspective of Operators and Cities in the First Comparative Research Study, Grzegorz Tchorek, Filip Targowski, Paweł Krzewicki, and Stefan Wójtowicz
CARS Honorary Award 2018. Big Owl for Dr. Stanisław Gronowski, Tadeusz Skoczny
CARS Honorary Award for Professor Andrzej Wróbel, Tadeusz Skoczny
CARS Scientific Award 2018 (Antitrust). the Big Owl for Professor Rajmund Molski, Tadeusz Skoczny
Cartel and its participant within the meaning of the Act on the actions for damages for infringements of competition law, Maciej Majewski
Cartel Facilitating as a Special Form of Participation in Anticompetitive Agreements under EU and Polish Competition Law. Warsaw, 3 April 2019, Artur Szmigielski
Case comment to the judgement in case C-583/13 P Deutsche Bahn AG and others v. Commission, Katarzyna Manteuffel
Case comment to the judgement in cases C-399/10 P and C-401/10 P Bouygues i Bouygues Télécom v. Commission, Aleksandra Kłoczko
Case comment to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of 2 October 2014 in case Delta Pekárny a.s. v. the Czech Republic (application no. 97/11), Bartosz Turno and Emilia Wardęga
Case Study: Analysis of the Entry Into Force of the Law on the So-Called Hospital Network and Its Consequences for Further Activity of Dr. Wadiusz Kiesz Cardiology and Angiology Center, American Heart of Poland (AHP) in Starachowice, Maciej Rogala, Grzegorz Dzik, and Ewa Donesch-Jeżo
Cash usage in Poland in 2020:Insights into the role of the COVID-19 pandemicand spatial aspects, Radosław Kotkowski and Arkadiusz Manikowski
Causal Analysis Between Liquidity and Profitability: Is There Any Difference Between Public and Private Commercial Banks in Bangladesh?, Qamarullah Bin Tariq Islam
Causal Link Between the Polish Stock Market and Selected Macroeconomic Indicators, Szczepan Urjasz
Causes of vertical conflicts in the motor vehicle distribution channel. A case study, Anna Wójcik-Karpacz
Cele prewencyjnej kontroli koncentracji, Łukasz Kryśkiewicz
Certified mechanism of monitoring internet access service quality, Stanisław Piątek
Challenges and threats of the economy modernization as the result of territorial division into regions in Poland, Ryszarda Bolonek
Challenges for the protection of personal data in the economic turnover before the entrance into force of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Zuzanna Sumińska and Igor Postuła
Challenges of Combating Cartels, 14 Years After the Enactment of Indonesian Competition Law, Sih Yuliana Wahyuningtyas
Challenges of liberalization. The case of Polish electricity and gas sectors, Bartłomiej Nowak
Challenges placed by EU Merger Control in Cargo Rail Transport in the Light of Industry Liberalization, Jakub Kociubiński
Change of managerial roles of doctors in hospitals: what can we learn from the British?, Marcin Kautsch and Kathy Hartley
Change of rates for telecommunications access – selected problems, Arwid Mednis
Changes in consumption in selected European countries, Wiesław Danielak
Changes in Effectiveness of Delta Hedging Using Options on the WIG20, Ryszard Węgrzyn
Changes in Self-Sufficiency in Beef and Pork in Selected Central and Eastern Europe Markets, Sebastian Kubala
Changes in substantive and procedural provisions on practices restricting competition and practices infringing collective consumer interests, Grzegorz Materna and Agata Zawłocka-Turno
Changes in the level and structure of Polish households spending on healthcare in the years of economic crisis, Zofia Skrzypczak
Changes in the Telecommunications Law concerning agreements on the provision of telecommunications services, Maciej Rogalski
Changes in Value Added Tax in the Context of Counteracting Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion at Years 2016–2018, Robert Wolański
Changes of Venture Capital Financing in the USA and in Europe, Elżbieta Pohulak-Żołędowska
Changes regarding penal and penal-administrative liability resulting from the amendment of Telecommunications Law of 16 November 2012, Mariusz Czyżak
Changing environment of health care system as determinant of its future, Ewelina Nojszewska
Changing Weak-Form Informational Efficiency: A Study on the World’s Stock Markets, Jacek Karasiński
Character and control over decisions issued by the Patent Office in a contradictory proceeding, Łukasz Zimończyk
Characteristics of Vietnamese entrepreneur in Poland – metaphor analysis, Agnieszka Brzozowska
‘Choice of law’ as an unfair provision in consumer contracts concluded online, Monika Jagielska and Aleksandra Kunkiel-Kryńska
Choosing the most advantageous tender offer in public procurement of postal services, Anna Górczyńska
Chosen factors affecting employees' satisfaction, Agnieszka Springer
Chronic Patients’ Values Associated to Continuity of Care – the Results of Qualitative Study, Iga Rudawska
Ciało obce: zasady RODO a gospodarka rynkowa, Przemysław Pałka
Civil Law Actions in the Context of Competition Restricting Practices under Polish Law, Paweł Podrecki
Claims equalization systems, operating in the health insurance base system, underlying the competition between third-party payers, Barbara Więckowska
Classification and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Innovation and Enterprise Centres, Bożena Kaczmarska
Climate Challenges: Central Banks In The Hot Seat – Rethinking Monetary Policy and Educational Activity, Łukasz Kurowski
Cloud Communications During the Pandemic From the Perspective of Collaboration Platforms, Joanna Kubacz-Szumska and Oskar Szumski
Cloud computing, and the possibility of its use in the media, Zbigniew Handzel
Cloud-Native Systems Implementation in the Polish SME Enterprises, Patryk Morawiec and Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz
Clusters as a tool for regional and local development management, Łukasz Kalupa
Coach-consultant role in management education, Agnieszka Postuła
Co dalej z rzecznikami konsumentów? Rozważania w przededniu 20-lecia instytucji, Maciej Czapliński and Aleksandra Kapnik
Coherence of the Polish system of support of SMEs’ internationalisation – evaluation and recommendations for the new financial perspective 2014–2020, Justyna Kulawik-Dutkowska
Co-Living or a “Sandpit” for Future Entrepreneurs. First Experience from Poland, Magdalena Popowska
Collaborative Consumption as a Manifestation of Sustainable Consumption, Anna Dąbrowska and Mirosława Janoś-Kresło
Collaborative consumption as a new consumer trend, Paulina Wardak and Tomasz Zalega
Collaborative Performances of Wine Tourism Destinations in the Northern Rhone Valley, Daria Hołodnik
Collecting evidence and hearing cases in the Polish draft act on claims for damages arising from competition law infringements, Patrycja Szot
Collection of charges other than commercial margins for accepting goods for sale, Maciej Bernatt
Collective dominant position on telecommunications markets on the example of the case-law of Spanish competition authorities, Anna Laszczyk
Collective Proceedings for Damages in UK Competition Law Case Comment to the Judgment Merricks v Mastercard [2019] EWCA Civ 674, Kathryn McMahon
Combating unfair use of superior bargaining power in the food retail sector in Germany, Wojciech Łyszczarz
Combining Artificial Intelligence and NFT Tokens – New Challenges for the Art Market?, Włodzimierz Szpringer
Comments on the background and state of the ‘railways of the future’ legislation, Marek Stolorz
Comments on the concept of “energy from renewable sources” in European Union law, Magdalena Porzeżyńska
Commercial offer of health resort facilities in Poland based on empirical research, Hanna Górska-Warsewicz, Olena Kulykovets, and Anna Kudlińska-Chylak
Commission “package” on actions for damages based on EU competition law infringements and collective redress, Anna Piszcz
Commission Recommendation regarding collective redress. How to implement it in Poland?, Anna Piszcz
Commitment decisions in EU case-law – a dispute over the scope of application of the principle of proportionality, Marcin Mleczko
Commitment Decisions under the Polish Competition Act – Enforcement Practice and Future Perspectives, Tomasz Kozieł
Commitment Procedure under Serbian Competition Act, Srđana Petronijević and Zoran Šoljaga
Committed qualitative research in management studies, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera
Commune as a natural monopoly, Judgement of the SOKiK of 22 February 2018 in case XVII AmA 17/15, Łukasz Presnarowicz
Communication processes in mergers and acquisitions, Paulina Gawryszewska
Communications Audit in Measuring the Effectiveness of Communication Strategies in Companies, Michał Wilczewski
Comparability Problems of International Survey Data: The Example of Japan and Italy, Jerzy Wierzbiński and Anna Olga Kuźmińska
Comparing Legal Services Markets in Poland and Brazil – Managerial and Cultural Aspects, Marek Gnusowski and Ludmila Rodrigues Antunes
Comparing the Performance of Logit and Probit Early Warning Systems for Currency Crises in Emerging Market Economies, Fabio Comelli
Comparison of Health Care Systems in European Countries of OECD, Justyna Kujawska
Comparison of Monthly Stock Liquidity Measures for WSE-Listed Companies Based on Low-Frequency Data, Barbara Będowska-Sójka
Comparison of the financial market conditions in Poland and selected countries during the pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war, Dorota Żebrowska-Suchodolska and Andrzej Karpio
Comparison on Efficiency of Foreign and Domestic Banks Evidence from Algeria, Ishaq Hacini and Khadra Dahou
Compatibility of Polish Law with EU Law Concerning the Use of Electronic Communications Means for Direct Marketing Purposes, Artur Salbert
Compensation for Providing Universal Services Postal Sector, Agata Jurkowska
Compensatory Collective Redress: Will It Be Part of Private Enforcement of Competition Law in CEE Countries?, Anna Piszcz
Compensatory Reduction of Service Offering in Rescue and Restructuring Aid for Airlines in EU Law – Impact Assessment, Outlook for Change, Jakub Kociubiński
Competence as a determinant of employees' unethical behavior, Dariusz Turek and Agnieszka Wojtczuk-Turek
Competence-based Development of Managers - Advantages and Challenges, Agnieszka Polanowska
Competence Development in High-tech Companies. Top-down versus Bottom-up Approach to the Implementation of Competence Development System, Jerzy Rosiński and Agata Filipkowska
Competence, Identity or Translation: Metaphors Cross-Cultural Research Lives By, Sławomir Magala
Competence of Common Courts in Poland in Competition Matters, Aleksander Stawicki
Competences of Local Leaders in the Process of Acquiring Aid Funds from the EU, Dominika Bielecka
Competences of the Insurance Ombudsman regarding consumer protection and victims of traffic accidents, Anna Patalon
Competences of the railway regulator and the freedom of contract between the infrastructure manager and railway operators, Filip Dopierała
Competencies of Employees of the Polish Financial Sector – Identification, Evolution, Meaning and Future, Magdalena Laskowicz
Competition and consumer protection and the EU cybersecurity model, Cezary Banasiński and Marcin Rojszczak
Competition between commercial banks in Poland – an analysis of Panzar-Rosse H-statistics, Filip Świtała, Małgorzata Olszak, and Iwona Kowalska
Competition Enforcement Models in the Western Balkans Countries – The Rule of Law Still Terra Incognita?, Dijana Marković-Bajalović
Competition. Ethics. Management, Alojzy Z. Nowak, Beata Glinka, and Przemysław Hensel
Competition in the banking sector and financial stability – a review of theoretical and empirical evidence, Małgorzata Olszak
Competition in the polish rail transport sector, Marcin Kraśniewski
Competition Issues in the Croatian Seaport Sector Regarding the Provision of Nautical Tourism Services, Božena Bulum, Marija Pijaca, and Željka Primorac
Competition Law and State Aid for Failing Banks in the EU and its Specific Implications for CEE Member States, Virag Blazsek
Competition law compliance programmes – an effective mechanism in creating European compliance culture?”, Maciej Gac
Competition Law Enforcement in Italy after the ECN+ Directive: the Difficult Balance between Effectiveness and Over-enforcement, Giacomo Dalla Valentina
Competition Law Enforcement in Times of Crisis: the Case of Serbia, Dusan Popovic
Competition law enforcement in Ukraine: challenges from on-line giants, Anzhelika Gerasymenko and Nataliia Mazaraki
Competition Law Framework in Kosovo and the Role of the EU in Promoting Competition Policies in Other Countries and Regions Wishing to Join the Block, Avdylkader Mucaj
Competition law infringement as a basis for the exclusion from public procurement in EU directives and CJEU jurisprudence, Adrian Bielecki
Competition Law in Kosovo: Problems and Challenges, Orhan M. Çeku
Competition Law in Macedonia in 2011-2012: New Perspectives and New Challenges, Adnan Jashari and Nora Ziba Memeti
Competition law in the European Union: new phenomena and tendencies in jurisprudence (From the Volume Editor), Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Competition Law in the Quasi-Liberalized Postal Service Market: An Overview, Fatih Buğra Erdem
Competition Law in the Quasi-Liberalized Postal Service Market: An Overview, Fatih Buğra Erdem
Competition Law in Western Balkans: Developments in 2018, Dragan Gajin
Competition Law – New Tendencies, New Tools and New Enforcement Methods from an EC and Polish Perspective. Conference of the Global Competition Law Centre in the Natolin Campus of the College of Europe. Report, Małgorzata Szwaj and Robert Gago
Competition Policy Developments in Lithuania in 2013, Raimundas Moisejevas and Monika Dapkutė
Competition Protection and Philip Kotler’s Strategic Recommendations, Anna Fornalczyk
Competition protection in Finland, Beata Mäihäniemi
Competitiveness of the telecommunication markets - quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in antitrust and sector specific regulations proceedings, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska
Computer games in organisations - psychological determinants, Michał Mijal
Concept of Peer-to-Peer Lending and Application of Machine Learning in Credit Scoring, Aleksy Klimowicz and Krzysztof Spirzewski
Concept of the asymmetric competitive pressure. Polish competition authority’s decisions in Auchan Polska and Jeronimo Martins cases in the light of British experience, Justyna Matuszczak-Piasta
Concepts of Development Expenditures in Poland, Anna Moździerz
Conceptual Engineering and Organization and Management Theory, Piotr Tomasz Makowski
Concession – a legal instrument for energy security, Piotr Manteuffel and Filip Elżanowski
Conclusions for Poland in View of the Special Report of the European Court of Auditors Concerning Fighting Financial Fraud in Spending EU Funds, Eugeniusz Ruśkowski and Adam Piotr Chociej
Conditional merger approvals in Polish legislation and decision-making practice. CARS Open PhD Seminar Report, Pola Karolczyk
Condition of banks listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange during the first 3 months of the pandemic in Poland, Zbigniew Korzeb and Paweł Niedziółka
Conditions and development factors of tourist services in rural areas, Mikołaj Jalinik
Conditions for the development of enterprises in rural areas facing the risk of marginalization, Wanda Zaremba
Conditions for the recognition of a practice as an infringement of collective consumer interests, Izabela Wesołowska
Conditions of the operational budgeting implementation in the multi-plant extractive industry company, Katarzyna Trzpioła
Conditions relating to the implementation and improvement of quality systems in enterprises operating in Poland, Maciej Urbaniak
Conference Sport and European Union, Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego, 11 December 2013, Piotr Semeniuk
Confirmation on the availability of funds (CAF) – selected legal issues, Michał Masłowski
Conformity of the universal services fi nancing model adopted in Postal law Act with the law of the European Union, Artur Salbert
Connections to non-geographic numbers. Comment to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 14 April 2016, C – 397/14, Łukasz Pirożek
Consensual Dispute Resolution in the Damage Directive. Implementation in CEE Countries, Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad
Consequences of the new Reimbursement Act for patients and the public payer, Józef Haczyński and Zofia Skrzypczak
Consequences of using different types of rating scales, Jerzy Wierzbiński, Anna O. Kuźmińska, and Grzegorz Król
Considerations concerning the efficiency and competitiveness of the third party payer on the basis of the National Healthcare Fund, Piotr Bromber
Considerations on mechanisms for resolving conflicts on the rail transport market, Mirosław Antonowicz
Considering the role of modeling in economic forecasting, Jerzy Bogdanienko
Consolidation of the Polish Electricity Sector. The Merger Law Perspective, Tadeusz Skoczny
Construction and deconstruction of manager’s role – students images and practitioners’ point of view, Julita Majczyk and Magdalena Kubów
Consulting as a factor in the development of organizational management, Kinga Korniejenko and Katarzyna Lichwa
Consulting as a subject of study – a review of a recent literature, Przemysław Hensel
Consumer ADRs in the energy sector: hopes and questions, Jarosław Sroczyński
Consumer and Dietary Behaviour of Polish Silver Singles, Tomasz Zalega
Consumer Attitudes Towards Manufacturer Brands and Own Label Brands – The Case of the Chocolate Market in Poland, Teresa Taranko
Consumer bankruptcy in selected European Union Member Countries in relation to the economic crisis, Anna Szymańska
Consumer Behavior on the Organic Fruit and Vegetable Market: The Evidence from Poland, Joanna Pawlak and Wioletta Wróblewska
Consumer behavior towards brands in crisis situations, Hanna Górska-Warsewicz
Consumer Behaviour of Silver Singles on the E-Tourist Market, Adrian Lubowiecki-Vikuk and Bruno Barbosa Sousa
Consumer Boycotts in Perspectives of Young Consumer of Generation Y in Poland and France, Małgorzata Szwed
Consumer class action against the transport carriers – US and EU cases, Hanna Misiak
Consumer Engagement in Business Process Innovation: Cases of the Firms Operating in the ICT Sector, Ewa Ziemba and Monika Eisenbardt
Consumer Innovation and Senior Consumers’ Behaviour – Research Results, Sylwia Badowska and Anna Rogala
Consumer Interest Criterion in Competition Cases in Air Transport – On the Need of a Definition, Jakub Kociubiński
Consumerism 3.0 Trends and Their Influence on the Shape of Virtual Br and Communities: The Case of Nutella, Monika Skorek and Michał Ambroziak
Consumer protection instruments in the Competition and Consumer Protection Act 2007 – the need for changes?, Małgorzata Sieradzka
Consumer protection in the collaborative economy in EU Law – the analysis of selected problems, Anita Kucharska
Consumer protection in the internet – the case of free services offered by internet platforms, Iga Małobęcka
'Consumer’ protection of certain natural persons conducting a business activity – selected issues, Bartosz Wyżykowski
Consumers’ Financial Literacy in Poland - the Research and the Resulting Conclusions, Andrzej Bień and Łukasz Gębski
Consumers’ Innovativeness and Responsible Consumption, Anna Olejniczuk-Merta, Dorota Szepieniec-Puchalska, and Anna Szymańska
Consumer Welfare in Financial Services: A View from EU Competition Law, Viktoria H.S.E. Robertson
Consumption in Rural Households of the Elderly, Marlena Piekut and Krystyna Gutkowska
Consumption trends in the e-books market, Michał Latusek and Tomasz Zalega
Contact With Beneficiaries as a Success Factor of Corporate Volunteering, Barbara Józefowicz, Iwona Escher, and Aldona Glińska-Neweś
Contemporary Banking in Conditions of Instability of Public Finances, Ewa Gubernat-Ulatowski
Contemporary challenges of consumer law, ed. Bogusława Gnela, Kinga Michałowska, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2015, pp. 317 (review by Iwona Miedzińska), Iwona Miedzińska
Contemporary economic relations between European Union and China, Ewa Kędzierska
Contemporary Managerial Competences. Empirical Studies in the Field of Education, Agnieszka Postuła
Contemporary Trends in Management Education versus Student Expectations, Agnieszka Postuła
Contracts and Automation: Exploring the Normativity of Automation in the Context of U.S. Contract Law and E.U. Consumer Protection Directives, Daniel Barnhizer
Contractual advantage in trade and its unfair use in German and French regulations – tips for the Polish case-law and the legislator?, Michał Roszak and Bartosz Turno
Controlled Chaos with Consumer Welfare as the Winner – a Study of the Goals of Polish Antitrust Law, Dawid Miąsik
Controlling Support in Enhancing the Managerial Work and Optimalization of its Effects, Marta Nowak
Control of Concentration Proceedings and Access to Public Information. Case comment to the judgment of Regional Administrative Court in Warsaw of 16 December 2015, SAB/Wa 796/15, Aleksandra Kędzior
Control of concentrations in the light of latest legislative amendments, Sławomir Dudzik
Control over acquisition of minority shareholdings in the planned reform of the Regulation 139/2004, Dariusz Aziewicz
Conventionalists, Pioneers and Criminals Choosing Between a National Currency and a Global Currency, Guizhou Wang and Kjell Hausken
Conversion Attribution: What Is Missed by the Advertising Industry? he OPEC Model and Its Consequences for Media Mix Modeling, Arkadiusz Zaremba
Cooperation between competitors in the group of Polish SMEs, Marianna Strzyżewska
Cooperation between science and agricultural-food industry on the example of the Innovation Cluster in Agricultural Business, Barbara Wyrzykowska
Coopetition and Open Strategy – Common Roots and Shared Strategic Dilemmas, Patrycja Klimas and Joanna Radomska
Coordinated Care in Oncology, Anna Różalska and Marcin Czech
Corporate architecture evaluation methods, Małgorzata Pańkowska
Corporate authority in State Owned Companies, Igor Postuła
Corporate Bonds Congress, Warsaw, 21–22 October 2019, Krzysztof Dziubiński
Corporate Entrepreneurship - its essence, conditioning and basic areas, Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Corporate Governance and Corporate Entrepreneurship, Adam Samborski
Corporate Philanthropy in Shaping the Financial Efficiency of Cooperative Banks in Poland – Empirical Research, Marta Idasz-Balina, Rafał Balina, Adam Zając, and Krzysztof Smoleń
Corporate Rebranding and Its Meaning – Theory Perspective, Barbara Mróz-Gorgoń and Michael Haenlein
Corporate Social Responsibility and Enterprise Value on the Capital Market, Karolina Łudzińska
Corporate Social Responsibility and Science Social Responsibility – In Search of Analogy, Marcin Żemigała
Corporate social responsibility in work relations, Maciej Bernatt
Corporate Social Responsibility – Is It Worth It? Analysis of Rates of Return of Sustainable Development Indexes in Relation to Traditional Stock Indexes, Rafał Miedziak and Filip Wójcik
Corporate Social Responsibility of Chinese SMEs: Implementation and Challenges, Khaled Mohammed Alqahtani and Pingping Song
Correct determination of SME status in the context of State Aid for companies, Justyna Kulawik-Dutkowska
Correlation Between Fiscal Rules and Sustainable Development of the Visegrad Group Countries, Jens Hölscher, Marta Postuła, Agnieszka Alińska, and Jarosław Klepacki
Co się wydarzy gdy spadną ceny? Recenzja książki Ch. Farrella "Deflation. What happens when prices fall", Waldemar M. Kozioł
Cost carrier selection methods, Adam Chmielewski
Creating a Competitive Advantage in the Age of Industry 4.0, Anna Adamik
Creating innovation in partner networks. The case of NTT DoCoMo, Krzysztof Klincewicz
Creating the Brand of a Commune, Jacek Pasieczny
Creation of quality public services in the municipality, Zbigniew Olesiński
Creative Corporate Communication in Social Media – How to Effectively Build Relations and Receive High Quality Resumes From Younger Generations, Barbara Drapała
Creativity as a travelling concept: from Alexander Gerard to Richard Florida, Tomasz Kukołowicz
Credit Intermediation As an Element of Systemic Risk of the Banking Sector. The Case of Poland in 2006–2016, Jarosław Klepacki
Credit Rating Changes and the Bond Market – the Impact of Economic Development, Patrycja Chodnica-Jaworska
Credit Ratings Inflation Phenomenon – Are There Any Diffrences in the Credit Ratings Determinants?, Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska
Credit risk adjusted bank’s liquidity as a support measure for the process of financial stability management, Paweł Niedziółka
Credit Risk Modeling Using Interpreted XGBoost, Marcin Hernes, Jędrzej Adaszyński, and Piotr Tutak
Criminal liability of board members, Aleksandra Polińska
Criminal liability of the Supervisory Board pursuant to art. 296 of the Criminal Code, Marcin Piotrowski
Criteria of Ontology Editors Evaluation, Helena Dudycz
Critical Success Factors for e-Government: Perspectives of Poland and Its Provinces, Ewa Ziemba, Tomasz Papaj, and Maria Jadamus-Hacura
Cross-Border E-Commerce – Myth or Reality. Review of Major Harmonisation Efforts, Bartosz Targański and Anna Mokrysz-Olszyńska
Cross-Country Comparisons of Environmental Concern, Krzysztof Nowak, Dorota Markiewicz, Jakub Gawraczyński, and Paweł Mazurkiewicz
Cross Country Heterogeneity of Procyclicality of Bank Loans: Evidence from OECD Countries using the SURE Model, Mateusz Pipień and Abhisek Anand
Cross-Cultural Adjustment Experience in High Technology Management: Case of Władysław Turowicz in Pakistan Air Force, Muhammad Kamran
Cross-cultural problems in entities with foreign capital, Małgorzata Rozkwitalska
Cross-cultural problems in international corporations, Sylwia Przytuła
Crowdfunding as an Internet Tool Used for Establishing Relationships With the Customer – A Concept Paper, Małgorzata Wiścicka-Fernando
Crowdfunding systems development - models, expectations and circumstances, Dariusz T. Dziuba
CSR at HEIs: Between Ignorance, Awareness and Knowledge, Julita E. Wasilczuk and Magdalena Popowska
Cultural congruency and shocking buzz campaigns: contrasting the opinions of professionals and consumers, Karim BEN YAHIA, Soukeina TOUITI, and Mourad TOUZANI
Cultural context of international human resources management, Czesław Zając
Cultural determinants of CSR activities, Joanna Furmańczyk
Cultural determinants of talent management, Barbara Wyrzykowska
Cultural Entrepreneurship and Money: Start-Up Financing Structures in the Creative Industries, Elmar D. Konrad
Cultural heritage management – towards a new methodology, Łukasz Gaweł
Culturally manipulated organisations. Or from the pyramid to the network and back again, Sławomir Magala
Cultural 'profiles' in intercultural communication, Tadeusz Paleczny
Customer Lifetime Value and Valuation of Internet Companies, Paweł Kossecki
Customer Perceived Value Towards Convenience Stores in Malaysia: The Influence on Customer Satisfaction,Loyalty and Retention, Abdulrauf Animashaun, Tarila Iman Tunkarimu, and Omkar Dastane
Customers and the innovation activity of industrial system in Poland, Arkadiusz Świadek and Barbara Czerniachowicz
Customers' Loyalty toward Competitive Brands - How to Evaluate the Internet Users' Behaviour Giving Consideration to the Double "Jeopardy Phenomenon"?, Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor and Paweł Kossecki
Customers’ Perceptions as an Antecedent of Satisfaction with Online Retailing Services, Peter Misiani Mwencha and Stephen Makau Muathe
Cutting Emissions in the Energy Sector: a Technological and Regulatory Perspective, Janusz Lewandowski
Cybersecurity of medical devices from the perspective of Regulation no. 2017/745, Jarosław Greser
Cybersecurity – sectorial regulatory aspects, Paweł Wajda
Cyborg czy hipis - wymogi pracodawców wobec absolwentów w Polsce, Austrii i Niemczech. Komunikat z badań, Michał Mijal
Cycle length collection of receivables and inventory turnover in companies for three years before the bankruptcy court, Paweł Antonowicz
Cyclicality of Banks' Capital Buffers, Małgorzata Olszak
Czy bez regulacji możliwa jest ekologiczna kolej?, Ewelina Nieznalska and Anna Głusiec
Czy możliwa jest demokratyczna debata o regulacji rynku mediów?, Przemysław Hensel
Czy możliwa jest demokratyczna debata o regulacji rynku mediów?, Przemysław Hensel
Czy nadchodzą zmiany w podejściu organów ochrony konkurencji do rabatów warunkowych stosowanych przez podmioty posiadające pozycję dominującą? Wyrok TSUE z 6 września 2017 r. w sprawie C-413/14P Intel Corp. Inc. przeciwko Komisji, Teresa Kaczyńska-Kochaniec
Czynniki i bariery rozwoju przedsiębiorstw na Mazowszu, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Mariusz Szałański
Czy satysfakcja klienta to tylko spełnienie jego oczekiwań?, Agnieszka Stewart
Czy ubezpieczonemu przysługuje status konsumenta w świetle przepisów kodeksu cywilnego?, Jan Ulański
Czy załamania rynków kapitałowych są przewidywalne?, Mariola Zalewska
Damages Directive 2014/104/EU – a review of selected rules, Anna Piszcz
Dark Sides of Intra-Organizational Coopetition. Perspective of Coopetition Within Business Groups, Wioletta Mierzejewska
DARQ Technology as a Digital Transformation Strategy in Terms of Global Crises, Jerzy Kisielnicki and Jan Zadrożny
Data Envelopment Analysis in the Assessment of the Efficiency of Local Government Units: The Case of LAG “Polcentrum”, Marcin Walczak and Edyta Marcinkiewicz
Data Mining Process Maturity – Result of Empirical Research, Piotr Sliż
Data Sharing for the Common Good – Remarks on the Data Altruism Framework Established under the Data Governance Act, Adrianna Michałowicz
Dawn Raids and the Role of Forensic IT in Antitrust Investigations, Jan Polański
D. Borek, H. Zawistowska (red.), Komentarz do ustawy o imprezach turystycznych i powiązanych usługach turystycznych, Wydawnictwo ODDK, Gdańsk 2020, ss. 573, Jerzy Gospodarek
Decentralizacja i zmiany w polityce społecznej, Hanna Fołtyn
Decentralization and tax independence in OECD countries: GDP per capita analysis from 1995–2018, Anna Semmerling, Andrzej Paczoski, and Giuseppe T. Cirella
Decisions of Supervisory Board in light of decision making models, Magdalena Jagielska
Decisions on the derogation of both Nord Stream gas pipelines as an element of the multilevel enforcement of EU law, Konrad Zawodziński
Decision to suspend the use of a large combustion plant – weighing of public and private interest, Wiktoria Pogorzała and Michał Pytkowski
Deconstruction of the company’s structure. The influence of government officials on State Owned Companies, Igor Postuła
Decyzja Autorité de la Concurrence dotycząca naruszenia praw pokrewnych wydawców prasy przez Google, Maciej Janik
Decyzja Komisji Europejskiej z 24 marca 2004 r. w sprawie COMP/C-3.37.792 Microsoft, Justyna Majcher
Decyzja Komisji Europejskiej z 24 marca 2004 r. w sprawie COMP/C-3.37.792 Microsoft, Justyna Majcher
Decyzje Prezesa UOKiK dotyczące naruszeń zbiorowych interesów konsumentów za lata 2020–2021 w sprawach niefinansowych, Anna Urbanek
Decyzje Prezesa UOKiK w sprawach stosowania niedozwolonych klauzul we wzorcach umownych dotyczących usług finansowych za lata 2020–2021, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska and Artur Zwaliński
Deep Roots of Fiscal Behavior, Serhan Cevik and Katerina Teksoz
Defining product markets in order to assess concentrations of large retail store chains. Towards a convergence of national and EU approaches?, Sławomir Dudzik and Aleksander Tombiński
Defining the relevant market in the pharmaceutical sector in antitrust cases – role of the European Commission Notice on the defi nition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law, Katarzyna Racka and Weronika Herbet
Demystifying the Role of Slack Resources and Paradox Mindset for Organizational Creativity in Family and Non-Family Firms, Katarzyna Bratnicka-Myśliwiec and Tomasz Ingram
Dept-based recapitalization of a joint stock company, Halina Buk
Designing Pro-Competitive Research Data Pools: Which EU Competition Remedies for Research Data Silos in Digital Markets?, Giulia Schneider
Designing to Attract in an Emerging Market: Applying Behavioural Reasoning Theory to South African Consumer Reactions to an Ultra-High Temperature Milk Product Line Extension, Elizabeth Kempen and Lorna Christie
Design of Regulatory Contracts – Example of the Urban Transport Industry, Joanna Piechucka
Design thinking w procesie legislacyjnym – szanse i zagrożenia, Agata Sobusiak
Detailed analysis of conglomerate effects in the practice of the President of UOKiK. Decision in case Geberit/Sanitec of 30 January 2015, No. DKK-24/2015, Teresa Kaczyńska
Determinants and Consequences of Involuntary Turnover of Sales Personnel, Krzysztof Cybulski
Determinants for entrepreneurship among students in Lower Silesia, Renata Brajer-Marczak and Anna Marciszewska
Determinants of Bank Competitiveness in Digital Era A Case Study of South Korea, Young Jun Jin and Yanthi Hutagaol-Martowidjojo
Determinants of Banks’ Net Interest Margins in Honduras, Koffie Nassar, Edder Martinez, and Anabel Pineda
Determinants of banks’ profitability and efficiency: Empirical evidence from a sample of Banking Systems, Mouna Rekik and Maha Kalai
Determinants of Business Model Maturity, Anna Białek-Jaworska, Renata Gabryelczyk, and Agnieszka Pugaczewicz
Determinants of Central Eastern European Banks’ Adequacy Risk, Jowita Grzelak
Determinants of corporate capital structure in the trade-off theories, Marek Barowicz
Determinants of credit ratings of European countries, Patrycja Chodnicka, Piotr Jaworski, and Katarzyna Niewińska
Determinants of Development of Commercial Content Distribution Services in Poland, Witold Chmielarz
Determinants of Effective Stimulation of Local Development, Alojzy Zalewski
Determinants of e-Government Development in the Republic of South Africa from the Perspective of a Private User, Oskar Szumski
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Attitudes in Relation to Students of Economics and Non-Economics, Monika Jakubiak and Krystyna Buchta
Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intentions at Universities. Warsaw University of Technology Case, Adam Müller and Dariusz Parzych
Determinants of High-Growth Enterprises in Poland, Teresa Kraśnicka and Wojciech Głód
Determinants of Interest in Mobile Payments among Polish Consumers, Michał Polasik and Natalia Kumkowska
Determinants of Liquidity Riskin the Countries of the European Economic Area, Agnieszka Wysocka
Determinants of Polish Nurses’ Job Satisfaction – Selected Elements of Employee Evaluations, Danuta Kunecka
Determinants of Regional Management of Public Health Care Sector, Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka
Determinants of science-business cooperation in pharmaceutical production – case study, Monika Jakubiak and Paweł Chrapownicki
Determinants of the Development of Innovative Activity of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Operating in Sectors of Regional Smart Specialisations, Renata Lisowska
Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Handicraft Products – an Experimental Approach, Magdalena Brzozowicz
Determinanty i wyzwania w karierze informatyka ekonomicznego, Witold Chmielarz and Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz
Determinanty sukcesu zarządzania projektami informatycznymi w opiniach ekspertów, Witold Chmielarz and Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz
Determinanty zachowań lojalnościowych nabywców, Katarzyna Dziewanowska
Developing Central and Eastern Europe As a Hub For Global Entrepreneurship: Budapest and Prague As Cases in Point, Bala Mulloth and Andreas Antonopoulos
Developing Corporate Entrepreneurship by Adopting Learning Practices of Startups, Grażyna Urbanik-Papp
Developing virtual knowledge markets to support entrepreneurship, Jacek Bendkowski
Development determinants of tourist enterprises based on knowledge, Kazimierz Perechuda and Elżbieta Nawrocka
Development Economics: An Outline, Tomasz Zalega
Development Management by Units of Local Government - Specificity, Needs and Challenges, Grzegorz Ślusarz
Development of Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Lithuania, Raimundas Moisejevas
Development of social capital as a factor in helping an enterprise come out of a crisis, Felicjan Bylok
Development of Sustainable Tourism in Malta in the Aftermath of the Global Economic Recession, Katarzyna Podhorodecka and Sharon C. Cobb
Development of the Judicial Review of the Decisions of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, Silvia Šramelová and Andrea Šupáková
Development of the principle of energy solidarity in the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice, Jakub Faszcza
Development Potential of SMEs in Poland Selected Aspects of Age, Diversity and Intellectual Capital Management, Elwira Gross-Gołacka, Izabela Warwas, and Justyna Wiktorowicz
Diagram 9 czynników sprawczych i jego wykorzystanie w badaniach organizacji, Aleksander Gwiazda
Dieselgate and the legal consequences of the manipulation of air pollution emissions, Zofia Mazur
Differentiating Criteria and Segmentation of Polish Startup Companies, Katarzyna Rostek and Agnieszka Skala
Differentiation of Budget Revenues From Alcohol Licence Fees: Case Study of the Podkarpackie Voivodship Self-Government, Piotr Sołtyk
Digital Communication Tools as a Success Factor of Interdisciplinary Projects, Matthew R. Ganis and Małgorzata Waszkiewicz
Digital content as a subject of economic trading – definition issues, Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz
Digital Data-Driven Mergers: Is a Data-Sharing Remedy a Panacea?, Monika Woźniak-Cichuta
Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems of Traditional Companies – A Case Study, Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek and Aleksandra Hauke-Lopes
Digital Innovation as the Key Factor in Changing Organizational Identity into a Digital Organizational Identity, Roman Batko and Katarzyna Baliga-Nicholson
Digital Transformation of Transportation in the Age of COVID-19, Dorota Zimnoch
Dilemmas of the heat sector – a few words about competition and monopoly in the district heating sector, Marcin Kraśniewski
Dimensions of Energy Management: Overall Approach, Jan Polaszczyk
Dimensions of Mentoring Among Female Managers – an Explanatory Factor Analysis Based on the Global Measure of Mentoring Practices, Klaudia Blachnicka
Direct conclusion of a service contract and the possibility to lodge an appeal against the activities of the organiser of public transport Commets to the judgements of the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Gliwice in cases II SA/Gl 1024/12, 1267/12, 1268/12, 1269/12 and 1408/12 I 1409/12 (, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza and Łukasz Bożekowski
Direct cost sharing in the basic health system – Swiss experience, Maria Magdalena Kozber and Magdalena Osak
Directions of Changes in Health Care, Henryk Mruk
Directions of Health Services Reforming in Belarus, Wiktor A. Snieżycki and Marina J Surmacz
Directive 2011/83/EU of 25 October 2011 on consumer rights as the next step towards the creation of uniform rules of competition on the EU market, Anna Mokrysz-Olszyńska
Directive (EU) 2019/1 as Another Brick into Empowerment of Slovak Market Regulator, Hana Kováčiková
Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions and Current Changes of Slovak Competition and Civil Law, Ondrej Blazo
Direct sales management - a case study, Adam Rudzewicz
Direct selling distributors as transnational entrepreneurs - the case of Amway and Mary Kay Cosmetics, Paweł Krzyworzeka
Disclosure of Documents in Private Antitrust Enforcement Litigation, Aleš Galič
Disclosure of Evidence in Central and Eastern European Countries in Light of the Implementation of the Damages Directive, Inese Druviete, Jūlija Jerņeva, and Aravamudhan Ulaganathan Ravindran
Discounting for Intergenerational Investments: Individual Discount Rate for Close and Remote Beneficiaries, Monika Foltyn-Zarychta
Discrimination Against Elderly People on the Polish Labor Market – Research Results, Ewa Sobolewska-Poniedziałek and Anna Niewiadomska
Discriminatory models as a tool for bankruptcy risk assessment industrial capital groups – the chemical sector, Eryk Bobowski
Discussion of the implementation process of Directive 2014/104/UE/EU in Poland, Spain and the UK, Jacek Sadurski
Dispute about homeopathy (or who rules the market?), Jarosław Sroczyński
Disregard for actions shaping the level of employees' job satisfaction as a dysfunction in the human resources management process, Marta Fiech and Krzysztof Mudyń
Distance contracts for digital content which is not supplied on a tangible medium in the light of the Law on Consumer Rights, Wojciech Dziomdziora
Distance selling of medicinal products – national legislation, Zbigniew Więckowski
Distribution agreements in the EU: restrictions of competition in IPR clauses, Joanna Kruk-Kubarska
Distribution agreements in the motor vehicle industry in the new system of block exemptions, Patrycja Szot and Adam Zięba
Distribution models of electronic contents on the example of e-books, Wojciech Łyszczarz
Distribution of television programs as a telecommunications service, Stanisław Piątek
Dividend Strategy in State-owned Entities, Radosław Winiarski
Dividend Versus Investment – Cash Flow Allocation, Elżbieta Bukalska, Anna Maziarczyk, and Kinga Ociesa
Dlaczego doświadczenia Tajwanu są interesujące dla mieszkańców Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej?, Tomasz Ochinowski and Mirosław Przygoda
Do Androids Dream of Price Fixing? Pricing algorithms, artificial intelligence, and competition law., Michał Konrad Derdak
Dochodzenie przed sądem polskim roszczeń odszkodowawczych z tytułu reguł konkurencji, Anna Piszcz and Dominik Wolski
Do Enhanced Collective Action Clauses Affect Sovereign Borrowing Costs?, Kay Chung and Michael G. Papaioannou
Does a global young consumer exist? A comparative study of South Korea and Poland, Agnieszka Kacprzak and Katarzyna Dziewanowska
Does Competition Matter? An Attempt of Analytical ‘Unbundling’ of Competition from Consumer Welfare: A Response to Miąsik, Oles Andriychuk
Does CRM Technology Help in Achieving Sustainable Competitive Advantage?, Bartosz Deszczyński
Does FIFA’s ban on third-party ownership infringe EU competition rules?, Radosław Niwiński
Does it pay to be good? An analysis of vice and virtue stock performance in the Eurozone, Toni Vide
Does Negativity Counterpoint Positivity, or the Other Way Round? On Positive Organizational Scholarship, Aldona Glińska-Neweś and Beata Glinka
Does persistence in idiosyncratic risk proxy return-reversals?, Harmindar B. Nath and Vasilis Sarafidis
Does Relative Performance of Socially Responsible Investing Increase With Financial Risk?, Paweł Śliwiński and Maciej Łobza
Does the Control of the Board of the Bank Encourage Its Stability? The Survey of Corporate Governance Practices in Europe in the Years 2003–2014, Renata Karkowska
Does the Perceived Authentic Leadership Have a Mediating Role in the Relationship Between Employees’ Emotional Intelligence and Self-Compassion?, Osman Yalap and Emre Gençay
Does Thinking Style Affect the Impacts of Satisfaction and Reputation on Repurchase Intention? A Cross-National Comparison, Oznur Ozkan Tektas, Canan Eryigit, and Ozge Tayfur Ekmekci
Does Thinking Style Affect the Impacts of Satisfaction and Reputation on Repurchase Intention? A Cross-National Comparison, Oznur Ozkan Tektas, Canan Eryigit, and Ozge Tayfur Ekmekci
Do exchange-traded funds listed on Warsaw Stock Exchange well replicate performance of indices?, Tomasz Miziołek and Ewa Feder-Sempach
Do institutional and political factors matter for the efficiency of banking sectors?, Małgorzata Anna Olszak and Patrycja Chodnicka
Doktryna cartel facilitator – początek oraz rozwój w praktyce decyzyjnej zagranicznych organów ochrony konkurencji oraz orzecznictwie sądów unijnych, Agnieszka Jelska
Doktryna neoliberalna jako ideologia zarządzania, Marian Dobrzyński
Doktryna niezbędnych ograniczeń we wspólnotowym orzecznictwie antymonopolowym w sprawach porozumień ograniczających konkurencję, Agata Jurkowska
Doktryna niezbędnych ograniczeń we wspólnotowym orzecznictwie antymonopolowym w sprawach porozumień ograniczających konkurencję, Agata Jurkowska
Do Microprudential Regulations and Supervision Affect the Link Between Lending and Capital Ratio in Economic Downturns of Large Banks in the EU?, Małgorzata Olszak, Sylwia Roszkowska, and Iwona Kowalska
Do perceived value and satisfaction affect customers’ behavioural intentions? A case study of Polish squash clubs, Monika Piątkowska
Do Personality Types Make Consumers Exhibit Different Complaint Behaviors?, Olgun Kitapci and Ibrahim Taylan Dortyol
Dopuszczalne formy pomocy państwa na rzecz linii lotniczych w dobie pandemii COVID-19 (część II), Jadwiga Urban-Kozłowska
Dorota Leczykiewicz, Stephen Weatherill (eds.), The Images of the Consumer in EU Law, Hart Publishing 2016, 470 p.; review by Monika Namysłowska, Monika Namysłowska
Doskonalenie pracy własnej skutecznym narzędziem osiągnięcia sukcesu przez menedżerów przyszłości, Izabela Orzoł
Dostęp do urządzeń kluczowych w niezależnych regulacjach sektorowych, Justyna Majcher
Dostęp do urządzeń kluczowych w niezależnych regulacjach sektorowych, Justyna Majcher
Doubts regarding the legal status of the domestic passenger air carriage contract, Konrad Garnowski
Do we still need heating? (from the Editors-in-Chief), Marzena Czarnecka and Marcin Kraśniewski
Do we still need national competition laws? Case comment to the judgment of the Court of Justice of 14 February 2012 C-17/10 Toshiba v Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza
Dowody ekonomiczne w ocenie koncentracji na przykładzie przejęcia kontroli nad EDF Polska S.A. przez PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A., Władysław Hydzik
Draft of the reform of the abstract control of unfair contract terms, Michał Strzelecki
Drogi reformowania sektora publicznego, Jacek Pasieczny
Drony – przyszłość lotnictwa i wyzwanie legislacyjne. Kilka uwag o nowych regulacjach unijnych dotyczących bezzałogowych statków powietrznych, Mateusz Osiecki
Durable medium in consumer trade, Jan Marek Szczygieł
Duty, Calling or Passion? The Meaningfulness of Work in Narratives of Public Administration Employees, Agnieszka Wojtczuk-Turek
Dwudziestowieczne lekarstwo na problemy XXI wieku Glosa do wyroku TS z 6 grudnia 2017 r. w sprawie C-230/16 Coty Germany GmbH przeciwko Parfümerie Akzente GmbH, Tomasz Bagdziński
Dyfuzja innowacji. Jak odnieść sukces w komercjalizacji nowych produktów i usług, Krzysztof Klincewicz
Dyktatura czasu w pracy menedżera, Benedykt Puczkowski
Dynamics of multicultural processes in organization. Case study, Katarzyna Gajek
Dysfunkcje w zarządzaniu kapitałem ludzkim w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach, Magdalena Joanna Parzych
E-administracja, czyli cyfryzacja usług publicznych w Europie i w Polsce – nowa rola operatorów pocztowych?, Anna Romejko-Borkowska
“Earnings Management” as a Factor for Underpricing Initial Public Offerings: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Rafał Cieślik
Earnings quality from a methodological perspective, Rafał Cieślik
East Asia on the economic arena. Some comments to the discussion on the cultural differences, Adam W. Jelonek
Eating behavior of shift workers and their health condition, Agnieszka Momora and Jan Krupa
ECN Recommendations of December 2013 – towards a better quality of European competition policy?, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
E-Commerce as a Game Changer for Logistics in a Sustainable Context, Arkadiusz Kawa
Economic Analysis of Charitable Donations, Moon Young Kang, Byungho Park, Sanghak Lee, Jaehwan Kim, and Greg Allenby
Economic Approach to Counteracting Cartels, Anna Fornalczyk
Economic Aspects of Cash Access Problems, Arkadiusz Manikowski
Economic boundaries of industrial property and the LtV ratio, Edward Wiszniowski
Economic Burden of Rare Diseases With Common Diseases as a Comorbidity in Poland, Joanna Leśniowska
Economic Complexity, Institutions, and Property Rights, Aribah Aslam, Maryam Ishaq, Ghulam Ghouse, and Bismillah Khan
Economic Conditions of the Cultural Sector, Adam Mateusz Suchecki
Economic Determinants of Regulatory Decisions in the Polish Telecommunications Sector, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska
Economic effectiveness as an analytical tool for health care, Ewelina Nojszewska
Economic effectiveness of telework implementation for IT teams in the public sector institutions, Mirosław Dyczkowski
Economic grounds for the use of slotting fees and market elimination allegedly done by retail chains (large-format shops), Maciej Fornalczyk
Economic Power, Development and Neoliberalism in Brazil, Rubens R. Sawaya
Economics and Economic Order of Societies, Zbigniew Hockuba
Economics and the internal account settlement in small family business, Teresa Szot-Gabryś
Economic sociology as a sociology of economic action, Krzysztof T. Konecki
Economics of Competition Protection. Vertical Restraints/Ekonomia ochrony konkurencji. Ograniczenia wertykalne, Anna Fornalczyk and Tadeusz Skoczny
Economy, society and managing, Alojzy Z. Nowak, Beata Glinka, and Przemysław Hensel
Ecopreneurship and Green Product Initiative (GPI): An Agenda for Nigeria’s Sustainable Development in the 21st Century, Oludele Mayowa Solaja
Editorial foreword, Kamil Dobosz and Maciej Bernatt
Editorial foreword, Maciej Bernatt, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka, and Laura Zoboli
Editorial foreword, Jurgita Malinauskaite
Editorial foreword, Grzegorz Materna and Anna Piszcz
Editorial foreword, Anna Piszcz and Amadeo Arena
Editorial foreword, Maciej Bernatt and Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Editorial foreword, Maciej Bernatt
Editorial foreword, Jurgita Malinauskaite
Editorial foreword, Anna Piszcz
Editorial Foreword, Laura Zoboli and Maciej Bernatt
Educative Effects of Bolsa Familia: Brazil in Latin American Context, Facundo Luis Crosta and Lucas Mariano Conti
Edukacja jako czynnik rewitalizacji regionów wiejskich, Ewa Krakowińska
Edward Taylor – Outstanding Economist and Educator, Tadeusz Oleksyn
Efektywność instrumentów płatniczych w Polsce, Jakub Górka
Efektywność polskiego sektora farmaceutycznego w latach 1996-2002, Jacek Ruszkowski, Kazimierz Ryć, and Zofia Skrzypczak
Efektywność polskiego sektora farmaceutycznego w latach 1996-2002, Jacek Ruszkowski, Kazimierz Ryć, and Zofia Skrzypczak
Effectiveness of health care in the OECD and EU countries with the innovation factor taken into account, Mariola Zalewska
Effectiveness of Judicial Review in the Polish Competition Law System and the Place for Judicial Deference, Maciej Bernatt
Effectiveness of teleradiology services, Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor
Effect of cost efficiency and organizational on competitiveness the company, Tomasz Lechowicz
Effect of Earnings Quality on the Returns-Earnings Relationship: Evidence from the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Rafał Cieślik
Effect of Incorporating Entrepreneurship Module in Non-Business Major Programs in Higher Education Institutes (HEI): A Study of the Science Major Students at The Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur (INES) de Ruhengeri in Rwanda, Gonzalves Nshimiyimana, Noor Un Nabi, and Utz Dornberger
Effect of introductionof German and Hungarian bank levieson banks’ risk-taking behavior, Karolina Puławska
Effect of National Decisions on Actions for Competition Damages in the CEE Countries, Evelin Pärn-Lee
Effect of Structural Liquidity on Profitability of Polish Commercial Banks in 2009–2016, Agnieszka Wójcik-Mazur
Effects and challenges in the field of environmental protection resulting from Poland's integration with the European Union, Ewa Mazur-Wierzbicka
Effects connected with a finding of unfairness of a contract term by a court in an incidental proceeding, Bartosz Wyżykowski
Effects of Motivating to Sustain Commitment of the Sales Professionals, Sayanjit Guha
Effects-oriented application of the prohibition of competition restricting agreements? Some comments on the decisions issued by the Polish competition authority on the basis of the Competition Act of 2007, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Efficiency evaluation of education sector organizations using Data Envelopment Analysis, Ewa Chodakowska
Efficiency in the health care sector - meaning and methods of measurement, Katarzyna Dubas
Efficiency in the provisions of the Public Finance Act, Piotr Sokół
Efficiency of Direct Marketing, Mariusz Trojanowski
Efficiency of Health Care in the EU28 Countries with the Innovation Factor Taken Into Account, Mariola Zalewska
Efficiency of Immediate Payment Systems as a Determinant of Safety, Agnieszka Parkitna, Rafał Dolniak, and Anna Czarnecka
Efficiency of the banking sector in Polandcompared to other countries in the region, Anna Filipek and Krzysztof Spirzewski
Efficient Financial Management of Local Government Units: Postulates of Economic Doctrine and Instruments, Marzanna Poniatowicz and Ryta Dziemianowicz
Efficient Management of Medicines within Pharmaceutical and Medical Care, Marcin Czech, Tomasz Olszewski, and Ewelina Ścibor
Efforts to Reduce the Public Finance Imbalance in France in the Multiannual Planning Context, Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio
Ekonomia Etyka Organizacja, Grzegorz Karasiewicz
Electric Car Sharing as an Interdisciplinary Test Ground of Various Fields of Study, Grzegorz Tchorek, Agnieszka Allen, Katarzyna Dziewanowska, Tomasz Geodecki, Waldemar Kozioł, Jurand Skrzypek, Michał Kurtyka, Filip Targowski, and Stefan Wójtowicz
Electronic Trade in Foods from the Customer’s Perspective, Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezińsk and Adam Rudzewicz
Elements of a dynamic analysis of the impact assessment of a merger on the relevant market, Wojciech Piwowarczyk
Elements of unconventional monetary policy at the European Central Bank, Andrzej Raczko
Emergency response plans as a primary component of emergency management, Klaudia Pujer
Emerging and Mature Markets – Behaviour of Low-Frequency Liquidity Measures. The Case of the German and Polish Stock Markets, Barbara Będowska-Sójka
Emerging Clean Energy Choices in Canada’s Net-Zero 2050 Transition: The Role of Nuclear in the Low Carbon and Clean Hydrogen Context, Rudiger Tscherning and Jesse Dias
Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurial Finance: The Rise of ICOs, Lesław Pietrewicz
Emigration, immigration, acculturation, 'westernisaton' - the burning questions of transcultural psychiatry in today's world, Janusz Krzyżowski
Emigration of Polish Nurses – Reality and Consequences, Józef Haczyński and Małgorzata Buraczyńska
Empirical Aspects of Internationalization of Polish Enterprises, Paweł Krzewicki
Empirical Studies Concerning the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Effective Performance in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Selected Preliminary Results, Krzysztof Brzostek and Anna Michna
Empirical verification of the premises of the influence evaluation methodology for the evaluation of investments co-funded with EU funds, Dominika Wojtowicz and Michał Wolański
Employability Market Orientation of Employee on the Gig Economy Labour Market, Anna Pawłowska
Employee and Employer as Perceived by Management Students – Challenges for Management Education, Agnieszka Postuła and Anna Pawłowska
Employee and employer. Research considering mutual perception of relationships between employee and employer with projection techniques, Anna Pawłowska and Agnieszka Postuła
Employee Relationship Management (ERM) as a developmental tendency in the area of human resources, Anna Lipka
Employer Branding as a Development Determinant of Retail Chains in Poland, Anna Dewalska-Opitek and Katarzyna Bilińska-Reformat
Employment effects of minimum wage changes across regions, age groups, and sectors, Aleksandra Majchrowska and Pawel Strawinski
Energetyka a współczesna rzeczywistość gospodarcza, społeczna, geopolityczna, Marzena Czarnecka and Marcin Kraśniewski
Energy Communities in EU Energy Regulation, Jakub M. Kmieć
Energy management in regional directorates for environmental protection registered in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) – selected aspects, Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz
Energy Security as a Priority for CEE countries. Is the King Naked?, Ilona Szwedziak-Bork
Energy Security of Ukraine: External Threats From the Russian Federation, Valeriia Lymar
Energy Security of West Africa: the Case of Natural Gas, Elias Zigah
Energy Sharing in the Light of EU Law and Energy Justice, Bartłomiej Kupiec
Energy Transition Enhanced by the European Green Deal – How National Competition Authorities Should Tackle This Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe?, Marcin Kamiński
Energy transition - what good will it bring? (from the Volume Editor), Marcin Kraśniewski and Aleksandra Lubicz-Posochowska
Enforceability of Regulatory Decisions and Protection of Rights of Telecommunications Undertakings, Sławomir Dudzik
Enforcement of Competition Law in Times of Crisis: Is Guided Self-Assessment the Answer?, Bruce Wardhaugh
Enforcement of Competition Rules in the Association Agreement between the EU & Ukraine, Kseniya Smyrnova
Enforcement of EU Competition Rules in Estonia: Substantive Convergence and Procedural Divergence, Alexandr Svetlicinii
Enlightened Self-Interest and Pro-Social Behaviours, Giovanni Tondini and Luca Zarri
Ensuring the interoperability of the rail system in the EU - selected issues, Iwona Miedzińska
Enterprise Architecture in Poland – the state of present and main directions of evolution, Andrzej Sobczak
Enterprises’ Development in Peripheral Regions: Patterns and Determinants, Justyna Zygmunt
Enterprises’ Sensitivity to the Environment from the Perspective of Competitive Advantage – Research Results, Maja Sajdak
Entire issue Vol. 13 No. 1 (2024)
Entire Volume European Management Studies 22 no. 1
Entire Volume European Management Studies 22 no. 2
Entire Volume Journal of Banking and Financial Economics 2024, 1(21)
Entrepreneurial Attitude Orientation and Personality Individual Factors of Leadership Vocational Interests in Women and Men, Dominika Ochnik
Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Students from the Selected Lublin Universities vs the Development of Academic Entrepreneurship, Monika Jakubiak and Krystyna Buchta
Entrepreneurial attitudes of young rural state farm - research results, Jarosław Korpysa
Entrepreneurial Behaviour of the Elderly in Poland – Chosen Aspects, Małgorzata Gajowiak
Entrepreneurial Competences of Management Students, Joanna Chlebiej
Entrepreneurial Exit: Research Perspectives and Challenges, Izabela Koładkiewicz and Marta Wojtyra
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Women: A literature review, Bhairab Chandra Patra and Usha Lenka
Entrepreneurial motivation and opportunity identification, Maciej Koczerga
Entrepreneurial Motivations and Management Decisions Versus Gender in Micro-Firms, Julita E. Wasilczuk
Entrepreneurial Orientation in Explaining the Early Internationalization of Companies, Aleksandra Gaweł
Entrepreneurial Orientation of Academic Spin-Offs: Statistical Correlations, Jarosław Korpysa
Entrepreneurial orientation of contemporary Polish corporations, Teresa Piecuch
Entrepreneurs and managers. Improving practice, developing theory, Alojzy Z. Nowak, Beata Glinka, and Przemysław Hensel
Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness in the EU Member States, with Special Regard to the Visegrad Countries, Anita Pelle and Marcell Zoltán Végh
Entrepreneurship and Creation of New Business: Perceptions, Behaviours and Attitudes of Students of a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, Maria Isabel Barreiro Ribeiro, António José Gonçalves Fernandes, Paula Sofia Alves Cabo, and Alda Maria Vieira Matos
Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Brazil: Recent Trends, Rogério Arthmar and Alexandre Ottoni Teatini Salles
Entrepreneurship as a complex category. How to develop it?, Tadeusz Oleksyn
Entrepreneurship as a form of culture, Artur Szarecki
Entrepreneurship Attitudes of Students in the Information Society Era With and Without Entrepreneurship Training: Exploratory Study, Michał Baran, Juan J. Jiménez Moreno, and Guadalupe Oliveras
Entrepreneurship enthusiasts as a model for the development of entrepreneurship and stimulating young people activity, Dorota Ogrzyńska
Entrepreneurship in the Rural Development Process, Sławomir Jarka
Entrepreneurship in Underdeveloped Economies: A Study of Nigeria, Abubakar Sadiq Kasum and Umar Gunu
Entrepreneurship of Polish Lawyers, Marek Gnusowski
Entrepreneurship of SME from high-tech sector of the Great Poland, Małgorzata Gajowiak
Entrepreneurship - understanding the concept, its types and determinants, Stanisław Sudoł
Entrepreneurship vs. socio-cultural factors, Grzegorz Gołębiowski
Entrepreneurship without Borders: Do Borders Matter for International Entrepreneurship?, Krzysztof Wach
Entrepreneurs' views of selected ethical problems in their business pursuit - study report, Teresa Piecuch
Environmental Awareness, Green Consumerism and Environmentally Conscious Consumer Behaviour of Polish Seniors. Research Report, Tomasz Zalega
Environmental management systems as an opportunity for environmental functionality of enterprises, Ewa Mazur-Wierzbicka
Environmental Risk Management and Its Importance for the Stability of the Banking Sector, Magdalena Zioło
Environmental Taxes and Their Role in the Economics of Sustainable Development, Paulina Dębniak
Epidemiologic and demographic trends as a challenge for European health care systems, Iga Rudawska
Equity Portfolio Optimization with Gold, Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias
E-reklama nowa forma reklamy na rynku internetowym, Agnieszka Kuś
Estimating the risk of changes in stock prices by field division, Grzegorz Przekota
Estimation of Losses Due to the Existence of Monopolies in Urban Bus Transport in Poland, Michał Wolański
Ethical Consumption and Its Development in Contemporary Society, Felicjan Bylok
Ethics in New Economy, Janusz Wiśniewski
Ethics of modern organizations - selected problems, Krystyna Serafin
Ethnography as a diagnostic tool in the scientific advisory process, Aleksander Chrostowski and Monika Kostera
Ethnography of a conflict within a city council, Martyna Kordulewska
EU banks after the crisis: sinners in the hands of angry markets, Antonio Sánchez Serrano
EU Competition Law Put to the Brexit Test: What Impact Might the Exit of the UK from the Union Have on the Enforcement of the Competition Rules?, Arianna Andreangeli
EU Courts’ Jurisdiction over and Review of Decisions Imposing Fines in EU Competition Law, Mariusz Baran and Adam Doniec
EU Energy Solidarity as a Way of Implementing Just Transition in Energy Policy, Robert Zajdler
EU instruments for reiforcing the innovativeness growth of Polish SME. Implications for the Innovative Economy Operation Programme, Ewa Latoszek and Magdalena Proczek
Euro area labour markets: Different reaction to shocks?, Beatrice Pierluigi and Jan Bruha
Euro-Denominated Credit Liquidity: Tracing Cyclical Phases in Global Finance, Mateusz Mariusz Mierzejewski
European Audiovisual Sector: Where business meets society’s needs, Ewelina D. Sage
European Banking Union – a new dimension of systemic risk, Jan Koleśnik
European Courts as Value-Harmonizing “Motors of Integration”, Josef Bejček
European Integration process in the New Regional and Global Settings, Irena E. Kotowska, Ewa Latoszek, Alojzy Z. Nowak, and Andrzej Stępniak
Europeanisation of the Polish Leniency Programme, Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
European Organic Food Consumers: Motives, Actions and Implications, Dominika Średnicka-Tober, Renata Kazimierczak, and Ewelina Hallmann
European Union Sanctions Impact on The Sector Stock Prices – The Ukrainian War Effect?, Patrycja Chodnicka, Piotr Jaworski, and Marcin Kot
Europejskie standardy stosowania kar pieniężnych na przykładzie polskiego prawa telekomunikacyjnego, Michalina Szpyrka
Evaluating Gaps in Consumer Behavior Research on Organic Foods: A Critical Literature Review under Bangladesh Context, Khandoker Mahmudur Rahman and Nor Azila Mohd Noor
Evaluating the effectiveness of risk management with the use of internal audit in the public sector units Silesian region, Beata Czuba-Kulisińska and Mariusz Staśkiewicz,
Evaluating the Impact of Regulation and Regulatory Policy – Towards Better Entrepreneurial Ecosystem. The Case of Poland, Paulina Kubera
Evaluation as Reflective Practice, Paulina Kubera
Evaluation of acquis legislation and jurisprudence in the shaping of the definition of the consumer on the basis of Article 221 of the Civil Code, Monika Chojecka and Adam Nowak
Evaluation of grant proposals and abstracts – the influence of individual evaluation style on ratings, Grzegorz Król and Kowalczyk Katarzyna Kinga
Evaluation of the effects of the implementation of ISO 9001 in small and medium business organizations, Dominik Zimon
Evaluation of the implementation of process management in the surveyed enterprises, T. Bartosz Kalinowski
Evidence Based Management: What Managers Can Learn from (Good) Doctors?, Małgorzata Sidor-Rządkowska
Evolutionary Economics as a Trend in Modern Economics: An Overview, Tomasz Zalega
Evolutionary stability of the Polish energy market - PKE vs. BOT, Łukasz Dąbek and Robert A Rządca
Evolution From Human Virtual Teams to Artificial Virtual Teams Supported by Artificial Intelligence. Results of Literature Analysis and Empirical Research, Olaf Flak and Adrian Pyszka
Evolution of Consumption Behavior of Silver Singles in Poland, Tomasz Zalega
Evolution of the Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training program and its implementation in airlines within the work market globalization context, Ewa Danecka-Łatka
Evolving Dynamics in Competition Law: A GCC Perspective, Nora Memeti
Exchange of Information and Evidence between Competition Authorities and Entrepreneurs’ Rights, Mateusz Błachucki and Sonia Jóźwiak
Exchange Rate Covariance Modelling by Means of Minimum and Maximum Prices, Piotr Fiszeder
Executive compensation and ethics. Perspective of the financial crisis, Maria Aluchna
Exemption from the Utilities Directive – brief overview of EU law and case law, Ignacio Herrera-Anchustegui and Marcin Kraśniewski
Exemption of the Selective Distribution from the Prohibition of Agreements Restricting Competition, Maciej Marek
Expanding the Definitions of ‘Undertaking’ and ‘Economic Activity’: Application of Competition Rules to the Actions of State Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alexandr Svetlicinii
Expansionary Federal Monetary Policy and U.S. Banks’ Risk Profiles During the COVID-19 Pandemic-Induced Economic Recession, Maoyong Zheng and Cesar Escalante
Expected Incomes as a Factor of Entrepreneurship and a Firm Establishment Risk, Tomasz Bernat
Expenditure on health in rich and poor households, Marlena Piekut
Expenditures of CEE and Non-CEE Spectators in Major International Sport Events in Hungary, Miklós Stocker and Tamás Laczkó
Experience in Brand Communities: The Case of Higher Education Institutions, Katarzyna Dziewanowska
Exploitative Abuse of a Dominant Position in the Bulgarian Energy Markets, Miroslava Marinova and Kremena Yaneva-Ivanova
Exploring the Effects of Service Quality, Shipping Cost, Brand and Attitude on Consumer’s Intention to Choose Express Courier Services in E-Commerce, Wiryanta Muljono and Sri Setiyawati
Exploring the Multi-Sensory Based Memorable Tourism Experiences: A Study of Adam&Eve Hotel in Turkey, Ozlem GUZEL and Taylan DORTYOL
Exploring the Relationship Between Viewer Experience and Movie Genre – A Study Based on Text Mining of Online Movie Reviews, Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor
Exploring Ways to Reveal Consumer Buying Behavior in the Qatari Market, Angelika Barczak
Extended effect of the Competition Court judgments concerning unfair consumer terms. Case comment to the Polish Supreme Court’s judgment of 12 February 2014, no. III SK 18/13, Paweł Gutkowski and Miłosz Malaga
External Aviation Policy of the EU, Marian Bujnowski
External Factors in Debt Sustainability Analysis: An Application to Latin America, Gustavo Adler and Sebastian Sosa
External methods of estimation of qualities in health care - accreditation and quality management systems ISO, Artur Szetela
Extrajudicial settlement of consumer disputes in the energy field, Wojciech Modzelewski
Extreme Response Style in Correlational Research, Katarzyna Kinga Kowalczyk, Agnieszka Mulak, and Grzegorz Król
Factors Affecting Location-Based Mobile Advertising Effects: An Integrative Perspective, Jarosław Woźniczka
Factors and the Importance of Formal Training in Knowledge and Skills Acquisition and Development of Employees in Small Technology Firms, Adrianna Jaskanis
Factors determining entrepreneurship development in small and medium enterprises, Magdalena Ratalewska
Factors Determining the Development of Product Eco-Innovations. The Evidence from Poland, Magdalena Marczewska
Factors determining the effectiveness of the supervisory boards, Izabela Koładkiewicz
Factors Determining the Market Value of Football Players on the Example of Ekstraklasa, Łukasz Leksowski
Factors giving rise to the market value of the electromechanical industry companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Michał Pachowski
Factors Impacting Consumer Choices From the Perspective of Owners and Managers of Beauty Parlors Located in Kraków and the Neighborhood, Małgorzata Kryczka
Factors influencing long-term relationship between entrepreneur and advisor, Wiesław Danielak
Factors Influencing Young Consumers’ Impulse Intentions Toward Visiting Pop-Up Stores in South Africa, Miriam-Miri Retief, Bertha Jacobs, and Ann-Marie Fiore
Factors Related to the Intention of Starting a Business: A Study Among Students in Vietnam, Duong Công Doanh and Tomasz Bernat
Facultative penal-administrative liability in light of the amendment of the Telecommunication Act of 10 May 2018, Mariusz Czyżak
Failure to state of reasons as a ground for annulment of the European Commission’s decision in the light of current CJEU case-law on the control of undertakings, Marta de Bazelaire de Ruppierre
Fake News as a Barrier in the Process of Communicating Information, Tomasz Parys
False Respondents in Web Surveys, Marta Kabut
Family businesses as incubators of 'dynamic organizations', Piotr Kaczmarek-Kurczak
Family Enterprises in the Context of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Relationship-Building, Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik and Joanna Bednarz
Family micro-enterprises in Wielkopolska district (2008-2010), Ewa Więcek-Janka
Farmakoekonomika jako narzędzie zarządzania zasobami ochrony zdrowia, Marcin Czech
Farmakoekonomika jako narzędzie zarządzania zasobami ochrony zdrowia, Marcin Czech
Favouring one’s own products or services by vertically integrated online platforms as a discriminatory abuse of a dominant position, Artur Szmigielski
Feedbacks and Systematic Risk of Denominated Debt in Poland, Ireneusz Dąbrowski
Feedback to the ECB’s Monetary Analysis: The Bank of Russia’s Experience with Some Key Tools, Alexey Ponomarenko, Elena Vasilieva, and Franziska Schobert
Female Consumers’ Involvement in Intentional Non-Sustainable and Unintentional Sustainable Apparel Decisions: An Emerging Market Perspective, Elizabeth Kempen, Rejoice Tobias-Mamina, Mariette Strydom, Lorna Christie, and Mirriam Makopo
Femvertising and Its Perception by Polish Female Consumers, Klaudia Macias
Few remarks on the competitiveness on the Polish rail freight market, Michał Gajdus and Anna Laszczyk
Fiat Money. Over Thousand Years of the Biggest Invention in the History of Economics, Andrzej Sopoćko
Fifth National Academic Conference‘Consumer in the Rail Passenger Market’, Łódź, 9 May 2018, Marcin Kraśniewski
Files of proceedings for the approval of fees for access to and use of railway infrastructure – between the obligation to provide public information and the protection of business confidentiality, Tomasz Piotr Chudziński
Finance Management in Local Government Shared Services Centres in Poland – Primary Experiences, Robert Gawłowski and Paweł Modrzyński
Finance of independent local government public healthcare units after implementation of Medical Activity Act, Władysław Grześkiewicz
Financial and Sovereign Debt Crises: Some Lessons Learned and Those Forgotten, Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff
Financial Chaos, Mirosław Dusza
Financial Consequences of the Act on Reimbursement of Medicines for the National Health Fund and Patients, Zofia Skrzypczak and Jadwiga Suchecka
Financial crisis and corporate governance, Adam Samborski
Financial Deepening in Mexico, Alexander Herman and Alexander Klemm
Financial Deepening, Property Rights, and Poverty: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa, Raju Jan Singh and Yifei Huang
Financial flow between Poland and the EU budget - accession period results and possible changes, Elżbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska
Financial Inclusion, Growth and Inequality: A Model Application to Colombia, Izabela Karpowicz
Financial innovations as source of generating of systemic risk, Renata Karkowska
Financial instruments and investment strategies based on volatility – proprietary strategies and market-neutral financial products, Iwona Sroka and Kamil Seliga
Financial instruments of green transition, Dariusz Michalski and Paweł Hawranek
Financial penalty as instrument of regulation of telecommunications market, Mariusz Czyżak
Financial reporting system as a factor in informational advantages, Wiesław Szczęsny and Rafał Cieślik
Financial Risk in Polish Companies During the Global Economic Crisis of 2007–2008 with Particular Emphasis on Evaluation of the Use of Reserve Debt Capacity, Wiktor Cwynar, Anna Ostrowska-Dankiewicz, and Piotr Oratowski
Financial Stability of Cultural Institutions Based on the Example of Voivodeship Theaters and Music Institutions, Małgorzata Gałecka and Katarzyna Smolny
Financial stability of rural communes in Poland, Agnieszka Kozera
Financial Stability Reports in Latin America and the Caribbean, Cheng Hoon Lim, Alexander D. Klemm, Sumiko Ogawa, Marco Pani, and Claudio Visconti
Financial Stability Risk in Central Bank's Policy, Paweł Niedziółka
Financial Standing of Penny Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE), Magdalena Lesiak
Financial structure and entrepreneurship, Adam Samborski
Financial Tools of the Tax Policy in Local Communities and Their Consequences for the Budget, Magdalena Kogut-Jaworska
Financing of innovative activities in an economic downturn, Adam Samborski
Financing public service compensation by European Structural and Investments Funds – selected civil law aspects, Roman Gąszczyk
Financing the spending of the public finance sector in the case of a fiscal deficit, Joanna Marczakowska-Proczka
Finanse firm w decyzjach menedżerskich, Marta Postuła
Finanse organizacji gospodarczych bez tajemnic, Sławomir Wymysłowski
Finansowanie sporów sądowych przez podmiot trzeci – perspektywa polska, Patrycja Okońska
Finansowanie zielonej rewolucji za pomocą umów power purchase agreement, Dariusz Michalski and Paweł Hawranek
Finansowe uwarunkowania rozwoju organizacji gospodarczych. Kapitał w operacyjnym i strategicznym zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem, Wiesław Szczęsny and Jan Turyna
Finansowe Uwarunkowania Rozwoju Organizacji Gospodarczych. Ryzyko w rachunkowości i zarządzaniu finansami, Jan Turyna and Jan Rak
Finansowe uwarunkowania rozwoju organizacji gospodarczych. Teoria i praktyka budżetowania, Wiesław Szczęsny and Jan Turyna
Finansowe uwarunkowania rozwoju organizacji gospodarczych. Zarządzanie finansami a efektywność ekonomiczna, Marta Postuła and Jan Turyna
Fines for Failure to Cooperate within Antitrust Proceedings – the Ultimate Weapon for Antitrust Authorities?, Konrad Stolarski
Fine that is significantly too high Judgment of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw of 16 July 2013, VI ACa 1615/12, Antoni Bolecki
FinTech. Miscellanea, Jakub Górka and Marcin Żemigała
FinTech regulation and the developmentof the FinTech sector in the European Union, Radosław Ciukaj and Mateusz Folwarski
First ‘Gaetano Filangieri’ Conference on Freedom of Commerce ‘Recent developments in EU Competition Law’ Naples, 8–9 May 2018, Magdalena Knapp and Agnieszka Jabłonowska
Fiscal Barriers to Entrepreneurship Development in Poland, Adam Samborski
Fiscal Crimes Related to Tax Avoidance, Karol Szymon Orzeszak
Fiscal federalism as a solution for the eurozone problems, Tomasz Rosiak
Flexible approach in monetary policy during instability of the markets. Quantitative Easing Policy, Katarzyna Nagraba
Fluctuations in Prices on Agricultural Markets - Importance of Commodity Exchanges for Price Risk Management, Iwona Kowalska
Focus on Competition Law Enforcement in E-commerce Sector in Serbia, Darija Ognjenović and Ana Krstić Vasiljević
Foreign Direct Investment and Investment Development Path. The Case of Visegrad Countries, Grzegorz Tchorek
Foreign Investor Flows and Sovereign Bond Yields in Advanced Economies, Serkan Arslanalp and Tigran Poghosyan
Foreword (from the Volume Editor), Mariusz Szyrski
Forfaiting by Waiver as an Alternative to Project Financing for the Realization of Public-Private Partnership Projects in Poland, Maria Schulders
Forging the Solidarity among Social Estates in 19th-Century Greater Poland Province, Kazimierz Zimniewicz
Forgotten Issues When Talking about the More Economic Approach to Competition Law in Poland, Anna Laszczyk
Formal Organizational Power at the University. The Cases of the University of Warsaw and Warsaw School of Economics, Maria Aluchna and Igor Postuła
Formats of Stationary Retail Trade for FMCG in Poland – State and Directions of Development, Urszula Kłosiewicz-Górecka
Foundations of data processing for marketing purposes according to telecommunication law, Patryk Koralewski
Four Methodological Threats in Management Science, Grażyna Wieczorkowska, Grzegorz Król, and Jerzy Wierzbiński
Framework for Assessing Virtualization Maturity of Universities, Maria Mach-Król and Tomasz Gładysz
Freedom of action of the family business owners/managers. Case studies, Jarosław Karpacz
From Humor to Strategy: An Experimental Survey on Internet Memes in Social Media Marketing, Mateusz Kiljańczyk and Agnieszka Kacprzak
From the judgment in the Pierre Fabre case to the decision in the Guess case. An attempt to defi ne the status quo regarding restraints related to online distribution while waiting for the results of the review of vertical block exemptions, Marta Dominika Banaś and Mikołaj Piaskowski
From the volume editor, Stefan Akira Jarecki
From the Volume Editors, Michał Będkowski-Kozioł, Łukasz Gołąb, and Magdalena Knapp
Frontier and Emerging Markets: A Perspective from Portfolio Flows and Financial Integration, Nordine Abidi, Burcu Hacibedel, and Mwanza Nkusu
Frugal Innovations: Implementation in Regions of Poland, Jacek Woźniak
Functional conditions for the pharmaceutical sector in Poland, Katarzyna Nowicka
Functionalist vision in managing organizational culture – the dominant paradigm and its critics, Łukasz Sułkowski
Functional separation as a regulatory obligation in telecommunications, Stanisław Piątek
Functioning of Health Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Review of Literature, Józef Haczyński, Agnieszka Trojniak, Krzysztof Jarowicz, and Dawid Skaza
Funding Marketing Measures in Polish Enterprises in the Light of Empirical Research, Lechosław Garbarski and Adam Czarnecki
Funding Strategies of G-SIBs, Igor Kravchuk
Fundusze unijne jako preferowane źródła finansowania rozwoju i konkurencyjności małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw, Jan Śliwa and Rafał Pawlicki
Games in organizations and social influence, Michał Mijal and Waldemar Grzywacz
Games usage in professional competence development, Waldemar Grzywacz and Michał Mijal
Gamifying Questions by Adding Context in the Creative Development Marketing Research, Michał Ścibor-Rylski
Gas Insulated Switchgear Cartel in the Slovak Republic, Silvia Sramelova
Gateways to the Internet Ecosystem – Enabling and Discovery Tools in the Age of Global Online Platforms, Judit Firniksz, Borbála Tünde Dömötörfy, and Péter Mezei
GDP growth as a bank loan quality determinant, Joanna Rachuba
GDPR and the process of changing the electricity seller and irregularities associated with it, Paweł K. Domagała
Gdzie jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy? Refleksje wokół możliwych kierunków zmian przepisów polskiego prawa konkurencji, Aleksander Stawicki
Gender and socio-economic differencesin South African consumers’ sentimentstoward marketing practices, Thérèse Roux
Gender as a Factor in the Physician and Patient Interaction: From the Service Quality Perspective, Versavel Tecleab Haile
Gender Differences in Leadership, Anna Górska
Gender differences in mall shopping:a study of shopping behaviour of an emerging nation, M. Sadiq Sohail
Generation Y on the e-commerce market. Comparison between Polish and South Korean young consumers’ behaviour, Aleksandra Korzeniowska
Generic Drugs Industry - Globalization and Consolidation, Katarzyna Nędzi
Georgia’s First Steps in Competition Law Enforcement: The Role and Perspectives of the Private Enforcement Mechanism, Zurab Gvelesiani
Geraint Howells, Christian Twigg-Flesner, Thomas Wilhelmsson, Rethinking EU Consumer Law, Routledge 2018, ss. 356, Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul
Getting off the Track to Found – The Influence of Path Dependence on the Entrepreneurial Process, Philipp Berger and Jörg Freiling
Getting the euro at a later time - a waste or a benefit?, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Kazimierz Ryć
Ghanaian Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Germany: Motivations and Contributions for Development, Regina Christina Andoh, Claudia Nelly Berrones-Flemmig, and Utz Dornberger
Giuseppe Tesauro Memorial Conference, Eulogy of a ‘Giurista-Gentiluomo’ Naples, 1–2 July 2022, Walter Bruno
Global Economy. In Search for Solutions to Stabilize the Global Economy, Mina Baliamoune-Lutz, Alojzy Z. Nowak, and Jeff Steagall
Global Liquidity Determinants Across Emerging and Advanced Countries, Renata Karkowska
Global Mindset and Internationalization of Polish SMEs: Antecedents and Outcomes, Mariola Ciszewska-Mlinarič
Global Thermoeconomics, Mario W. Cardullo and Manhong Mannie Liu
Global vs. Local: A Quantitative Study of Factors Influencing Italian Consumers’ Preference in the Purchase of Food Products, Alice Aiudi and Ilaria Curina
Glosa do postanowienia Sądu Najwyższego – Izby Kontroli Nadzwyczajnej i Spraw Publicznych z dnia 23 lutego 2022 r., sygn. akt I NSK 16/21, Daria Niesteruk
Glosa do wyroku Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego z dnia 9 marca 2019 r., sygn. akt II GSK 415/17, Dominik Borek
Glosa do wyroku Sądu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów z 12 maja 2022 r. w sprawie XVII AmA 61/21, Małgorzata Kozak
Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości w sprawie C-721/20 DB Station & Service, Anna Kutyłowska
Główne trendy w zarządzaniu służbami sprzedaży firmy, Krzysztof Cybulski
Goals of the health care system and effectiveness of health care in Poland, Marcin Kautsch
Good Practices in Empirical Corporate Finance and Accounting Research, Marek Gruszczyński
Good practices in social economy in Poland – about resources, resourcing and related challenges in social entrepreneurship, Marzena Starnawska
Gospodarka na rozdrożu XXI wiek, Alojzy Z. Nowak
Gospodarka Tajwanu wobec wyzwań globalizacji, Hung Mei-lan
Gospodarstwo domowe jako podmiot konsumpcji, Tomasz Zalega
Grand Challenges: A Way Out of the Ivory Tower for Management Academic Discipline, Wojciech Czakon
Granice wolności operatora wyznaczonego w określaniu sposobu świadczenia pocztowych usług powszechnych, Zofia Snażyk
Grant OZE – próba oceny nowego instrumentu wsparcia w rozwoju odnawialnych źródeł energii w Polsce, Mariusz Szyrski
Gravity chains: Estimating bilateral trade flows when parts and components trade is important, Daria Taglioni and Richard Baldwin
Grounds for Private Enforcement of Albanian Competition Law, Ermal Nazifi and Broka Petrina
Growth Orientation and the Profile of Micro-Entrepreneurs From the Pomorskie Province, Julita E. Wasilczuk
GTM’s applicability for studying coopetition in clusters, Marta Götz and Barbara Jankowska
Guanxi and foreign investments in China (PRC), Ewa Trojnar
Guidelines, communications and others: acts of soft law in the application of competition law, Grzegorz Materna
Gun Jumping in Selected SEE Countries – an Obvious Risk in M&A Transactions, Marija Zrno Prošić, Raško Radovanović, and Robert Kordić
Handel społecznościowy jako alternatywna forma inwestowania dla nieprofesjonalnych inwestorów, Justyna Ziobrowska
Handel zagraniczny. Perspektywa europejska, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Waldemar Kozioł
Hans-Bernd Schäfer, Claus Ott, Jarosław Bełdowski, Ekonomiczna analiza prawa cywilnego. Tom 1. Zagadnienia ogólne i prawo umów, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2024, ss. 510, Marcin Kraśniewski
Happy and Healthy Aging. The Analysis of the Relationship Between Age, Health, Education and Happiness on International Social Survey Programme Data, Józef Haczyński
Harassment – destruction of organisational behaviour (in the opinion of students and graduates Polish), Kazimierz Mrozowicz
Harassment – destruction of organisational behaviour (in the opinion of students and graduates Polish), Kazimierz Mrozowicz
Harmonisation of the Powers of NCAs in EU Member States. A Few Remarks on the Basis of the Experience of the Czech Republic and Poland After the Deadline for Transposition of the ECN+ Directive Has Passed, Paulina Korycińska-Rządca and Eva Zorková
Harmonising Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Central and Eastern Europe: The Effectiveness of Legal Transplants Through Consumer Collective Actions, Katalin J. Cseres
Has the Turning Point Been Missed? Exclusivity Payments Granted by Dominant Undertakings in the Light of the Enforcement Priorities Guidance, Tomasz Krzyżewski
Healthcare expenditures of Polish households in the period of crisis, Tomasz Zalega
Health care financing in turbulent global economy, Kazimierz Ryć and Zofia Skrzypczak
Healthcare Financing Sources in Central Europe, Maciej Mikucki and Emilia Piotrowska
Health Care System in Poland – A Change of the Model, Małgorzata Paszkowska
Health Needs of the Polish Society and the Willingness to Pay for Health Services, Maciej Jewczak and Klaudia Twardowska
Health problems of Polish post-accession migrants. Implications for health care systems, Agata Smoleń
Health System Efficiency of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis, Yusuf Ersoy and Adem Aktaş
Hearing Officers in competition proceedings conducted by the European Commission for the implementation of Article 101 and 102 TFEU, Justyna Kownacka
Hedge Funds - Identification of Risks and Investment Opportunities, Renata Karkowska
Helene Andersson, Dawn Raids under Challenge. Due Process Aspects of the European Commission’s Dawn Raid Practices Hart Publishing, 2018, 286 p., Marta Michałek-Gervais
Henri Tajfel's 'Cognitive aspects of prejudice' and the psychology of bigotry, Michael Billig
Heuristics and cognitive biases as a reason of external audit failures, Aleksandra Wąsowska
Hierarchia potrzeb konsumpcyjnych na przykładzie mazowieckich gospodarstwach domowych dotkniętych bezrobociem, Tomasz Zalega
Hierarchical analysis in estimating the impact of the interviewer on the respondent's answers, Marcin W. Zieliński
Higher Education Efficiency and Quality, Marcin Dwórznik and Krzysztof Opolski
High Growth Aspirations of Nascent Entrepreneurs: Why Do They Fall?, Krzysztof Zięba
Historical Development of Organizational Behavior Management, Shuaib Ahmed Soomro, Yasir Mansoor Kundi, and Muhammad Kamran
“Hitting two targets with one shot” in the context of Immigrant entrepreneurship: Case studies in Germany related with entrepreneurial migrant activities for the development of the home and host countries, Ben Collins Vershiyi Kwaven, Claudia Nelly Berrones-Flemmig, and Utz Dornberger
Horyzonty współczesnego zarządzania, Marcin Żemigała
Household consumption in Poland in comparison to other Europe countries, Marlena Piekut
Household Money Holdings in the Euro Area: An Explorative Investigation, Franz Seitz and Julian von Landesberger
Households’ Borrowing Intentions During the COVID-19 Crisis: The Role of Financial Literacy, Łukasz Kurowski and Elżbieta Malinowska-Misiąg
How Does Transparency Affect Bank Risk and Performance? Evidence from Turkey, Meryem Şahan, Ibrahim Halil Eksi, and Nuri Hacievliyagil
How Do the Lengths of the Lead Lag Time between Stocks Evolve? Tick-by-tick Level Measurements across Two Decades, Bing Anderson
How do you translate a service system into a quality customer experience?, Wiesław Urban
How has Poland done the EU cohesion policy lesson? The case of Polish regional development system modification, Izabela Siekierska-Rosiak
How Much May an Unreasonable Delay Cost? TAR Lazio Annuls the Highest Sanction Ever Issued by the Italian Competition Authority, Zofia M. Mazur and Elisa Luna Scimeca
How New Is Crowdfunding? The Venture Capital Evolution without Revolution – Discourse on Risk Capital Themes and their Relevance to Poland, Denis Frydrych and Tony Kinder
How to best use the potential of vertical separation in Polish railway transport?, Marcin Król and Tomasz Banaszczyk
How to determine a price of wholesale line rental? Case comment to the judgment of the Court of the Competition and Consumer Protection of 10 December 2007 – Tele2 (Ref. No. XVII AmT 17/07), Ewa Joanna Galewska
How to Facilitate Damage Claims? Private Enforcement of Competition Rules in Croatia – Domestic and EU Law Perspective, Jasminka Pecotić Kaufman
How to Integrate Refugees Into the Workforce – Different Opportunities for (Social) Entrepreneurship, Julia Freudenberg and Jantje Halberstadt
How to manage senior employees? Theories and current fields of research in an organizational context, Tanja Kosowski
How to Measure Employment Status and Occupation in Analyses of Survey Data?, Małgorzata Mikucka
How to Select Change Agents in Organizations? A Comparison of the Classical and Network Approaches, Anita Zbieg, Dominik Batorski, and Błażej Żak
How to Strengthen Health Intelligence?, Henryk Mruk
How to teach Entrepreneurship: Results of the new teaching methodology in the Course „Creating Innovative Companies” with graduate students, Juan J. Jimenez-Moreno
How to Throw the Baby out with the Bath Water. A Few Remarks on the Currently Accepted Scope of Civil Liability for Antitrust Damages, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Humanistic approach to organization and management, Grażyna Prawelska-Skrzypek and Marta Lenartowicz
Humanistic management: Agenda outline, Jerzy Kociatkiewicz and Monika Kostera
Human needs and their hierarchy vs. the contemporary concepts of consumption, Tomasz Zalega
Hyper-Personalization as a Customer Relationship Management Tool in a SMART Organization, Anetta Pukas
ICT Solutions in the Activities of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) as an E-Administration. Evolution During the COVID-19 Epidemic (Case Study), Gertruda Uścińska
ICT Technology Implementation and the Level of Process Maturity in an Organization, Emilia Dobrowolska and Piotr Sliż
Idea odpowiedzialnego kredytowania na rynku niebankowych kredytów konsumenckich w Polsce, Edyta Rutkowska-Tomaszewska and Magdalena Paleczna
Identification and measurement of intellectual capital of enterprise - selected theoretical and practical aspects, Marek Kunasz
Identification of coaching requirements as an important domain of operation within HRM, Krystyna Serafin
Identyfing Relational Bonds In The Health Care Sector - The Application Of Lvpls Model, Iga Rudawska and Adam Sagan
Idiosyncrasies of Public Organizations and Their Implications for Organizational Culture and Human Resource Management, Katarzyna Gadomska-Lila
If you can’t beat them, join them lawfully – consortium bidding in the view of the Polish Competition Act, Małgorzata Salitra
II Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa pn. „Bezpieczeństwo, regulacja i konkurencja na rynku energetycznym”, Łódź, 26 kwietnia 2018 r., Mateusz Czuba, Wojciech Modzelewski, and Michał Pytkowski
Illegal agreements restricting parallel trade of pharmaceuticals in the light of EU competition law, Michał Nowakowski
Ilościowe metody wspomagania ocen projektów gospodarczych, Arkadiusz Manikowski
Image-building as an element of the IT specialist's social role, Agnieszka Postuła and Dominika Latusek-Jurczak
Image Crisis of an Entire Industry – Case Study of the Polish Escape Room Market, Oliwia Dusińska
Images of Entrepreneurs – Research Results, Michał Chmielecki and Łukasz Sułkowski
Immigrant Entrepreneurship as a Field of Research, Beata Glinka
Impact of board’s capital on value of firms – the investment portfolios analysis, Piotr Jaworski and Michał Zdziarski
Impact of climate risk on long-term core activity management in the power sector, Dariusz Michalski and Paweł Hawranek
Impact of ICT Sector Research and De velopment Expenditure on the Market Capitalization in the US, the EU and China, Wojciech Chmielewski
Impact of Infrastructural Investments on the Development of the Railway Sector in the European Union Countries, Krzysztof Jaworski
Impact of knowledge on the sources of financing on the dynamics of enterprise development, Anna Wójcik-Karpacz, Bogdan Nogalski, and Jarosław Karpacz
Impact of Poland's membership in the European Union and of the hitherto implementation of cohesion policy on basic macroeconomic indicators (including economic growth) and the macroeconomic convergence of Poland and EU-27 in the period 2004-2008, Jacek Białek and Adam Oleksiuk
Impact of Polish COVID-19 legislation on the rail transport sector, Iwona Miedzińska
Impact of the crisis on the purchasing behavior of Polish luxury goods consumers, Wioleta Dryl
Impact of the ECHR on the inclusion of ‘guilt’ as a condition for the admissibility of fines for antitrust and energy law violations, Marta Urbańska-Arendt
Impact of the limit introduction for B2B cash transactions on the value of cash circulation in Poland in 2017, Arkadiusz Manikowski
Impact of the MiFID II Directive on the risk of operation of energy sector companies in Poland, Paweł Hawranek, Dariusz Michalski, and Daniel Borkowski
Impact of the New Approach to Article 102 TFEU on the Enforcement of the Polish Prohibition of Dominant Position Abuse, Konrad Kohutek
Impact of the Quality of Supervisors’ Relationships With Subordinates on Employability and Job Satisfaction of Public Organizations’ Workers, Izabela Marzec
Impact of Wind Farms on the Economic and Financial Standing of the Korsze Commune, Izabela Rogalska, Damian Opalach, and Radosław Sańko
Impairment of assets and the cost of capital is the linkage of financial and accounting management, Katarzyna Trzpioła
Impediments to the effective enforcement of consumer claims in class actions for infringements of prohibited practices violating collective consumer interests, Małgorzata Sieradzka
Impeding market access as a prerequisite of unfair competition practice of collecting slotting allowances that ought to be examined in every case, Joanna Affre, Joanna Piechucka, Piotr Skołubowicz, and Marta Stryszowska
Impersonation of the Organization, Jerzy Bogdanienko
Implementacja dyrektywy Omnibus do polskiego porządku prawnego – kilka wybranych uwag do projektu ustawy o zmianie ustawy o prawach konsumenta oraz niektórych innych ustaw, Małgorzata Miś and Grzegorz Miś
Implementation Barriers Associated with the Use of Cloud Computing and Its Aspects in the Rating by Users, Tomasz Parys
Implementation of Green Marketing Concept ThroughSocial Media Activities: A Systematic Literature Review, Elnur Nabivi
Implementation of International Auditing Standards in Polish Medium and Small Auditing Companies, Łukasz Bielecki
Implementation of the EU Damages Directive in Central and Eastern European Countries, Anna Piszcz
Implementing the ECN+ Directive in Lithuania: Towards an Over-enforcement of Competition Law?, Gintarė Surblytė-Namavičienė
Implicit vs. explicit power motive, Norbert Maliszewski, Klaudyna Jankowska, and Hubert Suszek
Importance and features of efficient quality management in the implementation process of investment projects (using the commercial real estate sector as an example), Stefan Lachiewicz and Adam Wojsa
Importance of Non-Financial Data for Users of Financial Statements, Izabela Emerling
Imposing minimum and fixed resale prices from the perspective of its object and market effects, Jarosław Fidala
Imposing taxes on wind farms, Mateusz Czuba and Michał Wielec
Improvement and self-assessment in the quality management of the enterprises, Katarzyna Szczepańska
Improvement of social and environmental dimensions of quality in the context of ISO 26000 standard, Agata Rudnicka and Janusz Reichel
Improvement of supply security by regional energy systems, Rafał Dzikowski and Władysław Mielczarski
Improving the quality of public services with the use of self-assessment in local government units – lessons learned from a consultancy project, T. Bartosz Kalinowski and Tadeusz Buchacz
Incentive effect in state aid law, Bartosz Wojtaczka
Income inequalities in former socialist countries - mechanisms and tendencies, Jacek Tomkiewicz
Incomes and Savings of Polish Seniors in View of Research Outcomes, Tomasz Zalega
Increasing entrepreneurship among students through collaborative project work, Andrzej Pawluczuk
Increasing the effectiveness of health care by paying for results - specifics, examples and conditions for effective application, Alicja Sobczak and Justyna Grudziąż-Sękowska
Increasing use of “negotiated” instruments of European competition law enforcement towards foreign companies, Ewelina D. Sage
Independence of National Competition Authorities – Problem Solved by Directive 2019/1? Example of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic, Mária T. Patakyová
Index of issues raised in judgments of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals in competition cases in 2013, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Individual and Institutional Implications of Building a Smoke-Free Society, Grzegorz Król
Individualization and diffusion of networks. Reflections on the socio-cultural transformations in Poland, Joanna Średnicka
Industrial Chains (Supply Chain) and Innovative Activity in The Mazovian Province Industrial System, Arkadiusz Świadek and Barbara Czerniachowicz
Inflation and Public Debt Reversals in the G7 Countries, Bernardin Akitoby, Ariel Binder, and Takuji Komatsuzaki
Influence of family-oriented benefits on the quality of life of families in Ireland and in Poland in 2004–2013, Mariola Zalewska and Natalia Sierżęga
Influence of personality on buying behaviour: a cross- cultural study comparing Poland and the UK, Paulina Wojciechowska
Influence of Polish accession to the EMU on the functioning of Polish enterprises in the aspect of the planning of sales activities, Klaudia Pujer
Influence of Retail Atmospherics as Nonverbal Communication on Purchase Behaviour in the Nigerian Retail Environment, Kizito Ogedi Alakwe and Ngozi Okpara
Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Vignette Factors of Smartphone Auctions on the Allegro Auction Platform, Dariusz Grabara
Influence of the economic crisis on the management of Polish household investment portfolio, Władysława Zborowska
Influence of the General Principles of Community Law on Polish Antitrust Procedure, Marcin Kolasiński
Influence of the Quality of Company-User Interaction of a Social Network on the Construction of an Image of a Socially Responsible Company, Urszula Świerczyńska-Kaczor
Influence of the recent social and economic transformation on the effectiveness of health sector in Ukraine, Wiktoria Pantylej
Influencers on Instagram and YouTube and Their Impact on Consumer Behaviour, Bianka Młodkowska
Informacyjne podstawy strategicznego zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, Grażyna Gierszewska
Informant reward schemes under European competition regulations, Jan Polański
Information Asymmetry and Financial Statement, Edyta Mioduchowska-Jaroszewicz
Information Asymmetry, Capital Structure and Equity Value of Firms Listed on the WSE, Milena Gralewska and Anna Białek-Jaworska
Information Asymmetry, Signalling and Screening vs. Audit Culture – Selected Challenges for Academic Governance, Michał Pietrzak
Information Exchange Going Digital – Challenges to Hungarian Competition Law Enforcement, Judit Firniksz and Borbála Dömötörfy
Information systems in process driven business organizations, Ewa Ziemba and Iwona Obłąk
Information Technology as a Tool for Management: Analysis of Trends, Jerzy Kisielnicki
Information technology project management, Witold Chmielarz
Informatyka 2 przyszłości, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Tomasz Parys
Informatyka 4 przyszłości. Miejsce i rola serwisów internetowych w rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Oskar Szumski
Informatyka i zarządzanie na przełomie wieków. Metody, narzędzia, systemy, zastosowania, Tomasz Parys
Informatyka & przyszłość, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Tomasz Parys
Informatyka @ przyszłości, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Tomasz Parys
Informatyka Q przyszłości, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Tomasz Parys
Informatyka w społeczeństwie informacyjnym, Witold Chmielarz, Jerzy Kisielnicki, and Tomasz Parys
Infringement of collective interests of consumers during a private offering of bonds, Wojciech Nowosad
Infringement of procedural duties by the UOKiK President Judgment of the Supreme Court of 3 October 2013, III SK 67/12 PKP Cargo, Dariusz Aziewicz
In Memoriam of Professor Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka, Anna Fornalczyk, Stanisław Gronowski, Tadeusz Skoczny, and Stanisław Sołtysiński
In memoriam of Professor Irena Wiszniewska-Białecka, Anna Fornalczyk, Stanisław Gronowski, Tadeusz Skoczny, and Stanisław Sołtysiński
Innovation and the Education of Managers in Technical Universities, Rafał Miśko and Małgorzata Pol
Innovation as a Significant Competitiveness Stimulant for Enterprises and Regions, Aleksandra Zygmunt
Innovations and Technological Advancement of Regional Industry Systems, Arkadiusz Świadek
Innovations in Electronic Payments: Development Trends, Włodzimierz Szpringer and Mariusz Szpringer
Innovations in Public Administration, Ewa Krok
Innovations in Retail Payments as a Challenge for Central Banks, Anna Iwańczuk-Kaliska
Innovations in the small businesses failure paths model, Jarosław Ropęga
Innovative e-business models - perspectives of development, Włodzimierz Szpringer
Innowacje odwrócone – kluczowe czynniki sukcesu i bariery transferu innowacji z rynków rozwiniętych do rozwijających się, Karolina Łudzińska and Aleksandra Kwiatkowska
Innowacyjność polskiej gospodarki w okresie transformacji. Wybrane aspekty, Andrzej H. Jasiński
Innowacyjność –polski problem rozwojowy. Doganianie Zachodu w warunkach nieciągłości, Grzegorz Jędrzejczak and Henryk Sterniczuk
Innowacyjność projektów open source, Krzysztof Klincewicz
Innowacyjność w gospodarce Polski. Modele, bariery, instrumenty wsparcia, Andrzej H. Jasiński
In Search of the Optimal Lawmaker. Some Dilemmas of Regulation and Deregulation from the Perspective of Law and Economics, Mariusz J. Golecki
Inspections and searches conducted by the UOKiK President. Five years of experience after these institutions were separated – already apart or still together?, Irena Gajewska-Leite and Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad
Inspections in Private Premises Under Slovak Competition Law: Did the Implementation of the ECN+ Directive Miss the Point?, Mária T. Patakyová and Mária Patakyová
Inspections in the proceedings before UOKiK, Judgements of the SOKiK of 20 March 2015 , XVII AmA 136/11 and 8 August 2014, XVII AmA 145/11, Dariusz Aziewicz
Institutional Autonomy of EU Regulatory Agencies: the Case of the European Aviation Safety Agency, Natalia Kohtamäki
Institutional Barriers of the Internet-Based Foreign Expansion of Enterprises, Marzanna Witek-Hajduk and Bartosz Targański
Institutional Challenges for Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Central and Eastern European Member States of the EU, Ondrej Blazo
Institutional Design, Efficiency and Due Process in Competition Enforcement: Lessons from Slovenia and Serbia, Veljko Smiljanić and Kevin Rihtar
Institutional framework of competition law system (from the volume editors), Maciej Bernatt and Magdalena Gniadzik
Institutionalization of Spontaneous Changes in the Process of Internationalization of Enterprises, Zofia Patora-Wysocka
Institutionalization of Wikipedia - almost like hippies, Mikołaj Rogiński
Institutional support for tourist enterprises at the local level in the opinion of entrepreneurs, Marta Najda-Janoszka
Instrumenty finansowe procesu rewitalizacji miast, Maciej Turała
Instrumenty indywidualnej ochrony konsumenta w ustawie o przeciwdziałaniu nieuczciwym praktykom rynkowym a „Nowy ład dla konsumentów”, Katarzyna Południak-Gierz
Instrumenty prawne realizacji zadań regulacyjnych na rynku pocztowym, Mateusz Chołodecki and Bożena Popowska
Instrumenty prawne stymulujące rozwój elektromobilności i infrastruktury paliw alternatywnych, Arnold Rabiega
Instrumenty prawne Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej wpływające na konkurencyjność polskiego rolnictwa, Agata Niewiadomska
Instrumenty transferu ryzyka kredytowego banku, Małgorzata Olszak
Instrumenty zarządzania finansami publicznymi, Marta Postuła
Instytucja rachunku dochodów własnych a wydzielony rachunek (dochodów) niektórych państwowych i samorządowych jednostek budżetowych zaliczanych do sektora finansów publicznych, Andrzej Gorczyński
Instytucjonalne uwarunkowania kryzysu azjatyckiego 1997 - wybrane aspekty, Waldemar M. Kozioł
Insurance as the way to reduce the risk of environmental damage in case of small and medium-sized business, Teresa Hanna Bednarczyk and Anna Jańska
Insurance Segment of Advanced Emerging Markets, Tadeusz Winkler-Drews
Integracja europejskich systemów płatności, Monika Kałuża
Integracja polskiego rynku finansowego a przystąpienie do strefy euro, Grzegorz Tchorek
Integracja rynku kapitałowo-finansowego Unii Ueropejskiej. Efekty dla nowych krajów członkowskich, na przykładzie Polski, Janina Witkowska
Integrated ERP-Class Management Information Systems – Evolution, Current State and Development Directions, Damian Dziembek
Integrated health care delivery - on the road to improved effectiveness, Iga Rudawska
Integrated Simulation and Regression Framework for Delivery Management in E-commerce, Tomasz Wiśniewski
Integration of unmanned aerial veficles with the EU civil aviation system, Marian Bujnowski
Intellectual capital in knowledge-management process - relations - determinants, Jerzy Kisielnicki
Intellectual capital in the process of municipalities' and regional development, Jacek Pasieczny
Intencje przedsiębiorcze młodzieży akademickiej (na przykładzie wybranej uczelni), Joanna Gajda
Intensity of Judicial Review of Fines in EU Competition Law, Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk
Intensity of Network Relationships: Towards Conceptualization and Operationalization, Janusz Marek Lichtarski, Katarzyna Piórkowska, and Krzysztof Ćwik
Interakcje zarządzania wiedzą i rachunku kosztów działań w organizacjach wirtualnych, Arkadiusz Januszewski and Ludosław Drelichowski
Intercultural approach to economics - is it today needful and possible?, Janusz Gudowski
Intercultural competences as a part of the culture of a contemporary organization: the dilemmas of theory and practice, Katarzyna Gajek
Intercultural Management – A Challenge for Contemporary Organizations, Katarzyna Łukasik
Intercultural trainings in organizational context, Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska
Interdependence of Ratios in Banking Stability Pentagon, Katarzyna Kubiszewska
Interes ubezpieczeniowy stron umowy leasingu wobec rzeczy stanowiącej przedmiot umowy, Stefania Yerka
Interlocking directorates under Polish competition law, Adrian Bielecki
Intermediary networks under the rule of equi-repartition of profi ts, Fabien Mercier
Internacjonalizacja przedsiębiorstw w kontekście osiąganych przez nie wyników finansowych, Justyna Bogołębska
Internal Audit as a Mechanism of Governance in Higher Education, Grzegorz Palus
Internal newsletter as an instrument for supporting an implementation human resources management strategy. Case study of Statistical Office in Kielce, Agnieszka Piotrowska-Piątek
Internal sources of company development typical for small and middle size food enterprises, Paweł Świerkula
International Academic Conference Security and Regulation of the Energy Market, Łódź, 23–24 May 2019, Michał Pytkowski
International Air Transport Law: Unification Problems, Marek Żylicz
International Anti-Money Laundering Regulations Through the Prism of Financial Inclusion and Competition, Oleksandr Khlopenko
International Banking and Bank Performance: The Case of Poland, Małgorzata Pawłowska
International Colloquium of the University of Naples Federico II Faculty of Law ‘How the EU Rules the World: Insights from Four Continents’ 4 October 2021, Susanna Picariello
International commercial arbitration and competition law – selected legal issues from the perspective of an arbitrator, Piotr Nowaczyk and Szymon Syp
International Conference Charting Tomorrow: Bridging Knowledge and Action in Sustainable Finance, Warsaw, September 30th 2023, Helena Kordasiewicz
Internationalisation of Born Globals from The Theoretical Perspective, Nelly Daszkiewicz
Internationalization of High-Tech Enterprises, Nelly Daszkiewicz
Internationalization of the Grocery Retail Market in Poland, Grzegorz Karasiewicz and Mariusz Trojanowski
International roaming regulations – new possibilities or challenges?, Marlena Wach
Internet as a Tool to Promote Women’s Entrepreneurship. Selected Aspects, Paulina Siemieniak, Małgorzata Rembiasz, and Jakub Pawlak
Internet generations in the labor market, Grażyna Wieczorkowska and Kinga Wilczyńska
Internet of Things. Medical treatment delivered by computers: fiction or reality?, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska
Internet Reporting Index of Companies Listed in the Alternative Trading System New Connect Organized by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Mateusz Mogilski
Internet w działaniach Public Relations. Analiza porównawcza tradycyjnych i internetowych narzędzi, Agnieszka Sierpowska
Interorganisational Collaboration in View of the Theory of Entrepreneurship, Rafał Kusa
Interpretation of Article 15(1)(4) of the Combating Unfair Competition Act: applying the approach of Maciej Zieliński, Paweł Kamela
Interpretative Guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations – clarification or increasing doubts?, Karol Kłosowski
Interpreting consumer attitude towards milk alternatives: A purchase intention model for marketing success, Anjolize Wassenaar and Elizabeth Kempen
Inter-temporal provisions of the 2014 Amending Act of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act, Dawid Miąsik
Interval Working Style as a Predictor of Professional Achievement, Mariola Majchrak
Into the Grey Zone. What Do We (Don’t) Know About Types of Concentrations Between Undertakings Under EU law After Austria Asphalt?, Adrian Bielecki
Introduction, Tomasz Zalega
Intuitive and Rational Cognition in the Theory and Practice of Management Sciences, Marcin Nowak and Joanna Ziomek
Investigating Impact of US, Europe, Frontier and BRIC Stock Markets on Indian Financial Stress Index, Amanjot Singh and Manjit Singh
Investigating the relationship between leadership style and job performance and employee self-esteem, Marzena Mieczkowska and Joanna Zioło
Investing in public health from the perspective of the third party payer – NFZ (NFH), Jadwiga Suchecka and Zofia Skrzypczak
Investment and Regulation in Telecommunications, Stanisław Piątek
Investment into very high capacity networks, Andrzej Nałęcz
Investment Project Implementation by Communes – Scale, Diversity and Future Possibilities, Aldona Standar
Investment real estate – unwanted (?) category of assets – analysis of selected problems and conclusions from discussions in the journal SKwP “Accounting”, Katarzyna Trzpioła
Investment Structure of Spanish Investment Funds in 1984-1998, Adam Lewandowski
Investors’ Reaction to a Published Recommendation, Kamil Polak
Inwestor indywidualny. Czy chronić go tak jak konsumenta?, Andrzej Sopoćko
Inwestor indywidualny. Czy chronić go tak jak konsumenta?, Andrzej Sopoćko
Inwestor instytucjonalny jako akcjonariusz mniejszościowy - ważne wyzwanie dla nadzoru korporacyjnego, Izabela Koładkiewicz
Inwestor instytucjonalny jako akcjonariusz mniejszościowy - ważne wyzwanie dla nadzoru korporacyjnego, Izabela Koładkiewicz
Inwestowanie na rynku kapitałowym – rynek po kryzysie, Teresa Czerwińska and Alojzy Z. Nowak
Ioannis Lianos, Alexey Ivanov, Dennis Davis (ed.), Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law, Cambridge University Press 2022, 642 p., Magdalena Knapp
Is a normative regulation of the IP/antitrust interface really needed?, Dawid Miąsik
Is antitrust risk management possible and can it generate benefits?, Maciej Fornalczyk
Is Double-Degree Goal Equally Good for All Students? Moderating Impact of Interval Activity Style, Elżbieta Turska
Is It Worth Imitating Other Investors’ Determinants of Effective Investment Strategies Among Students, Michał Mijal and Katarzyna Niewińska
.#isoverparty. The Consequences of Brand Boycotts for Brands in the Social Media Environment After Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine, Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska
Is prosumption in times of crisis a one-dimensional phenomenon? Exploration among social network users, Maciej Mitręga
Is Selective Distribution Possible on the Internet? On Restrictions of Online Search Advertising and Online Sales in the Guess Case, Bartosz Targański
Issuer- and Investor-Paid Credit Ratings – A Comparison of Factors, Patrycja Chodnicka-Jaworska
Issuers’ obligations related to the issue, servicing and redemption of bonds – selected issues, Rafał Woźniak
Issuing of Savings Treasury Bonds in the Years 2015–2018 and Their Impact on Public Debt – Legal and Financial Aspects, Zbigniew Ofiarski
Is There a Border Between the Public and Private Sectors in Health Care?, Ewelina Nojszewska
Is there a place for tax incentives for SMEs in the qualitative development of the NewConnect market?, Paweł Śliwiński, Jacek Krawiec, and Tomasz Nowak
Is this a ‘group of companies’ or is it not? Problems of qualification and their consequences, Anna Piszcz
Istota i prawne aspekty funkcjonowania rynku wtórnego dla rynku mocy, Michał Bałdowski and Marcin Kraśniewski
Istota zarządzania publicznego, Barbara Kożuch
Is Uruguay More Resilient This Time? Distributional Impacts of a Crisis Similar to the 2001–02 Argentine Crisis, Oscar Barriga Cabanillas, Maria Ana Lugo, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelan, Hannah Nielsen, and María Pía Zanetti
Is Your Purchase Intention Influenced by Irrational Factors? An Investigation of Fashion Industry, Muhammad Tahir Jan, Ahmed Mohamed Hamed Aly Abouzaid, - Nadeem, and Tashpia Hossain
Izabela Filipiak, Władysław Mielczarski, Energetyka w okresie transformacji, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2023, Marcin Kraśniewski
Jak osiągać cele w zakresie redukcji emisji, zapewniając jednocześnie równe warunki konkurencji?, Piotr P. Dziubak
Jak wykorzystanie finansów zdecentralizowanych może zwiększyć dostęp mikro- i małych przedsiębiorstw do kapitału finansowego – założenia do eksperymentu ekonomicznego, Dariusz Sobolewski
Jan Szczodrowski, Kontrola rynków oligopolistycznych w prawie konkurencji, LEX a Wolters Kluwer Business, Warszawa 2015, ss. 350, Konrad Kohutek
Jan Walulik, Progressive Commercialization of Airline’s Governance Culture, EuroPrawo, Warsaw 2015, Małgorzata Polkowska
Jednostka organizacyjna nie posiadająca osobowości prawnej, której ustawa przyznaje zdolność prawną, Andrzej Powierża
Joint and Several Liability of Competition Law Infringers in the Legislation of Central and Eastern European Member States, Péter Miskolczi Bodnár and Robert Szuchy
Joint selling groups as a potential counterweight of purchasing power of joint purchasing groups, Eliza Iwaniszyn
Joseph E. Harrington Jr, The Theory of Collusion and Competition Policy, MIT Press 2017, p. 133, Marcin Alberski
Journalistic confidentiality in the codes of journalistic ethics, Ewa Galewska
Judicial Control of the Decisions of the Polish NCA (the President of UOKiK) in Merger Control Cases - Selected Aspects Based on Latest Case Law (Agora/Eurozet and Orlen/Polska Press), Anna Celejewska-Rajchert and Filip Drgas
Judicial Deference in Competition Law, University of Warsaw, 11 October 2018, Laura Zoboli
Judicial review in competition cases in Croatia: Winning and losing arguments before the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, Dubravka Akšamović
Jurgita Malinauskaite, Harmonisation of EU Competition Law Enforcement, Springer, 2020, p. 285, Monika Woźniak
Jurgita Malinauskaite, Harmonisation of EU Competition Law Enforcement, Springer, Cham 2020, ss. 272, Anna Piszcz
Jurisprudence of the common courts concerning abstractive control of standard contract terms in years 2012-2015, Michał Strzelecki
Justiciability of soft law. The approach of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the light of the case law of selected Member States, Agnieszka Chudyba
Kapitał społeczny w sieci relacji, Michał Zdziarski
Kary pieniężne uregulowane w ustawie z dnia 23 listopada 2012 r. – Prawo pocztowe. Analiza finansowoprawna, Wojciech Bożek
Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Audiowizualne usługi medialne. Reglamentacja w warunkach konwersji cyfrowej (Audiovisual media services. Regulation in the conditions of digital conversion) ss. 356. Warszawa 2013, Michał Możdżeń-Marcinkowski
Kazimierz Dobrowolski’s Integral Method as a Theoretical and Methodological Proposal of Organization and Management Research in Historical Perspective, Piotr Tadeusz Górski
Key Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments of Polish Antitrust Law in 2011Key Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments of Polish Antitrust Law in 2011, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Key Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments of Polish Antitrust Law in 2012, Anna Piszcz
Key Management Teams and Company Strategy - the Study Design on Sample Polish Listed Companies, Aleksandra Wąsowska and Michał Zdziarski
Key Success Factors in Project Management from the Perspective of Organisation’s Project Maturity – Research Results, Magdalena Dolata
Kilka uwag do projektów rozporządzeń w sprawie wyłączeń grupowych dotyczących horyzontalnych porozumień kooperacyjnych, Aleksander Maziarz
Klasa kreatywna w Polsce. Technologia, talent i tolerancja jako źródło rozwoju regionalnego, Krzysztof Klincewicz
Klastry w strategii rozwoju konkurencyjności na Mazowszu, Alojzy Z. Nowak
Klauzula zakazu podejmowania działalności konkurencyjnej jako ograniczenie akcesoryjne stosowane w ramach koncentracji przedsiębiorców, Tomasz Krzyżewski
Knowledge and intellectual capital management in organization - essence and basic relations, Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Knowledge management as a tool for the improvement of the standards of the quality systems, Joanna Ejdys
Knowledge Management Processes as a Challenge of Knowledge-Based Economy, Filip Tużnik
Knowledge Sharing in Teams Making Strategic Decisions in Companies – The Results of Research Carried Out in the Furniture Industry in Poland, Agnieszka Sopińska and Aldona Glińska-Neweś
Knowledge transfer in the process of entrepreneurial socialization, Svetlana Gudkova
Knowledge Transfer in Virtual Business Incubators, Tatevik Reit
Kohonen neural networks in data analysis. A usage attempt in data mining regerding geographic regions in Poland, Mirosława Lasek and Ada Myzik
Kompetencje organów antymonopolowych na rynkach regulowanych na przykładzie decyzji dotyczącej praktyk antykonkurencyjnych zidentyfikowanych na rynku ciepła, Katarzyna Karasiewicz and Tomasz Kaźmierczak
Kompetencje organu regulacyjnego do określania opłat za dostęp do infrastruktury kolejowej w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Glosa do wyroku Trybunału Sprawiedliwości z 9 września 2021 r., C‑144/20, as „latrailnet” i vas „latvijas dzelzcelš” przeciwko valsts dzelzcela administracija, Ewelina Nieznalska and Anna Głusiec
Kompetencje Prezesa Urzędu Transportu Kolejowego jako regulatora rynku kolejowego do wydawania decyzji zastępujących umowy pomiędzy przewoźnikami kolejowymi a zarządcami infrastruktury kolejowej, Aleksandra Kwiecińska-Korszuń
Kompleksowe metody ewaluacji jakości serwisów internetowych, Witold Chmielarz, Oskar Szumski, and Marek Zborowski
Komputerowe systemy zarządzania, Witold Chmielarz and Jan Turyna
Komputerowe wspomaganie rachunkowości zarządczej, Jolanta Rutkowska and Daria Świderska-Rak
Komunikacja interpersonalna a jakość świadczeń zdrowotnych. Istota relacji lekarz – pacjent w medycynie, Agnieszka Maciąg
Koncentracje podzielone lub kroczące w unijnym systemie kontroli koncentracji przedsiębiorstw, Adrian Bielecki
Koncepcja jednego organizmu gospodarczego w prawie ochrony konkurencji, Piotr Semeniuk
Koncepcje korporacji a systemy nadzoru korporacyjnego, Krzysztof A. Lis and Henryk Sterniczuk
Koncepcje korporacji a systemy nadzoru korporacyjnego, Krzysztof A. Lis and Henryk Sterniczuk
Koncepcje Wspólnej Europy na przestrzeni wieków, Karolina Świrska-Czałbowska
Koncepcje zielonych kompetencji i odpowiedzialnych innowacji – w poszukiwaniu wzajemności relacji, Agata Sudolska
Koncesja jako instrument realizacji polityki energetycznej w świetle wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z 21 kwietnia 2016 r., III SK 28/15, Jakub Faszcza
Koniec „zabójczych przejęć” czy pewności prawa? Reinterpretacja art. 22 rozporządzenia w sprawie kontroli koncentracji przedsiębiorstw, Monika Woźniak-Cichuta
Konkurencja w prawie zamówień publicznych po nowelizacji – wybrane zagadnienia, Beata Zwolińska
Konsekwencje akcesji w obszarze ubezpieczeń, Przemysław Świder
Konsument 3.0 – specyfika i implikacje dla marketingu w świetle opinii menedżerów, Agnieszka Wilczak
Konsument ponowoczesny. Nowe trendy w zachowaniach nabywczych i ich konsekwencje dla marketingu, Agnieszka Kacprzak-Choińska
Konsumpcja gospodarstw domowych o niepewnych dochodach w ujęciu tradycyjnych i współczesnych teorii konsumpcji, Tomasz Zalega
Konsumpcja w wielkomiejskich gospodarstwach domowych w Polsce w okresie kryzysu finansowo-ekonomicznego, Tomasz Zalega
Kontrola inwestycji zagranicznych – wstępna ocena polskiego ustawodawstwa i praktyki w kontekście europejskich i światowych trendów, Katarzyna Czapracka, Maciej Gac, Jakub Gubański, and Iwo Małobęcki
Kontrola koncentracji mediów w dobie digitalizacji. Pomiędzy regulacją a konkurencją, Marcin Kolasiński
Kontrola koncentracji mediów w dobie digitalizacji. Pomiędzy regulacją a konkurencją, Marcin Kolasiński
Kontrola koncentracji w Polsce w czasach pandemii koronawirusa i spowodowanego nią kryzysu gospodarczego – podsumowanie praktyki i postulaty de lege ferenda, Anna Gulińska and Tomasz Kordala
Kontrola sądowa decyzji Prezesa Urzędu Komunikacji Elektronicznej, Mateusz Chołodecki
Kontrola w czasach zarazy – wyzwania dla kontroli koncentracji wynikające z pandemii koronawirusa z perspektywy europejskiej, Katarzyna Marita Szreder
Konwencja singapurska a rozwiązywanie sporów inwestycyjnych, Małgorzata Kożuch
Kopiowanie przez kontrolujących informatycznych nośników danych kontrolowanego Postanowienie SOKiK z 7 marca 2017 r., XVII Amz 15/17, Julita Chomik
Koszty i ich rachunek. Kompendium wiedzy, Danuta Maciejowska
Koszty i ich rachunek- kompendium wiedzy. Wydanie V poprawione i rozszerzone, Danuta Maciejowska
Koszty pozyskiwania kapitału w drodze emisji obligacji na gruncie podatku dochodowego od osób prawnych, Anna Kasperowicz and Robert Piechota
Kredytowe instrumenty pochodne – wyzwanie dla polskiego systemu finansowego, Renata Karkowska
Kreowanie zaufania klientów w handlu elektronicznym - wyniki badań ilościowych, Paweł Kossecki
Krótkookresowy model ryzyka ubezpieczeniowego w przedsiębiorstwie, Agnieszka Rurka
Krótkoterminowe papiery dłużne – charakterystyka, geneza i struktura rynku, Marcin Kobus
Krzysztof Waliszewski (red.), Finanse osobiste, Wydawnictwo PAN, Warszawa 2022, ss. 426, Iwona Dorota Czechowska
Kseniya Smyrnova, EU Competition Law, Odesa 2013, 144 p., Roman Petrov
Kształtowanie ładu korporacyjnego w polskich spółkach giełdowych, Grzegorz Domański and Lechosław Stępniak
Kształtowanie ładu korporacyjnego w polskich spółkach giełdowych, Grzegorz Domański and Lechosław Stępniak
Labour costs and the legal measures of reducing them, Dorota Gajos and Artur Borcuch
Leader or Leaderess? Consequences of Using Feminatives for the Perception of Leadership, Anna O. Kuźmińska
Lead-lag and Volatility Point Change Estimations for Cryptocurrencies, Jules Clement Mba, Jenipher Mutale, and Ehounou Serge Eloge Florentin Angaman
Lean Startup as a New Way of Managing Technology Ventures Illustrated by the Example of Wlcome App, Magdalena Popowska and Patrycja Nalepa
Learning from crises. The enterprises perspective, Jacek Pasieczny
Leave it to the experts: A comparative analysis of competition-expert lay judges in private enforcement of competition law, Lena Hornkohl
Legal aspects of consumer protection and responsibility for damages in the context of autonomous cars, Lena Helińska, Bartosz Paczocha, and Arkadiusz Piskorz
Legal Aspects of the Responsible Development Strategy in the energy field with special regard to Electro Mobility, Adam Szafrański
Legal certainty of provisions, the breach of which may result in the imposition of fines on entrepreneurs – comments based on the judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of 6 October 2011 in case no. III SK 18/11, Aleksander Stawicki and Wojciech Kulczyk
Legal conditions limiting the possibility of acquiring financing by local government entities. Current state and proposed changes, Sebastian Skuza
Legal conditions of independent railway infrastructure managers in Germany, Michał Beim
Legal Conditions of Using Cookies, Stanisław Piątek
Legal framework governing medicinal advertisement in the Internet – a critical analysis, Mikołaj Rajca
Legal framework on conditional approvals of concentrations after the recent amendment – can it meet the expectations of the entrepreneurs?, Paulina Korycińska
Legal-history approach to the development of railways on Polish lands, Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska
Legal Issues Surrounding the Provision of Services in a SaaS Model by Telecommunications Entrepreneurs, Łukasz Pirożek
Legal nature of consultation between the European Commission and the President of the Office of Electronic Communications in regulation of the telecommunication market, Mateusz Chołodecki
Legal Professional Privilege and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination in EU Competition Law after the Lisbon Treaty – Is It Time for a Substantial Change?, Bartosz Turno and Agata Zawłocka-Turno
Legal professional privilege in the draft amendment to the Act on Competition and Consumer Protection, Maciej Bernatt and Bartosz Turno
Legal qualification of spamming as an act of unfair competition under the Law on Electronic Services and the Law on Unfair Competition, Monika Szczotkowska
Legal regulations on media ownership in selected European Union countries, Jędrzej Skrzypczak
Legal rules on cookie files and the protection of personal data of the Internet user, Małgorzata Olszewska
Legal standard regarding vertical pricing restraints consisting of resale fixed (or minimal) price maintenance under the Polish Act on Competition and Consumer Protection. Judgment of the Supreme Court of 23 November 2011, III SK 21/11, Agata Zawłocka-Turno and Bartosz Turno
Legal Status of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego as a Public Development Finance Institution, Sebastian Skuza
Legal status of Connected TV on the basis of the Broadcasting Act of 29th December 1992, Tomasz Zdzikot
Legal status of electric scooters and their users – proposed solutions and models abroad, Maciej Groblewski and Michał Pater
Legal status of particular railway companies as entities of special economic and defence significance, Wojciech Pawłuszko
Legal succession in competition law proceedings - commentary to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 6 April 2017, III SK 15/16, Elżbieta Krajewska
Legal Tests and the Object – Effect Dichotomy under Article 102 TFEU, Ioannis Apostolakis
Legislation and Case Law Review, Ignacy Góra and Jan Siudecki
Legislation Covering Business-to-business Unfair Trading Practices in the Food Supply Chain in Central and Eastern European Countries, Anna Piszcz (Red.) and Adam Jasser (Red.)
Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments in the Energy Sector in 2011, Filip Elżanowski
Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments in the Postal Sector in 2011, Monika Zielińska
Legislative and Jurisprudential Developments in the Telecommunications Sector in 2011, Kamil Kosmala
Legislative Developments and Decisional Practice in the Postal Sector in 2009 and 2010, Monika Krakała-Zielińska
Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2008, Katarzyna Zawisza
Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2009, Katarzyna Zawisza
Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2010, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza
Legislative Developments in Rail Transport in 2011, Katarzyna Bożekowska-Zawisza
Legislative Developments in the Aviation Sector in 2008, Filip Czernicki
Legislative Developments in the Aviation Sector in 2009, Filip Czernicki
Legislative Developments in the Aviation Sector in 2010, Filip Czernicki
Legislative Developments in the Aviation Sector in 2011, Filip Czernicki
Legislative Developments in the Energy Industry in 2008, Filip Elżanowski
Legislative Developments in the Postal Sector in 2008, Roman Illinicz
Legislative Developments in the Telecoms Sector in 2008, Kamil Kosmala
Legitimacy Theory in Management Accounting Research, Beata Zyznarska-Dworczak
Leniency programme in Poland and France – legal and comparative analysis, Ewa Weinar
Leniency programmes in Polish and US antitrust law and the access to leniency materials in private damages actions in cases of cartels and other restrictive agreements, Dorothy Hansberry-Bieguńska, Małgorzata Krasnodębska-Tomkiel, and Materna Grzegorz
Leniency – the Polish Programme and the ‘Semi-formal’ Harmonisation in the EU by the European Competition Network, Marcin Kulesza
Lessons to Be Learned from Ukraine’s Positioning in International Rankings: The Need for Institutional Support and Financial Support for Economic Creativity, Igor Britchenko, Irena Svydruk, Yurii Pidlypnyi, and Oleksandr P. Krupskyi
Liability for Anti-Competitive Conduct of a Third Party under EU Competition Law, Magdalena Knapp
Liability for unauthorized payment transactions in light of the changes resulting from PSD2, Bartosz Wyżykowski
Liability under competition and criminal law of a natural person in connection to entering into collusive tendering by an entrepreneur, Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
Liberalization without a Regulator. The Rail Freight Transport Market in Poland in the Years 1996-2009, Marcin Król
Licencja przymusowa – panaceum na epidemię?, Joanna Wiszniewska
Life after Menarini: The Conformity of the Hungarian ompetition Law Enforcement System with Human Rights Principles, Tihamér Tóth
Life expectancy as the primary measure of effectiveness of yhe health care system, Kazimierz Ryć and Zofia Skrzypczak
Limitation of claims for damages arising from competition law infringements – Polish attempt to implement the Damages Directive with respect to limitation periods, Anna Tworkowska-Baraniuk
Limitations of Internet sales of OTC veterinary medicinal products, Magdalena Bąkowska
Limitations of k-means cluster analysis in creating typologies, Jerzy Wierzbiński
Limitations of the set of public health indicators monitored in the context of sustainable development, Mariola Zalewska
Limits of the powers of inspection of the European Commission in the light of the recent case law of the European Court of Justice, Marta Michałek-Gervais
Linking of the value based management and sales management among cable operators, Paweł Kossecki
Liquidity risk management in banks operating in Poland in the time of the global financial crisis, Nowak Agnieszka K.
Local and regional sustainable development management, Elżbieta Lorek
Local competition, innovation, and firms’ bank relationships, Maximilian Zurek
Local diversity of the profit margin, Wiesław Szczęsny
Local or Global. Review of Selected Systems for Electronic Payments in Europe – Conclusions for Poland, Adam Tencza and Tomasz Jeruzalski
Location Intelligence for Gas Transportation Infrastructure, Mirza Ponjavic, Almir Karabegovic, Samir Omanovic, Emir Buza, and Ingmar Besic
Longitudinal Family Business Research – Review of the Literature, Judit Csákné Filep and László Radácsi
Long-Term Programs as Instruments for the Effective Management of Public Finances: Fact or Myth?, Marta Postuła and Anna Kawarska
Long-term relationship of KGHM share prices and the market value of high grade copper, Rafał Zbyrowski
Low-Cost Versus Frugal Innovation Building Blocks & the Fundamentals of Jugaad Business Modeling, Jamal Boukouray
Low interest rates and life insurance with equity insurance fund on German market, Patrick Matussek
Luka Macmillana a znaczenie średnich przedsiębiorstw dla gospodarki, Małgorzata Jóźwiak-Mijal
Łukasz Grzejdziak, Regulacja finansowania usług publicznych w Europie [Regulation of Financing Public Services in Europe], Wolters Kluwer Business, Warsaw 2015, 563 p., Aleksander Werner
Łukasz Grzejdziak, Ustalenie cen odsprzedaży towarów w prawie europejskim i amerykańskim. Studium prawnoporównawcze, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2020, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Maciej Bernatt, Populism and Antitrust: the Illiberal Influence of Populist Government on the Competition Law System, Cambridge University Press, 2022, 253 p., Baskaran Balasingham
Maciej Bernatt, Sprawiedliwość proceduralna w postępowaniu przed organem ochrony konkurencji [Procedural fairness in the proceedings before the competition authority], Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania, Warszawa 2011, 373 p., Marek Krzysztof Kolasiński
Maciej Gac, Group litigation as an instrument of competition law enforcement – analysis based on European, French and Polish experiences, University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press, Warsaw 2017, 532 pages, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Maciej Rogalski, Świadczenie usług telekomunikacyjnych (Provision of telecommunications services), Warszawa 2014, ss. 145, Mateusz Kabut
Macroeconomic Stability in Resource-rich Countries: The Role of Fiscal Policy, Elva Bova, Paulo Medas, and Tigran Poghosyan
Macroprudential Banking Regulation: Does One Size Fit All?, Doris Neuberger and Roger Rissi
Macroprudential policy - aim, instruments and institutional architecture, Małgorzata Olszak
Macroprudential Policy Effectiveness: Lessons from Southeastern Europe, Jérôme Vandenbussche, Piyabha Kongsamut, and Dilyana Dimova
Magdalena Porzeżyńska, State aid for the production of energy from renewable sources in European Union law, C.H. Beck, Warsaw 2020, pp. 276, Marzena Czarnecka
Magic Mirror of Corporation. The Significance of the Leader Autobiographical Story in the Process of Creating the Identity of the Organization, Michał Szukała
Main changes in the law on supporting the development of telecommunications networks and services, Wojciech Dziomdziora
Main Polish publications concerning the postal sector 2017–2018, Mateusz Chołodecki
Major challenges in salespeople's motivation in the times of market turbulences, Krzysztof Cybulski
Makroekonomiczne modele funkcjonowania rynków w gospodarce. Symulacje komputerowe, Władysława Zborowska and Mariusz Szałański
Małe przedsiębiorstwa w sytuacjach kryzysowych, Beata Glinka and Svetlana Gudkova
Małgorzata Król-Bogomilska, Zwalczanie karteli w prawie antymonopolowym i karnym [Combating cartels in antitrust and criminal law], Warszawa 2013, 511 p., Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Management and intercultural communications. Towards new horizons in social interactions, Leszek Korporowicz
Management and the digital transformation of an institution's identity in the field of education, Katarzyna Baliga-Nicholson
Management Challenges in the Era of Globalization, Anna Kuźmińska
Management in Agribusiness – Selected Issues, Andrzej Piotr Wiatrak
Management in high context and low context cultures - Poland and Korea in the light of empirical research, Przemysław Hensel
Management of GDPR-Related Legal Risk in Public Organizations in View of Costs of Administrative Sanctions, Michał Gołębiowski
Management of Reputational Risk: Problems with Definition and Measurement, Ewa Miklaszewska and Krzysztof Kil
Management of the National Drug Administration Through the Use of Biosimilar Medicines. Expenditures, Numbers of Reimbursed Packages and Shares of Biosimilar Products in the Infliximab Market a Year Prior to and a Year after the Introduction of the National Drug Policy 2018–2022, Olga Barszczewska, Anna Piechota, and Jadwiga Suchecka
Management of tourism and support to tourism development, Andrzej P. Wiatrak
Management of Trade Accounts Receivable as a Critical Success Factor for Agricultural Suppliers, Piotr Korneta
Management of value co-creation in the media – from the chain to the constellations, Jan Kreft
Managerial Errors - Selected Sources and the Implications for the Enterprise Development, Jacek Pasieczny and Beata Glinka
Managers of Cultural Institutions and Their Importance for the Activities Related to Building the City Brand – Results of Qualitative Research, Wioletta Krawiec
Managing an organization in times of crisis - empirical research upon Polish enterprises during global economic crisis from the beginning of 21st century, Barbara Siuta-Tokarska
Mandatory ex officio examination of abusive contractual clauses by national courts and the guarantee of effective protection of consumers’ interests, Beata Sieńko-Kowalska
Manifestation of Entrepreneurship in Multiple Cultural and Organizational Contexts (Editorial Paper), Marzena Starnawska
Mapowanie relacji władzy w procesie zmiany organizacyjnej, Przemysław Hensel
Marcin Kraśniewski, Model regulacji gospodarczej rynku kolejowych przewozów pasażerskich. Problematyka prawna, Instytut De Republica, Warszawa 2023, ss. 680, Michał Będkowski-Kozioł
Marek Rotkiewicz, Ustawa o odpowiedzialności majątkowej funkcjonariuszy publicznych za rażące naruszenie prawa. Komentarz, Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2018, Katarzyna Płonka-Bielenin
Margin squeeze as abuse of dominant position. Case comment to the judgment of the Court (First Chamber) of 17 February 2011, Konkurrensverket v TeliaSonera Sverige AB, Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk
Margin squeeze test in regulatory practice of the President of UKE, Jan Siudecki
Marian Kępiński (ed.), System Prawa Prywatnego. Tom 15. Prawo konkurencji [Private Law System. Volume 15. Competition law], C.H. Beck/Instytut Nauk Prawnych PAN, Warszawa 2014, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Marka we współczesnym przedsiębiorstwie, Monika Skorek
Marketing Activities of Łódź Voivodeship Companies on Foreign Markets – Research Findings, Wojciech Grzegorczyk
Marketing Automation in B2B Services as a Necessary Form in Acquiring a Contemporary Client, Małgorzata Pol
Marketing Budget - the Key to Effectiveness, Jacek Kotarbiński
Marketing communication of retail trade companies in Poland. The results of research conducted by means of expert method, Marek Drzazga
Marketing Innovations in Retail Trade, Grażyna Śmigielska and Sylwia Wiśniewska
Marketing in the Concept of the Increase in Value of Enterprise, Edyta Rudawska
Marketing management in the light of selected marketing activities of a pharmaceutical company, Kazimierz Nagody-Mrozowicz
Marketingowa koncepcja w opiece zdrowotnej - kontrowersje i specyfika, Iga Rudawska
Marketingowa koncepcja w opiece zdrowotnej - kontrowersje i specyfika, Iga Rudawska
Marketing Performance Measurement Indicators, Robert Kozielski
Marketing Plan for Ethical Medicines - Structure and Specificity, Grzegorz Karasiewicz and Krzysztof Podstawka
Marketing regionalny na przykładzie Zielonych Płuc Polski, Mieczysław Adamowicz
Marketing Research in the Commercial Enterprise Management, Bogdan Gregor and Magdalena Kalińska-Kula
Marketing Strategies and Export Performance of Fresh Produce Firms in Kenya, Anne Njonjo, Winnie Njeru, Francis Kibera, and Joseph Owino
Marketing Strategies of Pharmaceutical Companies, Małgorzata Michalik and Henryk Mruk
Marketing Strategy Effectiveness Measurement - Key Issues, Grzegorz Karasiewicz
Marketplaces Restrictions and Selective Distribution after Coty Germany, Patrycja Szot and Anna Amza
Marta Michałek, Right to Defence in EU Competition Law: The Case of Inspections, University of Warsaw Faculty of Management Press, Warsaw 2015, 431 p., Marta de Bazelaire de Ruppierre
Marta Michałek, Right to defence in EU Competition Law: the case of inspections, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wydziału Zarządzania UW, Warszawa 2015, s. 431, Krystyna Kowalik-Bańczyk
Marzena Czarnecka – recipient of the CARS Regulatory Award 2019, Tadeusz Skoczny
Maturity of regulatory regime in a process of deregulation of a sector. Telecommunication sector example, Maria Dąbrowa and Renata Śliwa
Maurice E. Stucke & Allen P. Grunes, Big Data and Competition Policy, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 368 (Marcin Mleczko), Marcin Mleczko
Mauritius: The Drivers of Growth – Can the Past Be Extended?, Katsiaryna Svirydzenka and Martin Petri
M. Chołodecki, A. Piszcz, T. Skoczny (red.), Prawo pocztowe. Komentarz [Comentary to the Postal law] Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2018, ss. 1057, Stanisław Piątek
Meaning of regional products in local and regional development, as exemplified by Italy, Aleksandra Swulińska-Katulska and Maria Szuber
Measurement of Fiscal Council Independence in the Countries of the European Union, Sławomir Franek
Measurement of Task Efficiency by the Local Government – Evidence From the City of Kraków, Marzena Piszczek
Measures of effectiveness of medical services in the American health care system, Jadwiga Suchecka and Konstanty Owczarek
Measuring and Evaluating Research and Development at a Firm's Level, Agnieszka Kurczewska
Measuring research efficiency of departments within a faculty, Andrzej Szuwarzyński
Mechanizmy mocowe – definicja, klasyfikacja i przyszłość rynku dwutowarowego w Unii Europejskiej, Grzegorz Pizoń
Mechanizm zachowania się konsumenta na rynku w ujęciu makroekonomicznych koncepcji konsumpcji, Tomasz Zalega
Media Credibility Perception Among Millennials in Slovakia, Lucia Vilčeková
Media Management – the origin, the idea and the research concepts, Bogusław Nierenberg
Mediating effect of mobile banking trust on information and system quality, Marko van Deventer
Mediator as an anthropologist - anthropological approach to labour dispute resolution, Leszek Cichobłaziński
Mediator in collective disputes as an organizational adviser – narrative perspective, Leszek Cichobłaziński
Medical Institution Management – Optimization of Organizational Activities: An Example of a Hospital Clinic, Jolanta Meller
Medical Representatives on Pharmaceutical Market in Poland - Selected Fallacies and Facts, Krzysztof Cybulski and Maciej Misztak
Memorandum for the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Postmaster General, the Chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission, Magdalena Kiełkiewicz
Memorandum of the President of UKE and telecommunications industry as an instrument of service quality provision, Jan Siudecki
Memory management on an artist. The case of a cultural route, Alicja Kędziora
Merger Control in Georgia – national legislation and case law review, Solomon Menabdishvili
Merger remedies in the consolidation process of H3G-Orange, H3G-o2 and Telefónica-E-Plus preventing monopolization of mobile telecommunications sector, Daria Kostecka-Jurczyk
Mergers and acquisitions: anything new under the Sun?, Agata Jurkowska-Gomułka
Mergers of Public and Non-Public Universities in Poland – A Comparative Analysis, Łukasz Sułkowski, Robert Seliga, and Andrzej Woźniak
Message Strategy and Information Content of Advertising in Women’s Magazines in Poland, Marcin Nowakowski and Barbara Nowakowska,
M. Etel, A. Piszcz (Ed.), The Act on Road Transport. Commentary [Ustawa o transporcie drogowym. Komentarz], C.H. Beck, Warszawa 2020, pp. 788, Grzegorz Kozieł
Method of product placement in computer games. Qualitative research amongst Polish players, Magdalena Hofman-Kohlmeyer
Methodological problems with analyzing trust in organization, Jerzy Wierzbiński and Eugene Burnstein
Methods of detecting bid rigging, Marta Stryszowska and Joanna Piechucka
Methods of estimation of effect and efficiency in the health care system, Marina Surmacz and Jewgienij Tiszczenko
Methods of the prevention of conflict in the family business - the case study, Mateusz Kabut
Metoda historyczno-psychologiczna w zarządzaniu - zarys koncepcji oraz przykład programu badań, Tomasz Ochinowski
Metody analizy danych na potrzeby audytu wewnętrznego, Piotr Buda and Agata Szczerbetka
Metody doskonalenia menedżerów, Agnieszka Wyszecka
Metodyka transformacji wyników badań naukowych do zastosowań praktycznych, Andrzej H. Jasiński and Dominik Ludwicki
Michał Nowakowski, Sztuczna inteligencja. Praktyczny przewodnik dla sektora innowacji finansowych, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warszawa 2023, s. 270, Krzysztof Waliszewski
Micro- and Macroprudential Liquidity Standards and Their Effects, Małgorzata Olszak and Filip Świtała
Microsoft a prawo konkurencji w USA i UE, Tomasz Bagdziński
Microsoft a prawo konkurencji w USA i UE, Tomasz Bagdziński
Między Chicago i post-Chicago. Czy należy zmienić wytyczne UE w sprawie kontroli niehoryzontalnych koncentracji?, Łukasz Grzejdziak
Między korzyścią obiektywną a relatywną. Wyrok Sądu UE w sprawie T-143/12 Deutsche Post i jego konsekwencje, Łukasz Grzejdziak
Międzynarodowa Konferencja pn. „10th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition Law: Enhancing Competition Enforcement by the Competition Authorities of the EU Member States: Procedural Issues”, 2 lipca 2021 r., Magdalena Knapp and Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
Międzynarodowa Konferencja pt. ,,9th International PhD Students’ Conference on Competition Law: Enhancing Competition Enforcement by the Competition Authorities of the EU Member States: Institutional Design and Fining Powers”, 1 lipca 2021 r., Magdalena Knapp and Paulina Korycińska-Rządca
Międzynarodowa pozycja Unii Europejskiej po rozszerzeniu, Dariusz Milczarek
Między rewolucją a autopromocją. Główne tendencje w odpowiedzi organów ochrony konkurencji na pandemię i kryzys koronawirusa, Michał Konrad Derdak
Miejscy srebrni single w Polsce. Sytuacja materialna. Konsumpcja. Zachowania konsumenckie i trendy, Tomasz Zalega
Mierzalne kryteria oceny konkurencyjności rynków telekomunikacyjnych. Aspekty praktyczne, Ewa M. Kwiatkowska
Mieszkalnictwo jako dobro wiodące w gospodarce, Ewa Krakowińska
Migracje stałe i czasowe a rynek pracy w Polsce, Michał Mijal
Mikroekonomia, Tomasz Zalega
Mikroekonomia współczesna, Tomasz Zalega
Mikroekonomia współczesna zbiór ćwiczeń i zadań, Tomasz Zalega
Mikroekonomia współczesna. Zbiór zadań, Tomasz Zalega
Mikroekonomia w zarysie, Hanna Bednarska, Ewa Krakowińska, Kazimierz Ryć, and Zofia Skrzypczak
Mikroekonomia. Zbiór zadań, Tomasz Zalega
Mikrofirmy siłą napędową gospodarki Mazowsza, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Mariusz Szałański
Mikrouwarunkowania potrzeb i zachowań rynkowych gospodarstw domowych a nowa konsumpcja, Tomasz Zalega
Milestone of Entrepreneurship Research Development? GEM and PSED – Comparison, Achievements, Aspiration and Future Perspectives, Przemysław Zbierowski
Millennials’ willingness to payfor socially responsible investmentand its institutional and individual antecedents – evidence from Italy, Poland, and Ukraine, Anna Doś, Monika Foltyn-Zarychta, Matteo Pedrini, and Iryna Shkura
Misselling on the non-banking consumer credit market in the light of current market problems, Magdalena Paleczna
Młodzi przedsiębiorcy - inspiracje, koncepcje i uwarunkowania, Jacek Pasieczny, Beata Glinka, and Agnieszka Brzozowska
Mobile Payments as Innovations on the Retail Cashless Payments Market, Beata Świecka
Mobilne aspekty technologii informacyjnych, Witold Chmielarz
Moda na etykę. Współczesna refleksja etyczna w biznesie i fenomen jej popularności., Adam Strzelecki
Modeling time series for prices and rates of profit, Iwona Kowalska
Modelling for the Index of Residential Property Prices in Poland, Rafał Zbyrowski
Modelling Time to Default Or Early Repayment as Competing Risks, Ewa Wycinka
Model of Creative Businesses and Development of the Rural Municipality of Puszcza Mariańska, Elżbieta Strzelecka and Sylwia Mazgajska
Modelowanie struktur informacyjnych w zintegrowanych systemach wspomagających rachunek kosztów, Daria Świderska-Rak
Modelowanie systemu oceny jakości cyklu życia oprogramowania z wykorzystaniem logiki rozmytej, Adam Nowicki and Jacek Szymański
Models for Development of an Innovation Network in Clusters, Jacek Gancarczyk and Marta Najda-Janoszka
Models of competition regulation and interantional law forms of implementing competiiton policy, Kseniia Smyrnova
Moderate Islamism and the economy, Jerzy Zdanowski
Modern Auction Mechanisms for the Media Market, Joanna Rachubik, Dorota Mirowska-Wierzbicka, Wojciech Zawadzki, Maciej Wilamowski, Krzysztof Fiok, Wojciech Maciejewski, and Mateusz Szczurek
Modernization of the Format of Ukraine’s Trade Integration With the EU in the Conditions of Implementation of the DCFTA, Olha Yatsenko, Nataliia Reznikova, Nataliia Karasova, Tetiana Musiiets, Olena Lavrinenko, and Vitalii Nitsenko
Modernized Managerial Functions, Maria Holstein-Beck
Modification of regulatory policy aims in the European Electronic Communications Code, Wojciech Krupa
Monetary penalties in the Broadcasting Act – critical analysis, Łukasz Gajek
Money laundering risk management in banking system, Patrycja Chodnicka
Moral Licensing: Causes and Consequences in Public Administration, Atefeh Sodeiri Javadi
Morały płynące z opowiadań menedżerów dotyczących podejmowania trudnych decyzji, Magdalena Ścigała
More and more effectively? (from the Editor-in-Chief), Anna Piszcz
More economic approach to exclusivity agreements: how does it work in practice? Case comment to the judgment of the Court of Appeals in Warsaw of 25 February 2010 – Lesaffre Polska (Ref. No. VI ACa 61/09), Małgorzata Modzelewska de Raad
More Than a Decade of the Slovak Settlement Regime in Antitrust Matters: From European Inspirations to National Inventions, Ondrej Blažo
Most favoured nation (MFN) clauses in the newest doctrine and antitrust case law, Paweł Wanasz
Motivating Marketing Research Respondents to Provide More Elaborated Answers, Michał Ścibor-Rylski
Motivating the personnel of the sales organizations in the period of an economic downturn, Krzysztof Cybulski
Motivation and Value of Low-Cost Green Car (LCGC) Purchase Intention Across Generations, Lorenza Kirana and Nila A. Windasari
Motivation as a determinant of starting a professional career and of being successful in the labour market, Monika Jadacka and Tomasz Zalega
Motivation of Japanese Descending Diaspora Entrepreneurs, Aki Harima
Motivation to Work in the Context of COVID-19 Impact on Tourism Industry Enterprises, Katarzyna Czernek-Marszałek
Motivators for and Barriers to Sustainable Supply Chain Practices Implementation, Łukasz Małys
Motives and Barriers Towards Online Shopping of Clothing and Footwear in Poland, Sara Supryn and Genowefa Sobczyk
Motives behind corporate social responsibility implementation by Belorussian entrepreneurs, Walentina A. Simkhovich
Motives for Financial Statement Fraud and Professional Ethics, Marek Sylwestrzak, Anna Białek-Jaworska, and Krzysztof Opolski
Movements between Entrepreneurship and Paid Employment: Experiences of Polish Entrepreneurs in the International Context, Piotr Zientara and Anna Maria Nikodemska-Wołowik
Możliwości wykorzystania analiz ekonomicznych w ochronie zdrowia, Zofia Skrzypczak
Możliwości wykorzystania podatków w oddziaływaniu na procesy społeczne i gospodarcze, Piotr Sokół
Możliwość wdrożenia umów cPPA jako instrumentu promowania energetyki lokalnej, Krzysztof Szczęśniak
Możliwość zaskarżenia do organu regulacyjnego opłat za dostęp do infrastruktury, których okres ważności już upłynął, Iwona Miedzińska
Mr Hoefner, Mr Elser, Please Welcome to Poland. Some Comments on the Polish Healthcare System Reform from the Perspective of State Aid Law, Łukasz Grzejdziak
Multiannual Planning Concerning Public Expenditure on Internal Security – Polish and French Experience, Katarzyna Stabryła-Chudzio
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of BI Systems for SMEs Based on the BI Scorecard Framework Approach, Mirosław Dyczkowski, Jerzy Korczak, and Helena Dudycz
Multi-dimensional nature of the phenomenon of fraud in sales organizations. Undiscovered land of research opportunity, Krzysztof Cybulski
Multifactor models in the analysis of mutual fund effectiveness, Dariusz Filip
Multifunctionality of Farms – the Effects on Land Use Change, Zofia Sawicka and Natalia Ratajczyk
Multilevel approach for health care system effectiveness evaluation, Karolina Szymaniec
Mutual insurance in the financing of the effects of catastrophic events in the local government – an outline of the concept, Marietta Janowicz-Lomott
Mutual Relations of Macroeconomic Balances – Conclusions From International Comparisons, Jerzy Żyżyński
“Mystery shopper” as a new tool for obtaining evidence of practices harmful to the collective interests of consumers, Ewa Mandrosz
Nadużycie pozycji dominującej poprzez naruszenie ochrony danych osobowych na przykładzie sprawy Bundeskartellamt vs Facebook, Paulina Komorowska
Najgroźniejsze przestępstwa giełdowe. Implikacje i sposoby przeciwdziałania, Mirosław Dusza
Największe rynki franchisingowe Europy podobieństwa i różnice, Alicja Antonowicz
Naruszenie obowiązku zawieszenia koncentracji (gun jumping) w praktyce decyzyjnej Komisji Europejskiej i orzecznictwie unijnym, Aleksandra Mariak
Narzędzia służące do weryfikacji zdolności kredytowej w prawie amerykańskim – skuteczny element ochrony kredytobiorców-konsumentów czy zbędne procedury?, Wanesa Choptiany-Mańka
Narzucanie ceny odsprzedaży a ochrona konkurencji, Eliza Misiejuk
Narzucanie ceny odsprzedaży a ochrona konkurencji, Eliza Misiejuk
National Identity as a General Principle of EU Law and its Impact on the Obligation to Recover State Aid, Marek Rzotkiewicz
Nature of NGO Volunteers’ and Employees’ Motivation. Implications and Recommendations for Managerial Staff, Joanna Schmidt
Nauczanie w gospodarce sieciowej opartej na wiedzy, Witold Bielecki
Navigating Responsible Consumption: Unveiling Consumer Perceptions and the Role of Bio-Based Products in Sustainable Decision-Making, Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska and Magdalena Marczewska
Need for Competition Law – Discussing the Case of Georgia, Zurab Gvelesiani
Need for revision of the Act on competition and consumer protection. A perspective of procedural fairness, Maciej Bernatt
Needs planning in the sphere of working capital, Aleksander Kusak
Negotiation Competences of an Entrepreneur, Andrzej Kozina
Negotiations and organizational identity. Cognitive and practical relations, Robert A. Rządca
Negotiations as Part of Managing Organizational Changes: Methodological Concept & Case Study, Andrzej Kozina
Negotiations Planning in Small & Medium-sized Consulting Enterprises. Methodological Concept & Research Results, Andrzej Kozina
Neobrandisianism and the Political Content of Antitrust, Jan Polański
Network connection agreements in the heating sector: competition and consumer law issues, Jarosław Sroczyński and Agnieszka Staszek
Networking behavior in social entrepreneurship against the backdrop of challenging institutional environment – five social cooperatives’ case analysis, Marzena Starnawska
Network Neutrality, Andrzej Nałęcz
Network of enterprise business model – the basic assumptions, Tadeusz Marek Falencikowski
Network Relationships Analysis in a Knowledge-Based Organization, Arkadiusz Kawa and Monika Matusiak
Network Strategies Logic, Wojciech Czakon
Network Structures as a Way to Build a Global Organization and the Role of Modern IT Tools, Jerzy Kisielnicki
New Amendments Introduced to European Union Competition Law Due to the Expiration of Block Exemption Regulations Conference at Łazarski University. Report., Małgorzata Kozak
New approach to MTR regulation in European Union – selected problems, Tomasz Bator
New competition law in Hong Kong, Wojciech Podlasin
New Consumer Agenda – strengthening consumer resilience for sustainable recovery, Filip Wiaderek
New Elements of the Legal Framework for Fines in the Act on Competition and Consumers Protection, Anna Piszcz
New Forms of Funding Investment Projects and Companies: Crowdfunding and ICO, Jakub Górka and Aleksandra Pietruk
New legal rules of providing internet access services, Stanisław Piątek
New obligations for energy market participants arising from the MAR Regulation, Paweł Hawranek, Dariusz Michalski, and Nina Wielgosz
New Polish technology transfer block exemption – which agreements meet its requirements?, Magdalena Knapp
New possibilities of liberalization of telecommunication sector in the context of cognitive technologies, Anna Burdziak, Maciej J. Grzybkowski, and Dariusz Więcek
New Procedural Notices of the Czech Office for the Protection of Competition: Leniency, Settlement, and Alternative Problem Resolution, Joanna Pipková and Ivo Šimeček
New regulation of reserve sales of electricity, Paweł Konrad Domagała
New regulatory strategy for telecommunications market, Stanisław Piątek
New rules for the assessment of domestic effects of extraterritorial mergers in German competition law, Wojciech Łyszczarz
New Scenarios of the Right of Defence Following Directive 1/2019, Marialaura Rea
New statutory standards for local government unit debt, Łukasz Satoła
New Structural Policy in an Open Market Economy, Justin Yifu Lin and Alojzy Z. Nowak
New support scheme for energy produced from high-performance cogeneration – selected legal aspects, Michał Bałdowski and Michał Maruszak
New technologies, Big Data and the digital economy: current challenges for competition law (from the Volume Editor), Grzegorz Materna
New technologies in the fieldof sensory marketing and customer experience:a systematic literature review, Dawid Gajda
New trends in economy and management: The meaning of the concept of network for the development of social entrepreneurship, Agata Austen
New UOKiK Mission – Combating unfair use of superior contractual power (From the Editor), Maciej Bernatt
Nieruchomości i złoto jako inwestycje w kryzysie finansowym, Katarzyna Nagraba
Niestandardowe formy zatrudnienia w Polsce i wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej, Tomasz Zalega
Nobody Knows – Towards Operationalization of Strategic Dilemmas of Coopetitors, Patrycja Klimas and Joanna Radomska
Non-competition law based review of mergers on audiovisual, real estate and pharmaceutical markets, Piotr Semeniuk
Non-conforming declarations of performance on construction products as a misleading practice relating to product performance – discussion based on Polish regulator’s decision of 4 October 2019 (DOZiK-6/2019), Aleksandra Wędrychowska-Karpińska
Normal Distribution of Returns of Warsaw Stock Exchange Indexes, Krzysztof Borowski
Normy adekwatności kapitałowej, Małgorzata Anna Olszak
North–South: Poland and Brazil in Turmoil, Ladislau Dowbor
Nostalgia and Culture: The Relationship Between Indicators of Acculturation and Nostalgia, Borsali Awicha Amina and Benhabib Abderrezak
No Strings Attached? Zero-Price Practices on Social Media Markets under EU Abuse of Dominance Assessment, Marta Sznajder
Notes on the Fringes of the Replication Crisis in Management Science, Przemysław Hensel
Notes to the draft Regulation on the European single market for electronic communications, Wojciech Dziomdziora
Nowa Ekonomia Strukturalna wobec krajów mniej zaawansowanych, Justin Yifu Lin and Alojzy Z. Nowak
Nowa koncepcja polikryzysów w świetle dyrektywy 2022/2557 w sprawie odporności podmiotów krytycznych (dyrektywy CER), Tomasz Długosz
Nowa Polityka Strukturalna w warunkach otwartej gospodarki rynkowej, Justin Yifu Lin and Alojzy Z. Nowak
Nowe kluczowe rozporządzenia wykonawcze w ramach filaru technicznego IV pakietu kolejowego, Michał Zięba
Nowelizacja przepisów rozporządzenia (WE) nr 1371/2007 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady dotyczącego praw i obowiązków pasażerów w ruchu kolejowym – najważniejsze projektowane zmiany, Ignacy Góra and Karol Kłosowski
Nowe przepisy regulujące gminne uchwały z zakresu wychowania w trzeźwości i przeciwdziałania alkoholizmowi – aspekty wybrane, Adrian Misiejko
Nowe zasady wyboru członków zarządu w spółkach z udziałem Skarbu Państwa, Robert Pietrusiński
Nowe zasady wyboru członków zarządu w spółkach z udziałem Skarbu Państwa, Robert Pietrusiński
Nowoczesne Mazowsze- jak wykorzystać potencjał regionu?, Alojzy Z. Nowak and Mariusz Szałański
Nowy model wymierzania kar pieniężnych za naruszenia konkurencji przez związki przedsiębiorców – rodzaje ryzyka i konsekwencje, Joanna Affre and Mateusz Restel
Number of Self-Employed Women and Men – Analysis Based on the Sections of the Polish Economy, Anna Turczak
Nurses Wages in Poland in 2010–2014, Zofia Skrzypczak and Józef Haczyński
Nursing services for elderly people in Poland, Ewa Krakowińska
Object-based competition restrictions. Case comment to the Judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of16 July 2015 in case C-172/14 ING Pensii v. Consiliul Concurentei, Aleksander Stawicki and Paulina Komorowska
Oblicza przedsiębiorczości, Agnieszka Postuła, Beata Glinka, and Jacek Pasieczny
Obligations of electricity and gas distribution system operators with respect to the development of public road transport recharging infrastructure, Jarosław Greser
Obligation to ex officio examine the unfairness of terms and conditions in the event of the consumer’s failure to appear in court in cases of unfair market practices in the financial market. Commentary to the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 4 June 2020 in case C-495/19 Kancelaria Medius SA v RN, Małgorzata Sieradzka and Magdalena Zawisza
Obowiązki informacyjne wynikające z Międzynarodowego Standardu Rachunkowości nr 14 Sprawozdawczość dotycząca segmentów działalności, Katarzyna Trzpioła
(Obywatelskie) spółdzielnie energetyczne w Niemczech, Eva-Maria Thierjung
Ocena efektywności szkolenia w przedsiębiorstwie w świetle wyników badań, Marek Kunasz
Ocena nielekowych technologii medycznych, Krzysztof Łanda
Ocena nielekowych technologii medycznych, Krzysztof Łanda
Ocena nowelizacji komunikatu Komisji Europejskiej dotyczącego ważnych projektów stanowiących przedmiot wspólnego europejskiego zainteresowania (IPCEI), Aleksandra Lisicka-Firlej
Ocena polskiego procesu legislacyjnego na przykładzie ostatnich zmian w prawie rynków finansowych, Marta Dzieciuch
Ocena przesłanki istotności ograniczenia konkurencji w kontekście definiowania rynków właściwych w orzecznictwie dotyczącym kontroli koncentracji przedsiębiorców, Monika Bychowska
Ocena, rankingowanie i selekcja technologii, Krzysztof Klincewicz and Arkadiusz Manikowski
Ocena siły rynkowej przedsiębiorcy w nadzorze nad horyzontalnymi koncentracjami przedsiębiorców, Dariusz Aziewicz
Ocena sytuacji spółki nowe wyzwanie dla rady nadzorczej, Ewa Pietrusińska
Ocena zmian innowacyjności – wybrane problemy i kierunki zmian, Joanna Sadkowska
Ochrona konkurencji a prokonkurencyjna regulacja sektorowa, Tadeusz Skoczny
Ochrona konkurencji a prokonkurencyjna regulacja sektorowa, Tadeusz Skoczny
Ochrona konkurencji na styku różnych dziedzin prawa – temat wciąż aktualny, Grzegorz Materna
Ochrona konsumenta przed agresywnymi praktykami rynkowymi w świetle pytań prejudycjalnych SN w sprawie C-628/17 Orange Polska S.A., Katarzyna Lis-Zarrias
Ochrona konsumentów przed nieuczciwymi praktykami w zakresie podwójnej jakości produktów w świetle zmian wprowadzanych na mocy dyrektywy Omnibus, Martyna Wurm and Łucja Olszewska
Ochrona konsumentów wobec systemów rekomendacji, Aleksandra Olbryk
Ochrona praw sprzedających na platformach wielostronnych na podstawie przepisów Digital Markets Act – aspekty wybrane, Adrian Żądło
Ochrona tajemnicy przedsiębiorstwa w postępowaniach przed Prezesem UOKiK, Joanna Affre, Małgorzata Kozak, and Anna Wawruch
Ochrona uzasadnionych oczekiwań a dostosowanie mechanizmów mocowych do rozporządzenia w sprawie wewnętrznego rynku energii elektrycznej, Jędrzej Maśnicki
Ochrona zdrowia i gospodarka. Pacjenci, świadczeniodawcy, turystyka medyczna, Józef Haczyński, Kazimierz Ryć, and Zofia Skrzypczak
Ochrona zdrowia i gospodarka. Przegląd współczesnych problemów systemu opieki zdrowotnej, Józef Haczyński and Zofia Skrzypczak
Ochrona zdrowia i gospodarka. Sposoby finansowania, Kazimierz Ryć and Zofia Skrzypczak
Oczekiwania studentów wobec studiów magisterskich z dziedziny zarządzania…, Wojciech Łapiński
Odpowiedzialność a swoboda przepływu osób, towarów i usług w ramach UE – próby unifikacji odpowiedzialności na przykładzie ubezpieczeń. Zarys problemu, Aleksandra A. Kozioł
Odpowiedzialność cywilna (kontraktowa i deliktowa) przewoźników kolejowych w świetle doświadczeń Rzecznika Praw Pasażera Kolei, Marcin Radwański
Odpowiedzialność deliktowa uczestników kartelu – aspekty podmiotowe w świetle wybranego orzecznictwa, Joanna Affre and Przemysław Rybicki
Odpowiedzialność przebijająca w ramach private enforcement, Mateusz Dąbroś
Odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorcy za niedostarczanie informacji i dokumentów na żądanie Prezesa UOKiK – kilka refleksji po decyzji w sprawie Engie, Krzysztof Kanton
Odpowiedzialność przedsiębiorstwa za naruszenie prawa konkurencji dokonane przez jego współpracowników w orzecznictwie unijnym, Michał Surdyk
Odpowiedzialność za roboty inteligentne, Aleksandra Gnas
Odrzucenie oferty w oparciu o art. 393 ustawy – Prawo zamówień publicznych – uwagi de lege lata i de lege ferenda, Joanna Affre and Mateusz Restel
Od społecznej odpowiedzialności do ESG w zarządzaniu. Wybrane aspekty, Karolina Łudzińska
Odstępstwo od obowiązku świadczenia usług powszechnych w prawie pocztowym, Grzegorz Pawul
Offering bonds as a financial instrument, Joanna Róg-Dyrda
Ogólnopolskie seminarium naukowe oraz premiera książki Model regulacji gospodarczej rynku kolejowych przewozów pasażerskich. Problematyka prawna, Katowice, 2 lutego 2024 roku, Marcin Kraśniewski
Omri Ben-Shahar, Ariel Porat, Personalized Law: Different Rules for Different People, Oxford University Press 2021, ss. 244, Katarzyna Południak-Gierz
On commitments of an undertaking. Judgment of the Court of the EU of 15 September 2016 in case T-76/14 Morningstar, Inc. v the Commission, Elwira Konopko
One-Person Households in Terms of Household Development Theory, Marlena Piekut
Online Intermediaries and Sustainable Market Regulation – a Smart Mix of Liability and Exemptions, Katarzyna Klafkowska-Waśniowska and Katja Weckström
On-line sale restrictions in distribution agreements, Antoni Bolecki
Online sale restrictions in franchising agreements, Fabian Elżanowski
On-line services in a mobile context - a qualitative observational study, Krzysztof Redlarski and Marcin Sikorski
On selection criteria of management project methods, Witold Chmielarz
On the available modes of bond issue, Jarosław Szewczyk
On the choice of the way of seeking compensation by air passengers pursuant to Regulation No 261/2004, Dorota Ambrożuk
On the evolution of the conditions for the provision of tourist services from the perspective of consumer interest, Piotr Cybula
On the legal issues surrounding the concept of an entity executing the tasks of a statutory seller, Filip Elżanowski
On the need for the President of UOKiK to issue guidelines on conditional clearance decisions for mergers between undertakings, Jarosław Łukawski
On the notion and scope of rail transport law. Some remarks on the 10th anniversary of the Polish Rail Transport Act of 2003, Michał Będkowski-Kozioł and Łukasz Gołąb
On the Use of Quantitative Methods in Accounting Research in Poland, Marek Gruszczyński
Ontology Construction for the Website Quality Evaluation, Paweł Ziemba and Ryszard Budziński
O obowiązku współdziałania w toku kontroli w postępowaniu przed organami antymonopolowymi – raz jeszcze, Bartłomiej Miedzianowski
Open Access Competition in the Long-Distance Passenger Rail Services in Poland, Marcin Król
Open access in the light of the decisions of the President of the Polish Railway Transport Office (UTK), Marcin Kraśniewski
Open-access operators – a new phenomenon in railway passenger transport in the European Union, Marcin Król
Opening the market for domestic rail passenger transport services to competition. Rules of access to infrastructure for commercial and public services, Akira Jarecki Stefan
O pewnej specyfikacji procesu decyzyjnego, Tadeusz Krupa
Opinion on selected rules on regional sustainable public transport plans with regard to creating attractive offers in the area of public transport by rail, Marcin Ryndziewicz
Opodatkowanie transgranicznego handlu energią elektryczną w Unii Europejskiej, Paweł Kossecki
O potrzebie zmian legislacyjnych w zakresie zasad funkcjonowania powiatowych (miejskich) rzeczników konsumentów, Anna Mlostoń-Olszewska
Opowiadania zebrane. Księga z okazji Jubileuszu 70. urodzin Profesora Andrzeja Sopoćko, Renata Karkowska and Katarzyna Niewińska
Opportunities and directions in the transformation of district heating in Poland, Marcin Ziarkowski
Opportunities for increasing innovation of small enterprises under the circumstances of global competition, Jerzy Bogdanienko
Opportunity Exploitation in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic – The Importance of Dynamic Capabilities and the Entrepreneur’s Characteristics, Kamila Malewska, Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek, and Maja Sajdak
Optimal Currency Area Theory and currency integration process management in Poland, Grzegorz Tchorek
Optimal Empirical Strategy for Deriving the Spot Curve: The Case of Poland, Piotr Bartkiewicz
Optimal Policy for Investment in Human Capital in the Light of Optimal Tax Theory, Sylwia Radomska
Optimal Tax Theory for Investment in Human Capital and the Role of Family, Sylwia Radomska
Optimization of Banks’ Value – Practical Challenges, Jan Koleśnik and Jacek Nadolski
Optimizing Emergency Medical Services Station with the use of a modified transportation problem - the case study of Warsaw, Arkadiusz Manikowski
Options Pricing by Monte Carlo Simulation, Binomial Tree and BMS Model: a comparative study of Nifty50 options index, Ali Bendob and Naima Bentouir
Organizacja i zarządzanie w zarysie, Jerzy Bogdanienko